Mahein nia Lian 21: Dezenvolvimentu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL)

Iha Mahein nia Lian 21 (.pdf), Fundasaun Mahein halo peskiza kle’an ba Dezenvolvementu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste.

Dezenvolvementu Polisia Timor-Leste, hanesan seitor barak seluk nebe’e iha dezenvolvementu nasional , no ne’e obstaklu maka’as los. Importante liu atu dezenvolve iha PNTL laran mak Polisia ne’e rasik.  Polisiamentu ne’e kompleksu , serbisu ne’ebe difisil, ne’ebe perzisa duni matenek diak nian iha lei ho prosedementus sira, no mos pesoal polisia ne’ebe iha  kapasidade naton . Alen de esforsu an atu hasae kapasidade ba autor nasional no mos internasional, hetok hetan ofisiais PNTL ne’ebe sei iha problema. Iha Mahein nia Lian 21, FM deteta tanba saida?.

Atu suporta kna’ar individual ofisiais Polisia sira nian, tenki persiza kapasita PNTL ho suporta ida ne’ebe adekuadu. Ofisiais Polisia persiza fatin ne’ebe uutuliza hodi halo serbisu ba, kareta ne’ebe persiza atu responde ba insedente no komputador ne’ebe persiza atu grava arkivu ba krime ne’ebe tama. Edefisiu/uma , ekipamentu no individual sira ne’ebe persiza fo suporta no sistema  administrasaun ne’ebe forte atu bele hamenus inkapasidade. Iha Mahein nia Lian 21, FM deskobre katak konstruksaun ba edefisiu  Polisia sidauk iha, kareta sira ne’ebe uza la tuir fatin los nian, no mos sistema administrasaun atu suporta PNTL fraku tebes.

PNTL nia mandatu atu hari’i lei no hare’e ba protesaun ne’ebe seguru ba povu Timor-Leste. Atu ezekuta kna’ar ne’e, delega sira ho kapasidade ne’ebe forte atu deteina ameasa ne’ebe iha potensial boot. Atu hetan lejitima ba kna’ar ne’e , PNTL tenki hatene sira nia kapasidade boot liu wainhira fo kna’ar boot ba sira. Maske nune’e FM deskobre nomeru PNTL atus ba atus ne’ebe mosu kada tinan-tinan no lori deit lubuk balun ba tribunal.

Ho Lei Organiku PNTL ne’ebe deklara katak hakbesik ba komunidade ne’e prefere liu ba modelu  polisiamentu ba PNTL, no PNTL kontinua hakbesik ba komunidade ho nomeru boot no uza  polisiamentu ida ne’ebe ho operasaun  militaristiku ba Ninja iha Bobonaro-Suai no operasaun ho naran 88 iha Baucau. FM husu tanba sa maka polisia husi distritus hat ne’e tenki halo operasaun ho intimidasaun lokal no naukten sira? FM husu tanba sa maka okontesemente ne’e mosu iha tinan 2010 maibe nusa maka halo fali responde iha tinan 2011? FM husu, agresivu no fo sai ba ema hotu ho meus diak konaba tipu operasaun ne’e katak fo ona solusaun ba problema hirak ne’ebe mosu?

FM argumentu tan katak  PNTL nia kna’ar ne’e halo lolos nian no hari’i forsa polisia ida ne’ebe efetivu. Polisia ida tenki iha mantein relasaun forte ho komunidade no responsivamentu imidiatu ba komunidade nia persiza. Kna’ar ida ne’e, la’os boot,  no operasaun ida ne’e karun atu atinje objetivu no mos benefisiu ba povu Timor-Leste.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu.

Nélson Belo,

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Tlp:         +670 737 4222


Press Release 

National Police of Timor Leste (PNTL) Development

 In Mahein nia Lian 21, Fundasaun Mahein has carried out in-depth research in to the state of police development in Timor Leste.

Developing the police in Timor Leste, like many other aspects of national development, is tremendously challenging. The most important thing to develop within the police is the police themselves. Policing is a complex, difficult task, which requires a good knowledge of law and procedure, as well as excellent interpersonal skills. Despite much effort to increase capacity by both national and international actors, many PNTL officers are still found wanting.  In Mahein nia Lian 21, FM finds out why.

In order to support the work of individual police officers, the PNTL needs to provide them with adequate support. Police officers need offices from which to work, cars with which to respond to incidents and computers with which to record crimes. Buildings, equipment and individuals need to be supported by strong administrative systems to ensure sustainability. In Mahein nia Lian 21, FM finds that police buildings are not being built, cars are in the wrong place and the administrative systems that support the police are weak.

The PNTL is tasked with upholding the law and seeing to the protection and safety of the people of Timor Leste. In order to carry out this responsibility, they are entrusted with the power to arrest and to use potentially lethal force.  To legitimately hold this responsibility, the PNTL must ensure that they themselves are beyond reproach. However FM finds that of the hundreds of PNTL disciplinary cases every year, very few make it to court.

Despite the Police Organic Law stating that community engagement is the preferred policing model of the PNTL, the PNTL continue to engage in large scale and militaristic policing operations as seen with Operation Ninja in Bobonaro and the recent Operation 88 in Baucau. FM asks why the Police from four districts were required to deal with a local case of intimidation and theft? FM asks why an incident that occurred in 2010 requires a response in 2011? FM asks if aggressive and well-publicized police operations of this type are the best response to these problems?

FM argues that PNTL’s work would best directed at building an effective police force. A police force which maintains strong relations to the community and is responsive to their needs. This work, rather than large, expensive operations to chase ghosts, will be of most benefit to Timor Leste.

If you require further information on this then contact:

Nélson Belo,

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Tlp:         +670 737 4222

Mahein Nia Lian No. 16: Komunikadu Imprenza Analiza Osamentu Defeza no Siguransa Timor-Leste 2011

Fundasaun Mahein, 22 Janeiru 2011

Fundasaun Mahein nia Lian iha edisaun 16, halo deskuite klean konaba alokasaun osamentu ba seitor Defeza no Siguransa hahu husi tinan 2009, 2010 no 2011 nian. Timor-Leste nudar nasaun ida ne’ebe foin hahu dezenvolve persiza haforsa seitor defeza no siguransa, liu husi osamentu esatdu nian. Maske la’os osamentu mak solusaun uniku ba defeza no siguransa maibe ita labele taka matan katak problema alokasaun osamentu ba seitor siguransa no defeza ne’e importante tebes, no persiza iha planu no programa ne’ebe adekuadu para bele sosa ekipamentus hirak ne’ebe diak no tuir kontekstu  Timor-Leste nian.

Hanesan governu aloka osamentu ba seitor defeza no siguransa husi tinan 2009 ne’ebe kuaze $59.000.000 USD, aumenta iha 2010 to’o $60.000.000 USD maibe, 2011 redus fali sai $51.000.000 USD AS ne’ebe la inklui ho alokasaun $3.900.000 USD resin ne’ebe alokasaun ne’e mai husi ministeriu Infarsturtura ba seitor defeza no siguransa. Ho ida ne’e, tinan 2011 alokasaun osamentu ba defeza no siguransa to’o deit $54.900.000 USD resin

Tuir FM nia hare’e, alokasaun osamentu ba seitor defeza no siguransa husi tinan 2009 – 2010 to’o 2011 ne’e hatudu katak dezenhu osamentu defeza no siguransa ladun konkretu. No tuir observasaun husi FM prosesu dezenhu alokasaun ladun definitivu.

Relatoriu ne’e mos kestiaona katak wainhira sosa ekipamentus instituisaun defeza no siguransa nian tenki tradus ka esplika iha programa alokasaun. Instituisaun defeza no siguransa Timor Leste ne’ebe diak maka tenki iha sistema planu, programa, alokasaun osamentu ne’ebe diak. Persiza estudu viabilidade sosa  ro patrolhamentu rua husi nasaun Cina ho folin $28.000.000 USD ne’ebe laiha  estudi kelayakan, karik sosa ro ne’e bele kondis ho tasi timor ka lae? No portu atu ro sadere ne’e iha ka lae? Tanba realidade hatudu katak ro rua ne’ebe iha ida at ona no laiha portu.

Bazeia ba kestaun hirak ne’e, FM hakarak rekomenda ba governu katak karik iha futuru oin mai antes atu sosa ro ba PNTL Undade Maritima no F-FDTL Komponente Naval persiza iha planu dezenhu osamentu no manutensaun atu nune’e bele garantia ba operasaun ro ne’ebe iha.

FM mos sujere atu sosa ro patrolhamentu tenki tuir nesesidade no bazeia ba kontelasaun geografikamente ba area tasi timor nian.

Nune’e mos, FM husu ba governu tenki hasae kapasitasaun ba maneija alokasaun osamentu, espesialmente ba seitor defeza no siguransa atu nune’e osamentu ne’ebe refere bele uza ba dezenvolvementu instituisaun defeza no siguransa iha Timor Leste.

Ba Parlamentu Nasional, liu-liu  Komisaun B ba asuntu defeza no sigurasa, FM husu tenki halo kontrola maka’as ba implementasaun osamentu liu-liu iha seitor defeza no siguransa. Kontrola ho signifika katak la’os hare’e deit relatoriu husi governu maibe persiza hare’e mos kondisaun iha tereinu.

Imi bele hetan relatoriu iha ne’e.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu.

Nélson Belo,

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Tlp:         +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 22 January 2011

Press Release

Analysis of the Budget for Defense and Security in Timor Leste  2011

In the Voice of Fundasaun Mahein, 16th edition, we will debate in depth the issues concerning budget allocation for the Defense and Security sector starting from the years 2009-2010 to 2011.  As a new nation, Timor-Leste needs to develop a strong defense and security sector through the state budget.   Although the budget is not the only solution for defense and security, we should not ignore the importance of budget allocation for defense and security.  An adequate plan and program are needed to buy equipment according to the contextual needs of contemporary Timor-Leste.

The same government that allocated a budget of $59,000,000 for the defense and security sector in 2009, increased it in 2010 to $ 60,000,000. For 2011 they reduced it to $51,000,000, which did not included the $3,900,000 extra that come from the ministry for Infrastructure to the defense and Security sector.  With this, the total amount allocated for the defense and security sector budget for the year 2011 comes to $54,900,000.

Based on what FM sees, the budget allocated to the defense and security sector from 2009-2010 to 2011, this shows that the design for the defense and security budget is not very concrete.  And based on the observations from FM, the design process of allocation is not definitive.

This report questions/raises doubts that when equipment is purchased for defense and security institutions, the government should translate or explain the allocation program.  Defense and security institutions in Timor-Leste, which have good systems, need to use appropriate plans and programs to allocate the budget in an effective way.  An advanced study is needed to evaluate the viability of purchasing two naval patrol boats from China for the price of $28,000,000, and whether or not these boats meets the geographical needs for the protecting the waters of Timor-Leste.  Are there ports for these boats park in or not?  Reality shows that there is not yet any port capable of handling these two boats.

