Mahein nia Lian 21: Dezenvolvimentu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL)

Iha Mahein nia Lian 21 (.pdf), Fundasaun Mahein halo peskiza kle’an ba Dezenvolvementu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste.

Dezenvolvementu Polisia Timor-Leste, hanesan seitor barak seluk nebe’e iha dezenvolvementu nasional , no ne’e obstaklu maka’as los. Importante liu atu dezenvolve iha PNTL laran mak Polisia ne’e rasik.  Polisiamentu ne’e kompleksu , serbisu ne’ebe difisil, ne’ebe perzisa duni matenek diak nian iha lei ho prosedementus sira, no mos pesoal polisia ne’ebe iha  kapasidade naton . Alen de esforsu an atu hasae kapasidade ba autor nasional no mos internasional, hetok hetan ofisiais PNTL ne’ebe sei iha problema. Iha Mahein nia Lian 21, FM deteta tanba saida?.

Atu suporta kna’ar individual ofisiais Polisia sira nian, tenki persiza kapasita PNTL ho suporta ida ne’ebe adekuadu. Ofisiais Polisia persiza fatin ne’ebe uutuliza hodi halo serbisu ba, kareta ne’ebe persiza atu responde ba insedente no komputador ne’ebe persiza atu grava arkivu ba krime ne’ebe tama. Edefisiu/uma , ekipamentu no individual sira ne’ebe persiza fo suporta no sistema  administrasaun ne’ebe forte atu bele hamenus inkapasidade. Iha Mahein nia Lian 21, FM deskobre katak konstruksaun ba edefisiu  Polisia sidauk iha, kareta sira ne’ebe uza la tuir fatin los nian, no mos sistema administrasaun atu suporta PNTL fraku tebes.

PNTL nia mandatu atu hari’i lei no hare’e ba protesaun ne’ebe seguru ba povu Timor-Leste. Atu ezekuta kna’ar ne’e, delega sira ho kapasidade ne’ebe forte atu deteina ameasa ne’ebe iha potensial boot. Atu hetan lejitima ba kna’ar ne’e , PNTL tenki hatene sira nia kapasidade boot liu wainhira fo kna’ar boot ba sira. Maske nune’e FM deskobre nomeru PNTL atus ba atus ne’ebe mosu kada tinan-tinan no lori deit lubuk balun ba tribunal.

Ho Lei Organiku PNTL ne’ebe deklara katak hakbesik ba komunidade ne’e prefere liu ba modelu  polisiamentu ba PNTL, no PNTL kontinua hakbesik ba komunidade ho nomeru boot no uza  polisiamentu ida ne’ebe ho operasaun  militaristiku ba Ninja iha Bobonaro-Suai no operasaun ho naran 88 iha Baucau. FM husu tanba sa maka polisia husi distritus hat ne’e tenki halo operasaun ho intimidasaun lokal no naukten sira? FM husu tanba sa maka okontesemente ne’e mosu iha tinan 2010 maibe nusa maka halo fali responde iha tinan 2011? FM husu, agresivu no fo sai ba ema hotu ho meus diak konaba tipu operasaun ne’e katak fo ona solusaun ba problema hirak ne’ebe mosu?

FM argumentu tan katak  PNTL nia kna’ar ne’e halo lolos nian no hari’i forsa polisia ida ne’ebe efetivu. Polisia ida tenki iha mantein relasaun forte ho komunidade no responsivamentu imidiatu ba komunidade nia persiza. Kna’ar ida ne’e, la’os boot,  no operasaun ida ne’e karun atu atinje objetivu no mos benefisiu ba povu Timor-Leste.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu.

Nélson Belo,

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Tlp:         +670 737 4222


Press Release 

National Police of Timor Leste (PNTL) Development

 In Mahein nia Lian 21, Fundasaun Mahein has carried out in-depth research in to the state of police development in Timor Leste.

Developing the police in Timor Leste, like many other aspects of national development, is tremendously challenging. The most important thing to develop within the police is the police themselves. Policing is a complex, difficult task, which requires a good knowledge of law and procedure, as well as excellent interpersonal skills. Despite much effort to increase capacity by both national and international actors, many PNTL officers are still found wanting.  In Mahein nia Lian 21, FM finds out why.

In order to support the work of individual police officers, the PNTL needs to provide them with adequate support. Police officers need offices from which to work, cars with which to respond to incidents and computers with which to record crimes. Buildings, equipment and individuals need to be supported by strong administrative systems to ensure sustainability. In Mahein nia Lian 21, FM finds that police buildings are not being built, cars are in the wrong place and the administrative systems that support the police are weak.

The PNTL is tasked with upholding the law and seeing to the protection and safety of the people of Timor Leste. In order to carry out this responsibility, they are entrusted with the power to arrest and to use potentially lethal force.  To legitimately hold this responsibility, the PNTL must ensure that they themselves are beyond reproach. However FM finds that of the hundreds of PNTL disciplinary cases every year, very few make it to court.

Despite the Police Organic Law stating that community engagement is the preferred policing model of the PNTL, the PNTL continue to engage in large scale and militaristic policing operations as seen with Operation Ninja in Bobonaro and the recent Operation 88 in Baucau. FM asks why the Police from four districts were required to deal with a local case of intimidation and theft? FM asks why an incident that occurred in 2010 requires a response in 2011? FM asks if aggressive and well-publicized police operations of this type are the best response to these problems?

FM argues that PNTL’s work would best directed at building an effective police force. A police force which maintains strong relations to the community and is responsive to their needs. This work, rather than large, expensive operations to chase ghosts, will be of most benefit to Timor Leste.

If you require further information on this then contact:

Nélson Belo,

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Tlp:         +670 737 4222