Based on these matters/questions, FM wants to recommend that in the future, the government review the design of the budget plan before purchasing boats for PNTL’s Maritime Unit and the F-FDTL’s Naval Component, so they can guarantee they receive maintenance for these boats.

FM also suggests that the government consider the geographical requirements of Timor-Leste’s waters, when purchasing patrol boats.

More so, FM asks that the government raise their capacity to manage budget allocation, so the budget can be used to effectively develop the defense and security institutions in Timor-Leste.

FM asks the National Parliament, especially Commission B, to exercise strong control over budget implementation, especially in the defense and security sector.  Significant control means not just looking at reports from the government, but must also observing the condition in training/practice.

For more information on this issue, please contact

Nélson Belo,

Director of Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Telp. +670 737 4222

MAHEIN NIA LIAN NO. 13: Komunikadu da Imprenza: Kna’ar Falintil – Forsa Defesa Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) iha Faze Ukun Rasik A’an husi 2002 – 2010.

Fundasaun Mahein 28 Outubru 2010

Iha Fundasaun Mahein nia Lian edisaun no. 13 fokus ba iha Forças Armadas da Libertação Nacional de Timor-Leste (FALINTIL) hatudu ona nia didikasaun no komitmentu durante okupasaun Indonezia ne’ebe sai hanesan mos fundasaun ida ba F-FDTL sai Defesa Nasional ne’ebe iha prinsipiu neutraliadade iha sistema politik demokrasia Timor-Leste ninia. Mesmu F-FDTL nia abut husi partidu Fretilin ne’ebe nudar organizasaun hahoris naran Falintil, maibe transformasaun Falintil ba F-FDTL tenki iha prinsipiu imparsialidade atu garantia independesia no submete lolos nia a’an ba regras no leis iha rai Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste. Timor-Leste tama faze foun ona ho sistema forsa defesa nasional nebe sei buka lolos koloka kna’ar forsa defesa ninia atu labele iha konflitus politika siguransa iha rai laran. Premeira ves iha Timor-Leste nia istoria akontese instituisaun siguransa nasional hanesan F-FDTL no Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) sai hanesan hun ba konflitu no instabilidade iha tinan 2006.

Timor-Leste parese hatene katak laos selebrasaun mak sai hanesan objetivu fundamental ida ba instituisaun militar para tinan-tinan selebra nia aniversariu, maibe instituisaun militar ne’e persiza hare fila fali katak iha ona tinan walu (8) nia laran sai hanesan instituisaun formal militar ida iha nasaun demokratiku, persiza komesa hametin fundasaun disiplina no profesionalismu militar ba membru sira, ho objetivu katak militar tenki ho mentalidade atu defende interese povu laos interese institusionalidade (institusionalismu). Kestaun ne’e bele hare klean liu, tamba instituisaun laos atu representa grupu ou instituisaun maibe tenki halo sira nia kna’ar tuir konstituisaun haruka, “servisu militar halo tuir lei haruka.” Bazeia legal ne’e importante tebes ba membru militar sira wainhira sira halao servisu militar ninia no nee mos bele prevene politiku nain sira atu intervene ba organizasaun militar ninia. Leitura ida nee tenta atu examina kna’ar Forsa Defesa Timor-Leste liu husi loron nia asume responsabilidade hanesan forsa defeza nasional Timor-Leste iha 20 Maiu 2002 to’o 2010.

Wainhira asembleia nasional aprova konstituisaun no Timor-oan sira ofisialmente deklara Timor-Leste sai rai ida soberanu iha loron 20 Maiu 2002, iha tempu hanesan F-FDTL mos sai formalmente representa militar nasaun ida. Iha kapasidade profesionalismu no fasilidade ne’ebe limitadu teb-tebes, Timor-Leste konsege hahu instituisaun militar ida ne’ebe ho fiar ida katak sei lori interese nasional liu sasan hotu-hotu no garantia soberanu Timor-Leste. Iha FM nia relatoriu ne’e deskobre katak “dezenvolve forsa ida atu proteze Timor-oan husi ameasa liur, tulun azensia guvernu sira no hari’i ami nia rai.” Boa vontade husi Timor-Leste atu hari’i instituisaun militar hetan reasaun positivu husi komunidade internasional liu husi asistensia nasaun bar-barak. Liu husi kanal bilaterais husi Portugal, Australia, Estadu Unidos, Cina, Malaizia noTailandia liu husi treinamentu rai laran no liur, fo ikipamentu, hari’i fasilidade no treinamentu kona ba ajuda logistiku ninia.

Iha FM nia relatoriu ne’e mos deklara katak politikamente to’o ohin loron strutura liders F-FDTL sei domina husi eis membrus Falintil sira i maioria sira hotu foin mak apariende no hetan treinamentu profesional militar iha tempu badak idepois Timor-Leste hetan independensia. Nee mos sai obstaklu ida ba mediu prazu ninia atu dezenvolve lolos instituisaun militar ida ho independente no profesional tamba sei defisil ituan atu haketak Falinitl no F-FDTL.  Rees ispilika katak, “momentu transformasaun F-FDTL hanesan halo lalais liu, ne’e duni defisil ituan haketak F-FDTL husi nia abut Falintil, atu haketak sira bele hamosu interpertasaun negativu no bele interperta sala ba nia future dirasaun.” Husi kestaun nee bele dehan katak F-FDTL sidauk halao nia funsaun totalmente hanesan instituisaun militar profesional tamba emosionalmente no pisikoloziamente membrus eis Falintil sei defisil adapta no koloka sira nia a’an ba regras instituisaun militar. Istoria Falintil bele influenza hahalok no politika F-FDTL ninia iha kualker tempu.

Iha relatoriu ne’e mos FM rekomenda ba estadu no guvernu Timor-Leste iha area balun hakas a’an ona atu dezenvolve ninia instituisaun forsa armada sai hanesan militar profesional nebe hakruk a’an ba povu nia interese, espesialmente sivil mak kontrola institusaun militar ninia (Military under civilian control). Kestaun nee bele aplika iha Timor-Leste wainhira elementus hotu-hotu iha vontade politika atu kaer metin prinsipiu militar iha rai demokratiku. Timor-Leste persiza kria kondisaun ida par povu mak bele halo kontrolizasaun ba kna’ar militar ninia, liu-liu sosidade sivil bele iha kapasidade atu bele halo kontribuisaun no dezenvolvimentu atu kontrola lalaok militar. “Iha rai ida demokratika, sosidade sivil tenki bele hanoin halo nusa bele fo apoiu ideas par bele kontrola milita. Konaba aspeitu ida ne’e, estadu no guvernu nebe kaer pasta politika forsa defesa nia persiza mos involve sosidade sivil atu bele hatene klean liu kona ba politika defesa nia. Ministeriu Defesa hanesan parte sivil halo dadauk politika defesa nia, purtantu Timor-Leste bele dehan sivil mos hola parte ba prosesu hari’i funsionamentu F-FDTL.” Prosesu ne’e bele interperta katak sivil komesa iha parte ida kontrola lalaok militar nia liu husi alokasaun orsamentu halo politika atu hari’i no hametin instituisaun militar tuir regras demokrasia Timor-Leste ninia.

Instituisaun militar persiza hadia mentalidade membrus sira husi veteranu resistensia ba militar profesional no hanoin nasional ba kontekstu standar internasional. Membru sira persiza hasae sira nia matenek liu husi trainamentu no haruka sira bele iskola tan iha universidade konaba assuntus lei nian, justisa, direitus, saude buat seluk-seluk tan. Unversidade sira rai laran no liur mos bele servisu hamutuk ho instituisaun militar bele iha intreasaun enter estudante sira atraves husi siminariu, estaziu, peskiza, despotu, servisu sosial ho parte seluk-seluk tan. Instituisaun militar persiza loke a’an ba publiku para simu kritikas, sugestaun no intereasaun direitamente entre povu ho membru militar sira, nune sira bele hatene no habesik a’an ba instituisaun nee, loke mos debates ou siminariu bar-barak konaba kna’ar F-FDTL iha rai ida demokratiku.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu.

Hetan relatoriu iha ne’e.

Nélson Belo,

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Tlp: +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, October  28,  2010

Press Release

Falintil-Forca Defensa Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) in the Era of Independence, 2002 to 2010.

In the 13th Mahein’s Voice (Mahein Nia Lian No. 13 in English) focuses to Forças Armadas da Libertação Nacional de Timor-Leste (FALINTIL) showed its dedication and commitment during the Indonesian occupation and became the foundation for F-FDTL, a national defense force that has the principle of neutrality within the democratic political system of Timor Leste. Although F-FDTL’s roots come from the FRETILIN party  the organization that produced the name FALINTIL- the transformation of FALINTIL to F-FDTL must have the principle of impartiality, in order to guarantee independence and truly submit itself to the regulations and laws of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste. Timor Leste has entered a new phase  that searches for the right place and function of the defense force so that there is no conflict of security policy  in the country. For the first time in the history of Timor Leste, national security institutions such as F-FDTL and Timor Leste National Police (PNTL) became a major source of conflict and instability in 2006.

Timor Leste surely knows that celebrating their aniversary every year is not the fundamental objective of the military, but that the military institution needs to focus on how during eight years of becoming a formal military institution in a democratic country, they have continued to strengthen the foundation of discipline and military professionalism of their members, with a purpose of creating a military with a mentality of defending the interests of the people, not the interest of the institution (Institutionalism). An institution should not represent groups or institutions, but do its duty as the constitution requires. “Military duty is to follow the order of the Constitution”. This legal basis is very important for military members when they carry out their military duties as this can prevent politicians from intervening with military organisations. This article attempts to examine the role of F-FDTL since the day it acquired responsiblity as Timor Leste’s national defense force from 20 May 2002 until the present.

When the National Assembly approved the constitution and the East Timorese declared Timor Leste a sovereign nation-state on 20 May 2002,  the  F-FDTL also formally became the military representative of this country. With a very limited professional capacity and a lack of facilities, Timor Leste managed to form a military institution with the belief of considering the national interest over other things and guaranteeing the sovereignity of Timor Leste. In FM’s report also found that, “develop a force to protect the people of Timor Leste from outside threat, help the governmental agencies, and build our country”. The goodwill of Timor Leste in forming a military institution recieved positive feedback from the international community through the assistace of many countries – bilateral agreements with Portugal, Australia, the United States, China, Malaysia, and Thailand regarding both in-country training and training abroad, providing equipment, building facilities, and training about logistic assistance

In FM’s report said that, politically, the leadership structure of F-FDTL to this date is still dominated by the ex-members of FALINTIL and a majority of them learned and received professional military training for only a very short time after Timor Leste gained its independence. This is an obstacle to really developing a military institution that is independent and professional because it is  diffcult to separate FALINTIL and F-FDTL. Edward Rees explains that “the moment of F-FDTL transformation was too soon so it is quite difficult to separate F-FDTL from its root FALINTIL because separating them could cause negative interpretation and wrong interpretation to its future direction.” From this case, it could be said that F-FDTL has not achieved its function completely as a professional military institution because emotionally and psycologically members of ex FALINTIL have difficulty adapting and putting themselves under the regulations of the military institution. The history of FALINTIL has the ability to influence the behavior and politics of F-FDTL at any time.

In the report FM also recommends that, the State or governent of Timor Leste has forced their army institution in some ways to become a more professional military that bows to the interest of the people, especially by putting the military under civilian control. This case will be fully applied in Timor Leste when all the members have the political willingness to hold the military to the principles of a democratic country. Timor Leste needs to create a condition where its’ people can control the military. Civil society can contribute to the development of military activities. “In a democratic country, civil society should be able to think about how to give supportive ideas to control the military. Along these lines, the government that makes defence force policy also needs to involve civil society more, in order for them to know more about defense policy.The Ministry of Defense, as well as civil society, is making defence policy. It could be said that civilians can also take part in the process of development of F-FDTL in Timor Leste. This process could be interpreted as civilians begining to control military activity through budget allocation to make policies that build and strenghten the military institution according to the regulations of democratic Timor Leste.

The military institution needs to improve the mentality of its members, moving from that ofa resistance organization to that of a professional military, who think in the context of international standards. They need to increase their knowledge through training and also attend university where they can study law, justice, rights, health and other things. Universities in this country and abroad can also work together with the military institution to have an interaction between students.  This could involve seminars, research, sports, social services, and other components. The military institution needs to be open when receiving public criticisms and suggestions, and increase their direct interactions with the people so that they know and get close to the institution. Open debates and seminars about the role of F-FDTL in a democratic country are also useful in helping the public understand what F-FDTL actually does.

For more informasaun on this issue, please contact

To download the report in english click here.

Nélson Belo,

Director of Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

tlp :  +670 737 4222

MAHEIN NIA LIAN No. 9: Komunikadu da Imprenza, Analiza Kona ba Orsamentu Ratifikativu 2010 ba Siguransa no Defesa

Fundasaun Mahein 25 Agostu 2010

Komunikadu da Imprenza

Analiza Kona ba Orsamentu Ratifikativu 2010 ba Siguransa no Defesa

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nia Lian No. 9 (hetan iha ne’e) ba edisaun ida ne’e, sei halo deskusaun ba osamentu ratifikativu ba osamanetu estadu Seitor Siguransa Defeza.

Iha loron 31 Maiu 2010, Konselhu Ministru Aprova ‘Orsamentu Ratifikativu” ho montante $837,981,000 dolares de amerikanu. orsamentu ida ne’e sae makas liu fali orsamentu estadu tinan 2009 ne’ebe montante $659,996,000 dolares de amerikanu deit.

Orsamentu original ba Ministeriu de Defesa ho Siguransa ninian, total hamutuk $28, 630,000 dolares de amerikanu. Orsamentu ba F-FDTL ho PNTL total $ 51, 940,000 dolares de amerikanu, depois fahe fali ba kada institusaun ba F-FDTL, hamutuk $28,613,000 dolares de amerikanu, i ba PNTL ho total montante hamutuk $23,327,000 dolares de amerikanu.

Konselhu Ministru iha sira nia enkontru iha tinan 2 de Junhu 2010 hasai resolusaun ne’ebe garantia dezenvolvimentu portu provisoriu iha Hera ne’ebe sei gasta osan hamutuk tokon $7,100,000 dolares de amerikanu. Iha biban hanesan Konselhu Ministru mos aprova projeitu konstrusaun publiku ne’e ba kompania internasional LIFESE Engineering, Co, husi Australia ho sistema single sources. FM hanoin katak, Parlementu Komisaun B persiza halo superviza didiak konaba projeitu ne’e. FM mos kestiona ona tambasa maka konstrusaun ida ne’ebe gastu osan boot no involve kompania internasional maibe halo deit portu provisoriu ba F-FDTL Naval nia?

Iha parte seluk FM mos iha prekupasaun bo’ot tebes, konaba estabelesementu Diresaun Nasional Prevensaun de Konflitus Komunitarius (DNPCC), iha SES nia okos. DNPCC hetan alokasaun orsamentu hamutuk $128,000 dolares de amerikanu, osan ida ne’ebe boot tebes. FM kestiona ona ba Parlementu Nasional Komisaun B, tamba sa maka la halo fiskalizasaun ba DNPCC nia atividades, tamba durante tinan rua ona maka dirasaun ne’e harii maibe sidauk halo atividades importante ruma.

FM rekomenda ba Parlementu Nasional Komisaun B, atu halo supervisaun no monitorizasaun, fiskalizasaun ba orsamentu ne’ebe maka aloka ba seitor Defeza ho Siguransa, depois halo relatoriu ida atu bele fo sai ba publiku.

Ho montante orsamentu ida ke bo’ot, Sekretariu do Estadu de Siguransa (SES) no Sekretariu do Estadu de Defesa (SED) tenki iha kapasidade hodi bele desenhu programa ida ke spesifiku relasiona ho oinsa atu bele ezekuta orsamentu sira ne’e ho transparante no akauntibilidade.

FM rekomenda halo diskusaun aberta nebe involve Parlementu Nasional Komisaun B, SES no SED, no mos organizasaun sosiedade sivil hirak ne’e be halo servisu iha area siguransa. Diskusaun ida ne’e ho objetivu atu troka hanoin no mos bele hamosu ideia foun ruma konaba alokasaun orsamentu ho nia ezekusaun ba Defeza ho Siguransa.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu

Nélson Belo

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein

email: direktor.mahein[at] ,

tlp +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein 25 August 2010

Press release:

The analysis of Ratification of State Budget Year 2010 for Security and Defense Institutions

Fundasaun Mahien (FM) nia Lian No.9 (download here). In this edition we are focused on the ratification of the State budget for government institutions that are assigned to deal with Security and Defense.

On 31 May 2010, The Council of Ministers approved the State ratification budget totalling $837,981,000 USD, which is an increase from last budget in 2009, which was only $659,996,000 USD.

The original budget for the Ministry of Defense and Security totalled $28,630,000 USD. Total budget allocation to F-FDTL and PNTL is $51,940,000 USD which from this figure, $28,613,000 USD was allocated to F-FDTL, and $23,327,000 USD was allocated to PNTL.

The Council of Ministers meeting on 2 June 2010 saw released, the resolution to guarantee the development of a temporary Port in Hera village, for which $7,100,000 USD was allocated. At the same time, the Council of Ministers also approved a project of construction to the International company LIFESE Engineering, Co, from Australia through a single source system. FM highlights that, the National Parliament Commitee B needs to better monitor this project. FM also questions why the Council of Ministers have allocated such a large budget for the temporary Port for F-FDTL Navy?

In addition, FM is also preoccupied in regards to the establisment of the National Direction of Conflict Prevention in the Community (DNPCC), by the State Secretary for Security’s office. DNPCC have a budget totalling $128,000 USD, which is a tremendously large budget. FM also questions why the National Parliament Commitee B, during its two years since inception, has not facilitated any of the activities of DNPCC.

FM recommends to National Parliament Commitee B, to supervise and monitor the execution of the budgets that were allocated to the State Secretary for Defense and Security, as well as write a report that the National Parliament Commitee B can distribute to the public, for the people to be informed.

FM also recommends that SES and SED need to have better capacity to design a specific program, in regards to the execution of the budget in a transparent and accountable manner.

FM recommends to the National Parliament Commitee B, to conduct an open meeting with SES and SED, and involve all the civil society organizations which are focused on the Security Sector. The object of this meeting will be to exchange information about the execution of the budget, and provide civilian oversight to the budgets being allocated to the Government’s Security Sector.

For further information please contact Nélson Belo

Director Fundasaun Mahein

email: direktor.mahein[at]

tlp +670 737 4222

MAHEIN NIA LIAN No. 8: Komunikadu da Imprenza, Disputa Rai ho Estabilidade Nasional Iha Timor-Leste (Tetun)

Fundasaun Mahein, 14 Julhu 2010

Komunikadu da Imprenza

Disputa Rai ho Estabilidade Nasional Iha Timor-Leste

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) Nia Lian numero 8 ne’e sei hatuir konaba problema rai iha Timor-Leste, ne’ebe kobre rai boot, ilha ne’ebe pretense ba Timor, rai ketan/fronteira ne’ebe fahe husi nasaun sira ne’ebe mai halo invasaun iha Ilha Timor, i mos halo deskusaun kle’an konaba problema ne’ebe akontense iha tempu Portuguese, i mos problema rai konaba tempu Indonezia no durante tempu 1999 ne’e sorin ida. Sorin seluk, relatoriu ne’e esplika deitalu liu konaba kompleksidade problema rai, nune’e mos liga ba rai no dezemvolvementu, rai no estabilidade, hametin dereitu ba rai no ikus liu hakotu ho konklusaun ho opsaun rekomendasaun konaba rai iha Timor-Leste.

Hadau malu rai nebe akuntese iha tempu Portugal no Indonezia hetok sai komplikadu liu tan ho violensia nebe akuntese iha fulan Setembru 1999. Violensia nebe akuntese depois tinan 1999 maka’as liu hodi haforsa ema barak atu sai husi sira nia rai, dokumentus rai barak mak hetan estraga.  Konsekuensia husi destroisaun nebe militar, polisia no milisia pro Indonezia halao hodi harahun uma hotu pro independensia sira nian.

Iha relatoriu edisaun ida ne’e FM fo sai katak durante tinan 450 resin Portugal ukun rai Timor fo sai deit sertifikadus 2.709. serfikadus sira ne’e barak liu fo ba ema sira nebe besik liu Portugal hanesan liurai sira. Iha parete seluk mos FM fo sai ba publiku durante okupasaun Indonezia nia 24 anus iha Timor fo sertifikadus barak liu fali Portugal. Indonezia hasai sertifikadus hamutuk 44091 ba Timor oan sira ne’ebe besik liu ho Indonezia i lafo sertifikadu ba ema sira ne’ebe pro-independensia.

Komplesksidade problema rai refere kontinua hamosu prekupasaun bo’ot.  Hadau malu rai kontinua akuntese. Seguransa ba rai oituan de’it no ema seidauk bele fiar ba sira nia direitu ba rai nebe sira uza ka hela tanba sistema rai seidauk klaru. Konfuzaun ne’e hamosu konflitu iha komunidade no difikulta prosesu hari dame no  dezenvolvimentu. Tan sa haksesuk malu kona ba rai kontinua akontese hodi kauza bebeik konflitu no teri netik prosesu dezenvolvimentu.

Krize 2006 resulta ema nain 150,000 resin sai husi sira nia uma hodi ba hela iha fatin deslokadus durante tinan rua resin.  Krize 2006 fo indikasaun mai ita katak Timor-Leste nudar nasaun ida nebe potensial tebes ba konflitu.  Los duni katak krize 2006 ne’e mosu tan krize iha korpu militar nian maibe ikus mai mosu iha publiku tan iha interese ba barak uza oportunidade ne’e ba interese privadu no grupu nian. Nune’e bele dehan katak krize laos deit kauza husi buat fator mesak ida maibe iha multi- fator.

Parlamentu Nasional presiza halo diskusaun kle’an liu tan ba Proposta lei rai nebe Konsellu Ministru aprova ona hodi garante interese nacional povu Timor-Lestenian.  Hare ba katak rai ne’e direitu fundamental ema nian, baze ba moris, no identidade ema nian mak ita presiza lei ida nebe refleta duni identidade Timor-Leste nian.

Guvernu atu defini koperasaun sira nebe halo ho organizasaun no doadores sira nebe apoiu dezenvolvimentu administrasaun rai iha Timor-Leste atu halo kapasitasaun diak ba instituisaun Estadu nian ba implementasaun programa.  Koperasaun labele deit halao iha nivel politika deit maibe involve tekniku sira atu hatene prosesu sira nebe la’o durante implementasaun programa.

Ministra da Justisa no USAID atu publika MoU kona ba implementasaun Programa Hametin Direitu ba rai iha Timor-Leste“ Ita Nia Rai” atu publiku bele hetan asesu ba MoU refere. Ida ne’e importante atu garante transparensia ba implementasaun programa sira nebe iralasaun ho asunto fundamental hanesan rai nian.

Bele hetan relatorio iha ne’e.

Fundasaun Mahein, 14 July 2010.

Press Release

Land Dispute and National Instability in Timor-Leste

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) Nia Lian number 8 will discuss land disputes in Timor-Leste, which covers the land, properties, and Islands that are part of Timor, including the border areas which were divided by the foreign occupations of the Island of Timor. The report also highlights in depth, the problems that arose during the Portoguese invasion, and the land problems experienced during the Indonesian occupation, and during 1999.  The report also explains about the complexity of the land situation which is linked to land and development, land and instability and the strength of ownership rights over property. Lastly, FM ends with a conclusion and recommendations.

Land disputes have occurred since the Portuguese time and worsened during the Indonesian time, because of the ruin they caused in Timor-Leste in September of 1999. The 1999 violence forced people to leave their lands and homes, consequently, leaving their ownership documents and files to be burned and ruined. Most of the land documents lost, were those belonging to people who were pro independence.

In this edition being published FM will talk about the fact, that during 450 years of invasion in Timor-Leste, the Portuguese government only released 2.709 land certificates to their Portuguese subordinates and the local kings that were working for them.  On the other hand, FM points out, that during 24 years of the brutal Indonesian occupation in Timor-Leste, 44,091 land certificates were given to the Timorese who were affiliated with Indonesia, and were not people who were pro independence.

The complexity over land issues continued to be a big concern for many people. There is a lack of security regarding land claims, and the people are not confident of their ownership of their land and the houses they live in, because the system is not clear. This obscurity over land ownership has led to conflicts and has made the process of mantaining peace and development difficult. The land claims still being disputed, and other conflicts over property ownership, have been a major barrier for development activities.

The 2006 crisis forced 150,000 Timorese to become internaly displaced pesons for two years. That crisis has indicated to observers, that Timor-Leste has the potential for conflict in the future. It was clear enough, on the surface, that the crisis happened because of problems between the army and police. However, in  the end, the public noted that there were many political interests groups and individuals who were involved, in addition to the many unsolved problem that resurfaced. It can be noted that the cause was not from one single factor only, but it was a crisis caused by multiple factors.

FM recommends in the report, that The National Parliement needs to discuss in-depth, the special bill about property rights which was approved by the Council of Ministers, to guarantee national interest.  Rights over land are fundamental rights for everyone and based on life and personal identity which needs a law, that can reflect the indentity of all Timorese.

FM recommends that the Justice Minister and USAID publish the Memorandum of Understanding that is related to the implemantation of the “Ita Nia Rai” land registration program, so the public can better understand what the project is, and to better guarantee a transparent implementation process of the program.

For further information please contact Nélson Belo,

Director Fundasaun Mahein


tlp +670 737 4222

Click here to access the report in Tetun language.

MAHEIN NIA LIAN No. 6: Komunikadu da Imprenza, Grupu ho Kilat Ilegal iha Timor Leste (Tetun)

Fundasaun Mahein 7 Junhu 2010

Komunikadu da Imprenza

Grupu ho Kilat Ilegal iha Timor Leste

Fundasaun Mahein hanesan ONG nasional nebe halo monitorizasaun, peskiza ho advokasia ba seitor siguransa iha Timor Leste.

Iha fulan ne’e Fundasaun Mahein (FM), hasai relatoriu ida ba publiku ho nia titlu: “Kilat Ilegal ho Grupu Ilegal iha Timor Leste” relatoriu ne’e foka ba akontesementu Ninja, Grupu Ilegal ho Kilat Ilegal husi fulan Fevereiru 2010 to mai operasasaun PNTL iha distritu Bobonaro ho Suai. Iha relatoriu ida ne’e ami inklui mos rumores nebe despalha iha komunidade katak grupu illegal tiru malun ho COE (Comando Operasaun Especial) iha loron 16 Maiu 2010, iha distriu Ermera.

Hanesan ita hotu hatene katak Grupu illegal ho kilat laos buat ida ke foun iha historia Timor-Leste nian. Komesa iha 1975 wainhira Portugez husik hela Timor-Lesta, depois mai fali iha tempu okupasaun militar Indonezia to’o eventu konsulta popular iha 1999. Ikus liu maka krize politika-militar iha 2006. Eventu nebe maka akontese iha Ermera foin dadaun, hanesan kontinuasaun deit husi krize nebe maka akontese tiha ona iha pasadu.

Iha relatoriu ne’e mos FM fo sai katak isu grupu ho kilat ilegal ne’e laos issue bain-bain. Bazea ba dadus nebe maka FM kolekta, FM konklui katak iha duni problema instabilidade ida ke seriu iha rai laran. Maibe to’o oras ne’e dadaun seidauk iha instituisaun governu ida maka fo deklarasaun klaru kona ba grupu ne’e kompostu husi se se no kilat hira maka sira sei iha. Depois de Timor-Leste ukun rasik a’an instituisaun sira ne’e mos seidauk halo esforsu hodi halo rekolha kilat nebe sei namkari iha rai laran.

FM mos fo rekomendasaun balun, mak hanesan, husu  Ministru Defeza e Siguransa atu halo audit kilat iha armajem PNTL ho F-FDTL nian kada tinan tinan liu husi Parlementu Nasional Komisaun B konaba kilat hira mak sei lakon e hira mak iha armajem.

FM rekomenda katak preciza kria sistema informasaun ida ke integradu atu halo ko’ordinasaun ida ke  diak entre membrus PNTL iha distritu tomak, Quartel Geral PNTL iha Dili no Servisu Nasional da Inteligensia (SNI). Koordenasaun mos importante para PNTL atu hasai apelu ruma ba publiku tenke bazea ba dadus konkreta iha tereinu no realidade nebe akontese para atu la bele kria paniku iha povu nia le’et.

FM mos rekomenda katak iha futuru governu tenke fo atensaun makas ba PNTL ba Unidade Polisia Komunitaria atu bele halo sira nia dever no hakbesik liu tan ba komunidade atu bele atende sira nia kazu hodi prevene violensia.

FM mos rekomenda katak iha operasaun saida deit PNTL tenki respeita propriedade komunidade nian, komesa husi ai horis to’o animal[1] nebe maka komunidade sira hakiak.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu Nélson Belo, Direktor Fundasaun Mahein, Atu hetan relatoriu Fundasaun Mahein Nia Lian ne bele asesu husi Web: ou tlp ba : +670 737 4222

Bele hetan relatorio iha ne’e.

Fundasaun Mahein 7 June 2010

Press Release

Illegal group and illegal weapons in Timor Leste

Fundasaun Mahein is a national NGO whose purpose is to monitor, conduct research, and advocate policy options for the Timorese security sector. This month Fundasaun Mahein (FM), is going to release a report to the public with the title: “Illegal weapons and illegal groups in Timor Leste.” This report will focus on Ninja activities, and the Illegal groups and illegal weapons incident which occurred during February 2010, up to the recent PNTL operations in the districts of Bobonaro and Suai.  This report will also talk about the escalation of rumors that were spread in the community about a confrontation and shootout between an illegal group and the COE (Especial Command Operation) of PNTL on May 16, 2010 in the district of Ermera.

We all know that illegal groups and illegal weapons are not new in the history of Timor Leste.  Many such groups and weapons are left over from when the Portuguese departed in 1975, with the proliferation continuing all throughout the Indonesian military occupation which lasted up to the time of the referendum in 1999.  During the political-military crisis of 2006 we saw again the deployment of illegal weapons to civilians.  We consider the recent Ermera situation, as a sad continuation of the past.

Based on the facts that Fundasaun Mahein has collected, we can conclude that there are serious problems of instability in the nation.  But, at the current time there are no relevant government institutions that have formally declared who belongs to these groups and how many weapons they possess.  After Timor Leste achieved independence, these institutions of government did not make much effort to collect all the illegal weapons still scattered around the country.

FM recommends to both Ministers of Defense and Security for them to order an annual audit of the weapons in the armories of both PNTL and F-FDTL.  This audit should be carried out through the National Parliament Commission B and should include a list of the missing weapons and the existing inventory of weapons in both armories.

Fundasaun Mahein also acknowledges that there is a need for more adequate communication among the security institutions, and recomends the establishment of an intergrated system of sharing information which enables better coordination between PNTL members in the districts, PNTL Headquaters in Dili, and the National Intelligence Service (SNI). This type of coordination is important so that when an annoucement is made by PNTL to the public, it has already been shared with and vetted by other relevant  security institutions, and is based on concrete data, so there is no confusion, and we avoid the possibility of a public panic.

Fundasun Mahein recommends that in the future the Government must give their full attention to PNTL, especialy PNTL’s Community Police Unit and make sure they comply with their duties and establish close links with the community in order to attend to their issues and prevent future conflicts.

FM also highly recommends that in their every day operations, PNTL show full respect to the private property of individuals in the community, including plantations and gardens to pet animals and livestock for which people are the owners and caretakers.

For further information regarding this report, please contact

Nelson Belo, Director, Fundasaun Mahein ,

tlp +670 737 4222

Download the English version here.

MAHEIN NIA LIAN No. 4, 22 Oktober 2009. “Perbatasan dan Keamanan Nasional di Timor-Leste”.

Fundasuan Mahein hakarak atu fo hatene katak ami nia “Mahein Nia Lian” No 4 “Perbatasan dan Keamanan Nasional di Timor-Leste” sei pronto ona.

Atu download click iha ne’e.


MAHEIN NIA LIAN No. 3, 25 Sept 2009. “Sebuah Tinjauan Keamanan di Timor Leste”.

Fundasuan Mahein hakarak atu fo hatene katak ami nia “Mahein Nia Lian” No 3 “Sebuah Tinjauan Keamanan di Timor-Leste” sei pronto ona.

Atu download click iha ne’e.


Perlukah Sistim Inteligen Timor Leste Direvisi?, MAHEIN NIA LIAN NO.2.

MAHEIN NIA LIAN No.2, 6 Julho 2009.

Perlukah Sistim Inteligen Timor Leste Direvisi ?

(Tinjauan Atas UU Inteligen dan Perspektif ke Masa Depan)

Oleh: Justiano R. de Jesus*

Pada 13 Desember 2007 lalu, Dewan Menteri Pemerintah Kontitusinal IV, dibawah Perdana Menteri Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, telah mengesahkan Undang-undang (UU) mengenai Sistim Intelligen Timor Leste. UU ini sangat penting karena menggariskan sistim politik, koordinasi, dan pelaksanaan organisasi-organisasi inteligen di negeri ini. Secara prinsipil, UU ini telah memiliki satu konsep keseluruhan mengenai mekanisme dan sistim kerja organisasi inteligen. Walaupun demikian, tak terpungkiri bahwa UU ini “terlalu disederhanakan” untuk sebuah institusi sepenting inteligen. Terlepas dari upaya keras yang telah dilakukan pemerintah, UU tersebut masih menyimpang beberapa titik lemah yang memiliki implikasi negatif atas managemen inteligen di masa mendatang.

Kelemahan UU tersebut tidak terletak pada materi hukumnya, melainkan pada deskripsi sistim inteligen yang ada didalamnya. Bila ditilik secara teliti, UU ini menyisihkan adanya kehilangan interkoneksi, definisi, kompetensi, dan lingkup strategis selain absennya beberapa institusi penting di negara ini. Lebih jauh, “kesederhanaan” UU tersebut belum sepenuhnya merefleksian kebutuhan ril keamanan nasional (national security interest) Timor Leste. Dengan kata lain, revisi pada UU ini sangat perlu karena akan mengambil peran penting pada usaha mempertahankan kedaulatan negara, memperkokoh amanat konstitusi, menjamin kemerdekaan, melindungi warga negara dan kekayaan bangsa ini dari segala bentuk ancaman.

Tentang UU inteligen Timor Leste

Sebelum menganalisis materi UU inteligen, ada baiknya kita melihat terlebih dahulu bagaimana UU tersebut dibentuk. UU inteligen ini merupakan produk yang ditinggalkan oleh pemerintahan Konstitusional I dibawah Perdana Menteri Dr. Mari Alkatiri. UU tersebut mulai digarap sebagai kebijakan Kabinet I yang menginginkan perubahan National Security Adviser (NSA) yang ditinggalkan UNTAET pada tahun 2002 dan ditransformasi menjadi Organisasi Inteligen Negara dibawah kontrol Serviço Nacional de Segurança do Estado atau SNSE pada tahun 2003. Pada awalnya, UU ini ditulis berdasarkan paduan dan kompilasi dari UU ASIO (Australian Security and Intelligent Organisation) dan SIS (Serviço Informação Secreta – Portugal). Namun dalam perkembangannya, UU ini mengalami banyak perubahan dan kesendatan akibat keterbatasan

sumber, tenaga ahli serta minimnya anggaran untuk memperlancar proyek ini. Tidak hanya itu, UU ASIO dan SIS tidak dapat direduksi mentah-mentah dalam kondisi dan kebutuhan inteligen Timor Leste yang konteks wilayahnya lebih kecil serta kompleksitas ancamannya berbeda. Meskipun demikian, proyek UU ini terus berlanjut dengan bantuan-bantuan terbatas dari SIS, ASIS (Autralian Secret Intelligent Service), RD (Research Development) badan Inteligen Malaysia, Badan Intelligen Negara (BIN) Indonesia, dan beberapa ahli hukum dan advisor inteligen. Tetapi, bantuan-bantuan tersebut sangat informal, terbatas dan tertutup.

Pada tahun 2005, draft pertama selesai dan diajukan ke Dewan Menteri Kabinet I. Namun segera, UU ini tidak disahkan karena masih mengalami beberapa perdebatan teknis. Bahkan dalam takaran politiknya, Perdana Menteri Dr. Mari Alkatiri (Kabinet I) menilai bahwa terlalu banyak “campur tangan” negara tertentu dalam bisnis inteligen Timor Leste. Persepsi ini memberi indikasi bahwa sistim inteligen kita “tidak aman” dan membahayakan sistim keamanan nasional Timor Leste ke depan. Karenanya, UU ini ditarik ulur dan dibekukan di meja dewan menteri hingga terjadinya krisis 2006.

Pasca krisis, UU ini kembali mendapat perhatian dari Perdana Menteri DR. José Manuel Ramos Horta yang memegang Pemerintahan Konstitusional II pada waktu itu. Secara inplisit, Horta menginginkan agar organisasi SNSE dapat ditempatkan dibawah pengawasan langsung Presiden Republik RDTL. Namun ide ini tidak berlanjut. Akan tetapi, Ramos Horta tetap mendukung dan memperlancar pembahasan materi UU ini di Dewan Menteri. Walaupun kabinet Horta tidak mengesahkannya, namun draft UU ini telah diselesaikan selama masa jabatannya.

UU ini kemudian menjadi salah satu prioritas Perdana Menteri Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão yang memegang Pemerintahan Konstitusional IV. Pembahasannya dipercepat dan mendapat pengesahan pada 13 Desember 2007. Nama inteligen negara yang sedianya bernama Serviço Nacional de Segurança do Estado (SNSE) dirubah menjadi Serviço Nacional da Inteligência (SNI) dalam UU tersebut. Namun kabinet Xanana tidak serta-merta mengeksekusi pelaksanaan UU tersebut. Dalam beberapa aspek, Xanana menilai kompetensi dan eksistensi organisasi inteligen (SNI, PNTL dan F-FDTL) masih jauh dari kapasitas yang diharapkan. Bahkan SNI yang menjadi “mata dan telingga” Perdana Menteri dinilai minim kemampuan, pengalaman dan sumber daya untuk menjalankan fungsi inteligen secara profesional. Namun secara struktural maupun organisasional, organ SNI tetap berfungsi termasuk inteligen PNTL dan F-FDTL.

Apa yang Perlu Direvisi ?

Pada prinsipnya, UU ini sudah memiliki beberapa dasar pegangan yang sangat baik. Salah satu diantaranya adalah penetapan Dewan Pengawas Inteligen di Parlemen (§ Art. 7,1-2). Hal ini menjadi satu penjamin bagi keberlangsungan negara demokratis dan menghindarkan organisasi inteligen dari tindakan-tindakan yang melawan konstitusi dan hukum. Lebih penting lagi, UU ini mengantisipasi “penyelewengan” kekuasaan yang mungkin dapat dilakukan oleh seorang Perdana Menteri atau pejabat negara dalam memperalat organisasi inteligen untuk tujuan politiknya. Lebih jauh, UU ini juga telah menetapkan sebuah sistim dan kerangka kerja inteligen seperti Koordinasi Inteligen Inter-kementrian, Komisi Teknik, SNI dan Dewan Pengawas Inteligen di Parlemen (§ Art. 6,1). Meski demikian, beberapa pokok dalam hukum inteligen masih “kehilangan” beberapa subtansi penting. Ada empat pokok persoalan yang dapat kita amati dalam konteks UU tersebut.

Pertama, konsep subtansial seperti definisi keamanan nasional inteligen, pola dan kebijakan strategis inteligen (analysis of global, regional and national nature), lingkup operasi-operasi inteligen, wewenang dan batasan Perdana Menteri serta koordinasi dengan beberapa organ penting pemerintah tidak dipertegas dalam UU itu. Sebaliknya, hal-hal tersebut hanya tersirat dalam kalimat pembukaan (§ preamblu). Patut digariswabahi bahwa unsur-unsur ini sangat prinsipil, maka tidak cukup hanya menuangkan garis-garis kebijakan sedemikian penting dalam pengantar UU. Justru, penegasan bagian-bagian tersebut pada bab tertentu akan meneguhkan kebijakan keamanan nasional dan mempertegas visi strategis inteligen Timor Leste secara menyeluruh. Bila bagian-bagian tersebut tidak ditekankan justru akan memberikan implikasi negatif atas interpretasi operasi inteligen di masa mendatang.

Kedua, dalam urusan Inteligen Luar Negeri tidak diperjelas kompetensi dan koordinasi SNI dan MNEC. Sebaliknya, UU tersebut secara inplisit melegalisasi SNI sebagai organ resmi dalam operasi intelligen luar negeri (§ Art 13,1) tanpa menyebut interkoneksi dengan MNEC sebagai pemegang strategi kebijakan luar negeri. Mungkin saja MNEC dikategorikan dalam koordinasi Inter-ministerial (§ Art 6,1-d). Namun mengingat fungsi dan peran MNEC yang sangat penting, maka sangat perlu untuk menegaskan secara jelas status MNEC dalam Komisi Teknik Inteligen selain instansi Imigrasi dan Bea Cukai (§ Art 12,3 a-b).

Ketiga, UU tersebut tidak menyebutkan peran Intelligen Pertahanan. Hal ini bisa dimaklumi karena saat ini Kementrian Pertahanan tidak memiliki direksi inteligen Pertahanan (sipil). Namun perlu diperjelas bahwa fungsi dasar inteligen F-FDTL adalah operasi dan taktik militer. Fokus dan Peran “J-2” (inteligen F-FDTL) tidak untuk konsumsi sipil, namun lebih pada operasi-operasi strategis militer (center of gravity). Data-data inteligen militer berorientasi pada bahaya-bahaya eksternal (defence threats) dan upaya-upaya pencegahannya (prevention manouvers). Sebaliknya di tingkat kebijakan strategis, dibutuhkan sebuah direksi sipil untuk

menganalisa dan memproduksi data inteligen untuk kebutuhan strategi kebijakan sipil termasuk pemetaan politik di tingkat kementrian pertahanan. Keduanya memiliki satu orientasi strategis yaitu pertahanan, namun berbeda dalam pola kebijakan (defence policies) dan skala militer (tactic, operation and manouver).

Keempat, secara garis besar, artikel pada UU tersebut telah menyebutkan beberapa bagian penting seperti sistim database (§ Art 15-16), kondisi akses (§ Art 17), dan kerahasian (§ Art 19). Namun urain-urain tersebut tidak mempertegas tiap artikel tersebut. Contohnya, bagaimana sistim database (data bank system) seharusnya diawasi. Atau siapa yang berhak mendapat akses (authorization access) terhadap data inteligen, siapa yang memberi wewenang dan siapa yang tidak berhak (restristic access). Tiap artikel pada UU tersebut harus dipertegas penjabarannya untuk menghindari dualisme interpretasi pada saat pelaksanaan operasi inteligen.

Beberapa ide pokok di atas adalah suatu topik urgen untuk didiskusikan. Saya menilai bahwa materi UU tersebut, termasuk beberapa babnya mesti diperjelas, ditambahkan dan dijabarkan lebih luas. Hal ini penting karena UU ini akan menjadi peletak dasar bagi sistim pelaksanaan inteligen di Timor Leste.

Revisi dan Perspektif ke Masa Depan

Krisis tahun 2006 dan insiden 11 Februari 2008 dapat menjadi sebuah indikator penting untuk menilai sistim inteligen kita. Faktanya, sistim inteligen saat ini masih rapuh dan belum memenuhi porsi maksimalnya. Minimnya prioritas koleksi, analisa (possible, probable dan reconnaissance), akurasi data dan koordinasi membuat fungsi “preventif inteligen” hilang bentuknya dalam kejadian-kejadian tersebut. Dalam beberapa opini, organisasi inteligen dituding dan dipersalahkan sebagai lembaga yang tidak mampu untuk mengantisipasi krisis 2006 dan imbasnya. Bahkan kasus 11 Februari 2008 semakin melegitimasi opini publik tersebut. Tapi tak terbantahkan bahwa rentetan krisis 2006 dan biasnya tidak sepenuhnya kesalahan inteligen.

Namun, kejadian-kejadian tersebut patut menjadi referensi penting untuk merevisi organ inteligen, termasuk hukum, strategi, kebijakan, managemen, kinerja, anggaran, sumber daya dan faktor manusia. Revisi atas semua elemen tersebut akan membuka ruang lebih luas untuk melihat celah dan kelemahan organisasi inteligen saat ini. Pada gilirannya, kita lebih mudah untuk menentukan bagaimana dan darimana revisi atas organ inteligen mesti dimulai.

Oleh karena itu, saya berpendapat bahwa, revisi terhadap organ inteligen di Timor Leste harus menjadi satu agenda strategis bagi pemerintah saat ini, terlebih SNI yang menjadi badan sentral inteligen negara. Karena itu, enam konsep berikut menjadi bagian urgensitas yang mesti dipertimbangkan secara

serius dalam pengembangan organ inteligen negara termasuk didalamnya J-2 dan SIP.

Pertama, membentuk Kabinet Khusus dibawah koordinasi dan pengawasan langsung Perdana Menteri. Kabinet ini hanya bersifat ad hoc dan bertujuan untuk merumuskan kebijakan-kebijakan, visi, misi, tujuan, hukum organik, strategi dan kerangka operasional inteligen Timor Leste sesuai dengan UU yang telah terbentuk. Kabinet ini dikoordinasi oleh SNI dan melibatkan SIP, J-2, Imigrasi, Custom, MNEC, bagian jurisdiksi dan organ lain yang berkompeten. Untuk membantu konsep-konsep teknis yang lebih kompleks, pemerintah dengan seleksi yang ketat, dapat menentukan beberapa pakar dan ahli inteligen untuk menjadi bagian dari kabinet ini dengan jangka waktu dan ToR yang ketat. Hasil kerja kabinet ini kemudian diajukan ke Perdana Menteri dan selanjtunya dibahas di Dewan Menteri. Konsultasi dengan Parlemen sangat dianjurkan sebelum disahkan sebagai kebijakan resmi pemerintah.

Kedua, Konsep Strategis Keamanan Nasional. SNI dapat mengadopsi UU Keamanan Nasional yang telah dikeluarkan oleh “Kabinet Forca 2020-Kementrian Pertahanan” sebagai pedoman dasar dalam menetapkan lingkup strategi dan operasi inteligen selain pijakan terhadap Konstitusi dan UU yang berkaitan. Ruang lingkup, target operasi, strategi inteligen dikembangkan dalam satu atau mono-konsep keamanan nasional. Hal ini penting agar visi dan kebijakan strategis menjadi satu bagian integral dalam semua institusi yang bertanggungjawab dalam bidang pertahanan dan keamanan, termasuk organisasi inteligen negara.

Ketiga, Hukum Organik. Organ seperti SNI, J-2 (F-FDTL), SIP (PNTL), dan Intelligent Networking Group perlu memiliki hukum organik. Hal ini penting untuk memastikan bahwa seluruh kerangka kerja dan koordinasi organ inteligen berjalan di atas suatu koridor hukum. Kebijakan-kebijakan, operasi (operation security), prosedur-prosdeur (intelligent requirement), sistim, teknologi (electronic warfare), managemen dan eksekusi kerja organ inteligen dilandaskan pada tatanan hukum yang jelas. Belajar dari pengalaman bahwa, organ sepenting SNI (SNSE), sejak didirikan pada tahun 2002 tidak memiliki satu hukum organik. Akibatnya, seluruh managemen organisasi tidak berkembang, tidak ada target (collection manager), minim rencana strategis serta tidak meyakinkan Perdana Menteri dalam kebijakan keamanan nasional.

Keempat, merestrukturisasi organisasi dan managemen inteligen. Disahkannya UU inteligen memberi satu dasar hukum kuat bagi tiap organ inteligen untuk merevisi kembali struktur, organisasi dan managemennya. Pemantapan organ inteligen perlu melihat kembali dua bagian penting. Bagian pertama terfokus pada revisi managemen organisasi yang meliputi: struktur, regulasi, SDM, sumber pendukung, pelatihan dan pendidikan, alokasi anggaran serta

koordinasi. Sedangkan bagian kedua memperjelas fungsi strategis yang meliputi: target dan prioritas, kebijakan strategis, metode teknis serta pola-pola operasi. Kedua bagian tersebut menjadi satu paket penting untuk mengembangkan insitutsi inteligen ke tingkat yang lebih profesional.

Kelima, Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) atau Humint (human inteligent) menjadi hal esensil dalam organisasi inteligen. Intelligent tidak hanya berarti “pintar” namun konteks tersebut menunjuk pada kualitas lebih “seorang intel” dalam organ inteligen. Kemampuan mereka harus melewati tahap-tahap uji khusus (kemampuan intelektual, nasionalisme, loyalitas, pemahaman hukum, litsus, sejarah, idilogi bangsa, etc) dengan kemampaun lebih dalam bidang-bidangnya (hukum, ekonomi, IT, politik, hubungan internasional, keuangan, administrasi, etc). Hakekatnya, manusia (humint) adalah faktor utama dalam organisasi inteligen. Sudah semestinya, pelaku inteligen negara diseleksi secara ketat dan memiliki kemampaun ekstra dari kaum awam umumnya. Di lain sisi, para intel harus mendapat pendidikan yang layak (well-grommed) sesuai dengan bidangnya masing-masing. Persoalan saat ini, sejauhmana kemampuan humint dalam organ inteligen Timor Leste ?

Keenam, Dukungan Anggaran dan Sumber Daya. Seorang ahli direksi inteligen Mossad pernah berkata kepada Eli Cohen (Ketua Inteligen Mossad), “Kalau anda (Eli) menginginkan ikan hiu maka jangan berikan ekor sardin sebagai umpannya. Kami butuh umpan yang seimbang untuk menangkap ikan hiu!”. Analogi tersebut merujuk pada persoalan budget dan dukungan sumber daya. Arti metaforisnya menegaskan bahwa organisasi setingkat inteligen membutuhkan biaya yang memadai dan dukungan materi (imagery inteligent – imint, signal inteligent – sigint, dll) yang cukup untuk bekerja. Tanpa biaya dan fasilitas yang efektif maka operasi inteligen tidak lebih dari lembaga yang mandek.

Langkah-langkah tersebut di atas memiliki konsep urgensitas yang patut diperhitungkan. Revisi terhadap UU dan pembenahan pada organ inteligen merupakan dua hal penting. Peninjaun kembali UU inteligen untuk memastikan bahwa konsep dan prinsip-prinsip dasar UU tersebut telah mencakupi semua bidang strategis keamanan nasional. Sedangkan regenerasi pada organ dan struktur inteligen untuk memastikan bahwa institusi-instusi tersebut memiliki kemampuan yang diharapkan guna menjamin estabilitas keamanan nasional secara menyeluruh.

Meningkatnya tingkat ancaman keamanan nasional yang lebih kompleks pada dasawarsa ini (terorism, money laundry, human trafic, smuggling, international organize crimes, electronic warfare, dll) pada gilirannya menuntut kompetensi lebih dari tiap organ inteligen. Selain F-FDTL dan PNTL, eksistensi inteligen memberi porsi besar terhadap usaha melindugi kepentingan strategis keamanan

nasional. Keputusan-keputusan penting dalam organ Pertahanan Keamanan sangat tergantung juga pada kapasitas organ inteligen untuk memainkan perannya. Di tingkat operasional, F-FDTL dan PNTL menjadi pilar keamanan internal dan ekternal. Sedangkan di level strategis SNI dan organ inteligen lainnya menjadi pengawas dan penjamin pada tiap kebijakan keamanan nasional.

*Penulis menyelesaikan pendidikan pada Australian Defence College. Saat ini menjadi peneliti pada Fundasaun Mahien (FM) sebuah institusi nasional yang berkecimpung dalam bidang Pertahanan dan Keamanan nasional di Dili.

Click atu hetan relatorio kompletu iha .pdf

Mahein Diak, MAHEIN NIA LIAN No. 1.

MAHEIN NIA LIAN No. 1, 1 Julho 2009.

Mahein[1] Diak.


Nelson Belo[2]


Hafoin destruksaun total iha areas infra-estrutura, social no politika, economía, edukasaun no sel-seluk tan iha teritoriu Timor Leste laran tomak nebe’e militar Indonezia ho nia liman ain Milicia halo iha 1999, ativista estudantes Timor-Leste ho ativista Organizasaun Naun Governamental Timor-Leste (ONGTL) balun hari’i hikas sira nia estruktura no hahu fali sira nia atividades iha area oi-oin. ONG Timor mosu nu’udar parseiru diak ba misaun United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) hodi fo suporta ba vakuma nebe’e mak Indonezia husik hela iha momentu neba. Ho sasidik oi-oin iha areas barak, ka sel-seluk tan, ajensia Internasional sira fo asistencia ba ONGTL atu bele sai mata dalan ba misaun UNTAET hodi aselera prosesa Administrasaun Tranzitoriu ba rai ida ne’e, tamba ONGTL sira ne’e iha rede diak no forte durante tempu luta ba libertasaun nacional ka Ukun Rasik-An nian to’o mai iha tinan 2000. Ho papel oi-oin ONGTL sira ne’e sai mata dalan no parseirus diak ba misaun UNTAET nudar fasilitator tuir sira nia kna’ar ida-idak maibe ONGTL nebe’e halo kna’ar ba area Seguransa laiha liu iha husi tinan 2000 to fulan Junho 2009.

Inspektrum ho Sociedade Sivil nia Kna’ar

Faktus hatudu, iha tinan 2002 wainhira transforma Forcas Armadas Libertasaun Nacional de Timor Leste (FALINTIL) ba Falintil-Forca Defeca de Timor Leste (F-FDTL) ho formasaun Policia Nacional de Timor leste (PNTL), iha momentu neba totalmente  laiha mekanismu ida nebe’e adekuadu atu fo fatin ba konsultasaun publiku. Protestu, reasaun ka opinioin negativu  bar-barak los nebe’e mosu husi grupu NGOs, grupu feto, Juventude,  Akademiku sira, grupu veteranu hanesan Conselhu Popular Defeca Republica Democratica de Timor leste (CPD-RDTL), Antigus Kombatentis, grupu Sagrada Familia, grupu Colimau 2000, no sel-seluk tan iha Timor-Leste. Impaktu negativu ba falta konsultasaun ba publiku, konaba transformasaun FALINTIL ba F-FDTL no formasaun PNTL sai hanesan historia metan/negro iha tempu Timor Ukun Rasik-An nian. Izemplu, iha tinan 2000 molok FALINTIL transforma ba F-FDTL Komandante Cornelio Gama ou L-7 no aktual membru Parlamento Nacional husi partidu Unidade Nasional Demokratiku Republika de Timor Leste (UNDERTIM)  ho nia elementus lubun ida sai husi Kuartel Jeral Falintil iha Aileu anexan meius de protesta ka insatisfasaun husi grupu L-7 nian, 2005 F-FDTL ho PNTL “Run Nehan” ba malu iha Lospalos, Becora, to’o mai krizi política no militar iha tinan 2006. Akontesementus hirak ne’e impaktu husi falta de konsultasaun publiku ba formasaun institusaun Defeca no Seguranca nasaun ne’e nian. Ulun boot nasaun ne’e nian konsidera liu King Coullegues nia doutrina no la nakloke an hodi simu hanoin murak husi sociadade sivil, intelectual Timor oan sira nian hodi participa aktiva iha prosesu estabelesimentu ka hari’i instituisaun Defeca no Seguranca iha tempu neba. Aleim de falta konsultasaun ba publiku Timor, hetok liu tan laiha matenek Timor oan sira ka NGO nasional nebe fo ninia kontribuisaun ba rai doben Timor ne’e iha seitor Seguransa.

NGO foun Fundasaun Mahein (FM) mosu iha June 2009 ho nia misaun murak mean atu fo kontribuisaun diak no konstrutivu rai ida ne’e atu ajuda hodi aumenta lejitimidade no kapasidade sektór Seguransa Timor nian liu husi pasrtisipasaun sidadaun nian iha dezenvolvimentu ba lejizlasaun, polítika no prosedimentu sira nebe’e relevante.  FM nia misaun mak atu halo monitorizasaun, halao peskiza kona ba, i rekomenda opsaun politika nian sira ba seitor Seguransa Timor nian. Programa objetivu FM nian 1) atu kria no aumenta espasu ba debate, ho diskusaun publiku, no partisipasaun iha asuntus sira nebe’e relasionadu no relevante wain ho supervizaun no jestaun sivil nian konaba sektor Seguransa, 2) atu fornese rezerva ida ba informasaun no analiza konaba sektor Seguransa; no, 3) atu asiste iha hametin kapasidade institusional husi sektor Seguransa nian nune’e lori iha konta rekezitu sira ba Seguransa no protesaun sidadaun Timor-Leste nian. FM sei halo kna’ar fokus ba iha monitorizasaun ba institusinal hanesan Orgaun Legislativu ka Parlementu Nasional Komisaun B ba asuntus Seguransa no Defesa, Orgaun Eksekutivu ka governu hanesan Ministeriu Defesa no Seguransa, Ministeru Financas, ne’e ba institusional sira nebe’e kobre asuntu polisial (policy). Ba asuntu implementasaun maka institusaun F-FDTL, PNTL, Servico Nasional da Intelegencia (SNI), institusaun privadu nebe’e kaer Seguransa hanesan Sekuriti Maubere, APACT no seluk seluk tan. Objetivu ba monitorizasaun ne’e atu fo informasaun ba publiku konaba asuntu refere nune’e bele kria debate ka participasaun publiku iha asuntus sira nebe’e importante ba seitor Seguransa nune’e bele kria lejitimidade ba institusaun sira nebe’e ezekuta kna’ar Seguransa iha terenu, hanesan parte ida.  Iha parte seluk, partisipasaun publiku ba seitor Seguransa bele fo lejitimidade forte no bele lori institusaun sira nebe kaer Seguransa ho Defeza se’es husi naksalak sira nebe temi tiha ona iha leten.

Atu se’es no hadok an husi naksalak sira ne’e, tuir vice PM Jose Luis Guterres ba asuntus Sociais no Negocios Estranjeirus katak “Socedade Sivil sai ona parseiru importante liu iha nasaun ne’e hamutuk ho estadu ho governu para halo dezemvolvimentu nasional” (TVTL 2009)). Sita ba vice PM Jose Luis Guterres nia liafun, Fundasaun Mahein ho refere ba grupu advokasia, grupu professional, asosiasaun estudantes, media, grupu feto, grupu veteranus, grupu akademiku no grupu-grupu seluk-seluk nebe’e  hamahon-an iha Forum Organizasaun Naun Govermental Timor-Leste (FONGTL), hahu kria daudaun ona le’et (espasu) nebe plural no ekspersaun diversidade ba debate ka diskusaun no partisipasaun publiku ativu ho pasifiku ba iha dezenvolvementu nasional.

Ita hateke ba kotuk, durante tempu kolinial Portugues[3], seidauk iha ONGTL hanesan sai praseiru ba governu Portugal. Maibe, iha okupasaun Indonezia nia klaran, mais oumenus iha tinan1991 to’o 1997 hahu mosu ona OGNTL balun hanesan ETADEP, Media-Suara Timor Timur (STT), Yayasan Hak, Justica da Paz Dioseze Dili. Hafoin tinan 1998 hahu mosu tan asosisaun ka grupus balun ne’ebe ho objetivu halibur malu ho ispiritu luta ba Ukun Rasik-An hanesan Fokupers, Konselhu Estudante Klosan Timor Leste (KEKTL), Grupu Feto Foin Sae Timor-Leste (GFFTL), Grupu Estudante iha Indonezia hanesan RENETIL nebe fo suporta kampaina ba referendum 1999. Grupus ONGTL sira ne’e hamoris duni ekspresaun ho konseptu Sosidade Civil ida nebe’e hamosu hanoin brillante nebe’e tuir sira nia prioridade ho interese nasional nebe’e fo forsa ba organizasaun rezistensia CNRM ka CNRT iha momentu neba atu realiza lia fuan lulik “Mate Ka Moris, Ukun Rasik-An”.

Asosiasaun grupus voluntariu sira ne’e nafatin ho sira nia prinsipiu ida, maibe sira mos iha vizaun ho misaun hanesan, oinsa sira kria nafatin espasu ba pluralizmu ba partisipasaun publiku nebe majemuk iha desizaun sira nebe’e mak sira rasik tau iha sira nia kna’ar hanesan prioridade nebe sai interese nasional. Grupu asosiasaun voluntariu sira ne’e hamoris kultura demokrasia ida nebe’e fo forsa ba karakter demokrasia formal nebe’e bazeia ba kultura partisipasaun publiku iha tempu luta nian to’o mai tempu Ukun Rasik-An ka tempu dezenvolvementu iha biban ida ne’e. Kultura partisipasaun publiku ne’e fo beran (kekuatan) ba sidadaun ida-idak atu ezekuta sira nia lian ba multi mekanizmu mak ativu iha sosidade sivil/ONG.

Sociedade Civil ho Seitor Siguranza iha Timor-Leste

Organizasaun Naun Govermentan Nacional ((ONG-N) JSMP 2003) foti lian/angkat bicara ho baze ba lei katak Seguranca rai laran PNTL mak toma responsabilidade, e laos F-FDTL[4]. Iha momentu neba, Komandante Jeral F-FDTL Brig. Taur Matan Ruak halo reasaun ba protesta hosi JSMP, e tuir mai Presidente da Republika Xanana Gusmao ho lian maka’as ba JSMP nia lian katak “Se F-FDTL mak komete violasaun diretus humanus iha suko Leomea Kraik distritu Ermera karik diak liu hau/Xanana sei resigna-an husi Presidente da Republika”. (Hare ba STL Junho 2003).  Iha momentu neba Seguranza rai laran ho eksterna defaktu ho dejure sei iha UNTAET nia liman, laos iha F-FDTL ho PNTL nia responsabilidade. Bazeia ba akordu ida nebe’e, laklaru iha momentu neba F-FDTL hodi halo operasaun militar iha suko Leomea Kraik. JSMP iha momentu neba nudar grupu voluntariu hare ba lalaok sala nebe’e mak autor Seguranza sira halo latuir lei no regras iha Timor-Leste, hatudu kedas nia pozisaun paficika ho bolu atensaun publika atu hanoin lisuk. JSMP iha momentu neba loke espasu ki’ik liu ba area Seguranza hosi lidun justica nian, maibe lafokus maka iha momentu neba JSMP hetan obstaklus boot tamba ukun nain sira lafo apaiu ba erru nebe’e autor Seguranca ho Defeza komete ba nebe’e JSMP fo hanoin. Iha 28  Marcu 2008[5] atu kria estabilidade permanente Seguranca ho Defesa laos deit kna’ar PNTL ho F-FDTL nian, maibe sociedade civil ho potensia sidadaun Timor-Leste ida-idak mos fo sira nia partisipasaun. Bazeia ba estetmentu ONGTL kontinua hatudu nia voluntariu katak interece nacional ba area Seguranza ho Defeza sai hanesan ausntus importante no perioridade duni, hodi nune’e autor ka institusaun nebe’e halo kna’ar iha area Seguranca iha obrigasaun fo Seguranza ba nia sidadaun tomak ho seguru no sustentabel.

Sita lia fuan Vice PM Guterres nia liafuan nebe’e temi iha leten ne’e katak “funsaun fundamental ida nasaun nian maka fornece Seguransa ba sidadaun ida-idak”. Atu fornece Seguransa ida nebe’e seguru no sustentabel estadu/governu tenki kria institusaun sira nebe’e mak halo kna’ar ba seitor Seguransa ho Defesa ho diak no profesional nebe’e ho funsaun ida nebe adekuada maka fo mahein ba sidadaun tomak.  Tuir Bayley 1975, “haforsa seitor Seguransa katak halo protesaun ba individu husi ameasas krime ka violencia nebe’e halo lakon ema nia direitu liberdade ka moris”. Kaer ba hanoin hosi matenek nain ne’e haforsa institusaun sira  nebe halo kna’ar  publiku maka hanesan Ministeru Defesa ho Seguranza, Parlementu Komisaun B nebe’e halo kna’ar iha area Seguransa ho Defesa hosi parte policy/politika nian, ne’e sorin ida. Sorin seluk, institusaun PNTL, F-FDTL, SNSE, intelejente grupu para-militaria, kompania Seguranca privadu, sistema judicial seluk-seluk tan. Institusaun sira ne’e hotu, maka sei halo decisaun hodi implementa no uza forsa para halo protesaun ba sidadaun.

Tuir matenek nain, (David M. Law pos-conflict Security Sector 2009, p.03) “Dala barak liu situasaun Seguranza iha nasaun pos-konflitu, donor/nasaun boot haruka sira nia militar barak los nudar forsa dame nian. Presenza forsa estranjeirus barak liu fali ekspertu civil, nebe’e ikus mai kria mentalidade lideransa pos-konflitu mos kria militar nebe’e barak liu e menus kontrola husi ema civil. Ajenda seluk hanesan, re-integrasaun eis gerileirus sira, des-armamentu, seluk seluk tan”. Iha kontekstu Timor-Leste, donor sira haluhan tiha katak publiku Timor-Leste nia participasaun signifikante liu ba transformasaun FALINTIL ba F-FDTL iha 2002 ho formasaun PNTL. Formasaun ba institusaun rua nebe’e laiha involvementu publiku Timor-Leste hanesan failansu boot ida ba UNTAET ho donor internacional sira iha momentu neba. Tamba iha momentu neba publiku Timor lafo sira nia hanoin murak, oinsa instituisaun F-FDTL ho PNTL nia karakteristiku, modelu, treinamentu, re-integrasaun eis gerileirus, des-armamentu no seluk seluk tan?. UNTAET ho donor internacional sira hanoin katak lideransas Timor representa ona publiku Timor. Pur tantu, sira haluhan tiha loke espasu ba debate ka participasaun publiku nian. Iha momentu neba ONGTL laiha biban duni atu fo hanoin tamba laiha duni kanal ka espasu ida nebe’e iha ba ONGTL atu fo sira nian hanoin murak no kontribuisaun hodi expresa ba. Iha momentu hanesan neba, lideransas Timor oan hanoin katak Seguransa ne’e segredu. Ho razaun segredu ne’e halulik sira nia decisaun atu laloke dalan ba participasaun publiku, tantu sira halo tuir sira nia hakarak hodi hari’i lalais F-FDTL ho PNTL. Ignora participasaun publiku iha momentu neba nudar traisaun boot ida ba procesu demokratizasaun nebe’e povu rasik mak hamosu hodi hari’i nasaun Timor-Leste husi dalan referendum. Traisaun ba publiku nia rezultadu mak krize ba lejitimidade. Kuando krize lejitimidade maka sei hamosu pro-kontra iha institusaun nia laran, e susar tebes institusaun Seguranca bele halo nia kna’ar indepedenti ho imparcial tuir lei inan Timor-Leste haruka e ho natureza funsaun nasaun nia kna’ar. Impaktu ba ilejitimidade mak loke dalan ba politizasaun institusaun Seguranca[6]. Istoria ignorasaun ba participasaun publiku komesa repete dadaun ona. Iha 2008 governu hasai despaco/keputusan hola ro’o ahi patroliu ba F-FDTL-Naval, monta F-FDTL iha linha fronteira, hatudu ema sivil ida hodi sai komandante PNTL, transforma UIR, UPF, ho URP ba Unidade Ordem Publiku (UOP), seluk-seluk tan.

Husi impaktu negativu nebe’e hamosu krize iha institusaun Seguransa laran nebe’e haterus ona ema barak. Sidadaun Timor-Leste ida ida hare  no se’e tilun nafatin ba decisaun sira nebe’e hakotu ba institusaun Seguransa. To’o oras ne’e dadaun sidauk iha mekanismu ida propriu atu fo fatin ba participasaun publiku ba iha area Seguransa. ONGTL hanesan Lao Hamutuk, Fundasaun HAK, JSMP, no seluk tan loke dadaun ona husi lidun ki’ik ida ba debate Seguransa, maibe frakeza mak ONG sira ne’e ladun fokus tamba donor nebe’e suporta sira mos lakoi sira fo fokus ba area ne’e.

Atu hetan Seguransa nebe’e seguru no sustentabel, grupu voluntariu ONGTL kontinua halo nia kna’ar. Grupu ONGTL hare’e no identifika katak haberan ka fortifika kapacidade PNTL ho F-FDTL maka bele fo Seguransa nebe’e seguru maibe karik governu la rezolve problema des-empregu, edukasaun ho saude, grupu veteranu nebe’e dadaun ne’e governu abandona, mais sai perioridade no interece nacional ba hari’i estabilidade Seguransa ho Defesa rai laran.


Ho doutrina husi King College kompostu husi ema nebe’e lareprezentativu[7]  nia hanoin, konsege transforma FALINTIL ba F-FDTL e ignora publiku Timor-Leste nia participasaun  no kontribuisaun iha transformasaun neba. Kazu hanesan mos ba formasaun PNTL. Perguntas boot ba grupu Asociasan nebe halo kna’ar voluntariu ba Seitor rua nebe’e temi iha leten ne’e nia kna’ar momentu neba iha nebe? Hatan ba perguntas ida ne’e, iha momentu neba grupu ne’e laiha duni biban atu sai mahein, tamba situasaun nebe’e momentu neba ema internasional sira ho intensaun kria para Timor oan lalika hanoin duni asuntu boot rua ne’e i aloka fokus hanoin ba buat seluk nebe’e internasional sira interece liu, ne’e sorin ida. Iha sorin seluk, iha momentu neba relasaun emosional ba lideransa gerileirus sira maka’as no firmi katak sira mak kaer Seguransa ho Defeza sei la iha buat ida mak sei akontese, i ema hotu nia hanoin deit maka problema konaba Seguransa wainhira militar Indonesia sai husi Timor, problema hotu ona[8]. Husi akontesementu atakes grupu rebeldes ba lideransas importante rai ida ne’e nian iha loron 11 Febreiru 2008, PNTL ho F-FDTL nebe “komu liman” ba malu iha krizi Politika no Militar iha tinan 2006 komesa “piska” malu hodi “hakuak ka konkista” malu iha uma foun ida naran Komandu Konjunta ida hanaran Komandu Halibur nune’e halo kna’ar mahein nian ba Seguransa ho Defesa ba nia sidadaun nudar estadu soberanu ida. Talves, iha ne’e mak Timor oan hotu foin hanoin katak ita kala iha duni soberanu (local ownership) hodi deklara “estadu de sitiu” rasik! iha estadu de setiu ne’e mos iha vitima barak kuando institusaun rua ne’e ezekuta Seguransa ho Defesa ba deklaraun soberanu ne’e. Reafirma, laiha duni grupu asociasaun voluntariu mak sai mahein hodi hare’e no fo lidun ida atu halo debate publiku ba naksalak sira nebe’e mak akontece. Iha ema Internacinal sira nia matan naksalak sira nebe’e mosu iha Komandu Halibur signifikante tebes, hodi nune’e sira hamosu tan termu foun nebe’e aplika iha rai barak. Termu foun maka “Revisaun ba Seitor Seguransa “ho nia orsanmento hamutuk juta 4 dolares Amerikano. Tuir fontes nebe’e maka iha katak orsanmentu ne’e atu uza halo reforma Seguransa ho Defesa sai diak e professional. Povu rai lulik Timor Lorosa’e hein, SSR bele halo nia kna’ar diak ho orsamentu nebe’e boot hodi halo reforma ka review e mos hahu ona hafanu grupu asociasaun volutariu sira hodi hader atu sai mahein ba sira nia sistema Seguransa ho Defesa. I Timor oan tomak mos hein ukun nain sira mos bele nakloke an no simu atu loke lidun ka espacu ba debate ka participasaun publiku iha area Seguransa ho Defeza.

Iha loron ida, hakerek nain husu ba tiu simplis ida hela iha Dili ho perguntas: Saida maka halo ita boot moris la hakmatek iha ita boot nia uma rasik iha kualker tempu? Ho simplismente tiu hatan “Joven sira involve iha violencia loron ho kalan nune’e halo ami tauk lahela iha ami nia uma rasik ho hakmatek”. Resposta ne’e simplis wain, maibe signifikante klean iha realidade, katak laos joven sira tuda malu ka baku malu iha dalan ka bairo-bairo maka lafo seguru ba ema nia Seguransa iha ema nia uma rasik atu hakmatek. Maibe, involve iha violencia tamba laiha servisu, laiha servisu tamba ukun nain sira lakria kampu de servisus, lakria servisu tamba ukun nain sira la hamutuk, la hamutuk tamba interese ba dezemvolvimentu nasional la hanesan, la hanesan tamba la iha ona fatin ba sira atu debate ho diak, debate ho konstrutivu para bele hatur divisaun sira ne’e iha fatin ida nebe hanesan, latur hamutuk para kaalia mamar ba malu tamba ulun boot sira seidauk maduru ba politika dezemvolvementu. Wainhira seidauk maduru ba politika dezemvolvementu maka fasil liu fo dalan ba konflitu i ikus mai ema inosente barak nia Seguransa sai insiguru iha nia uma rasik ka sira nia knua rasik.

Atu evita halo povu ka sidadaun Timor-Leste sai bainaka iha nia nasaun rasik, autoridade komesa loke le’et (espesu) dadaun ona ba partisipasaun publiku iha sociedade ida majemuk hanesan iha Timor Leste atu debate ba kontribusaun ba decisaun politika Seguransa ho Defesa nian sai Mahein diak ba publiku Timor-Leste i laos ba ema balun deit. (*)

[1] Protetór, sentinela, guardiaun, satan, sori no tau-matan ba.

[2] Nelson Belo fundador JSMP ( e agora dadaun nia mos hamosu tan ONG foun ne’ebe naran Fundasaun Mahein-FM (http:/// nebe’e ho misaun: atu ajuda hodi aumenta lejitimidade no kapasidade sektór seguranza Timor nian liu husi pasrtisipasaun sidadaun nian iha dezenvolvimentu ba lejizlasaun, polítika no prosedimentu sira nebe’e  relevante.

[3] Dala ruma iha ONGTL iha momentu neba, maibe hakerek nain sidauk hetan referencia.

[4] iha Suku Leo Mea Kraik distritu Ermera , ASAUN F-FDTL kaer povu lori mai Dili.

[5] Estementu ONGTL iha sorumutu Dezenvolvementu parseiru 2008 iha Dili.

[6] Krize 2006 F-FDTL ho PNTL nia laran.

[7] Komversa ho Edward Rees 2009.

[8] Talitakun 2003

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