Mahein nia Lian 21: Dezenvolvimentu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL)

Iha Mahein nia Lian 21 (.pdf), Fundasaun Mahein halo peskiza kle’an ba Dezenvolvementu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste.

Dezenvolvementu Polisia Timor-Leste, hanesan seitor barak seluk nebe’e iha dezenvolvementu nasional , no ne’e obstaklu maka’as los. Importante liu atu dezenvolve iha PNTL laran mak Polisia ne’e rasik.  Polisiamentu ne’e kompleksu , serbisu ne’ebe difisil, ne’ebe perzisa duni matenek diak nian iha lei ho prosedementus sira, no mos pesoal polisia ne’ebe iha  kapasidade naton . Alen de esforsu an atu hasae kapasidade ba autor nasional no mos internasional, hetok hetan ofisiais PNTL ne’ebe sei iha problema. Iha Mahein nia Lian 21, FM deteta tanba saida?.

Atu suporta kna’ar individual ofisiais Polisia sira nian, tenki persiza kapasita PNTL ho suporta ida ne’ebe adekuadu. Ofisiais Polisia persiza fatin ne’ebe uutuliza hodi halo serbisu ba, kareta ne’ebe persiza atu responde ba insedente no komputador ne’ebe persiza atu grava arkivu ba krime ne’ebe tama. Edefisiu/uma , ekipamentu no individual sira ne’ebe persiza fo suporta no sistema  administrasaun ne’ebe forte atu bele hamenus inkapasidade. Iha Mahein nia Lian 21, FM deskobre katak konstruksaun ba edefisiu  Polisia sidauk iha, kareta sira ne’ebe uza la tuir fatin los nian, no mos sistema administrasaun atu suporta PNTL fraku tebes.

PNTL nia mandatu atu hari’i lei no hare’e ba protesaun ne’ebe seguru ba povu Timor-Leste. Atu ezekuta kna’ar ne’e, delega sira ho kapasidade ne’ebe forte atu deteina ameasa ne’ebe iha potensial boot. Atu hetan lejitima ba kna’ar ne’e , PNTL tenki hatene sira nia kapasidade boot liu wainhira fo kna’ar boot ba sira. Maske nune’e FM deskobre nomeru PNTL atus ba atus ne’ebe mosu kada tinan-tinan no lori deit lubuk balun ba tribunal.

Ho Lei Organiku PNTL ne’ebe deklara katak hakbesik ba komunidade ne’e prefere liu ba modelu  polisiamentu ba PNTL, no PNTL kontinua hakbesik ba komunidade ho nomeru boot no uza  polisiamentu ida ne’ebe ho operasaun  militaristiku ba Ninja iha Bobonaro-Suai no operasaun ho naran 88 iha Baucau. FM husu tanba sa maka polisia husi distritus hat ne’e tenki halo operasaun ho intimidasaun lokal no naukten sira? FM husu tanba sa maka okontesemente ne’e mosu iha tinan 2010 maibe nusa maka halo fali responde iha tinan 2011? FM husu, agresivu no fo sai ba ema hotu ho meus diak konaba tipu operasaun ne’e katak fo ona solusaun ba problema hirak ne’ebe mosu?

FM argumentu tan katak  PNTL nia kna’ar ne’e halo lolos nian no hari’i forsa polisia ida ne’ebe efetivu. Polisia ida tenki iha mantein relasaun forte ho komunidade no responsivamentu imidiatu ba komunidade nia persiza. Kna’ar ida ne’e, la’os boot,  no operasaun ida ne’e karun atu atinje objetivu no mos benefisiu ba povu Timor-Leste.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu.

Nélson Belo,

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Tlp:         +670 737 4222


Press Release 

National Police of Timor Leste (PNTL) Development

 In Mahein nia Lian 21, Fundasaun Mahein has carried out in-depth research in to the state of police development in Timor Leste.

Developing the police in Timor Leste, like many other aspects of national development, is tremendously challenging. The most important thing to develop within the police is the police themselves. Policing is a complex, difficult task, which requires a good knowledge of law and procedure, as well as excellent interpersonal skills. Despite much effort to increase capacity by both national and international actors, many PNTL officers are still found wanting.  In Mahein nia Lian 21, FM finds out why.

In order to support the work of individual police officers, the PNTL needs to provide them with adequate support. Police officers need offices from which to work, cars with which to respond to incidents and computers with which to record crimes. Buildings, equipment and individuals need to be supported by strong administrative systems to ensure sustainability. In Mahein nia Lian 21, FM finds that police buildings are not being built, cars are in the wrong place and the administrative systems that support the police are weak.

The PNTL is tasked with upholding the law and seeing to the protection and safety of the people of Timor Leste. In order to carry out this responsibility, they are entrusted with the power to arrest and to use potentially lethal force.  To legitimately hold this responsibility, the PNTL must ensure that they themselves are beyond reproach. However FM finds that of the hundreds of PNTL disciplinary cases every year, very few make it to court.

Despite the Police Organic Law stating that community engagement is the preferred policing model of the PNTL, the PNTL continue to engage in large scale and militaristic policing operations as seen with Operation Ninja in Bobonaro and the recent Operation 88 in Baucau. FM asks why the Police from four districts were required to deal with a local case of intimidation and theft? FM asks why an incident that occurred in 2010 requires a response in 2011? FM asks if aggressive and well-publicized police operations of this type are the best response to these problems?

FM argues that PNTL’s work would best directed at building an effective police force. A police force which maintains strong relations to the community and is responsive to their needs. This work, rather than large, expensive operations to chase ghosts, will be of most benefit to Timor Leste.

If you require further information on this then contact:

Nélson Belo,

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Tlp:         +670 737 4222

MAHEIN NIA LIAN NO.14: Komunikadu da imprenza: Operasaun Krime Organizadu iha Timor Leste

Fundasaun Mahein 10 Novembru 2010

Fundasaun Mahein nia lian iha edisaun numeiru 14 sei deskuite kle’an konaba Operasaun Krime Organizadu iha Timor-Leste.  Isu Krime Organizadu sai ona afeita ba siguransa publiku maibe ema barak sidauk hatene los saida maka Krime Organizadu. Krime Organizadu ne’e atividade (krime) ilegal ne’ebe involve ema individual ka/ou organizasaun sira ne’ebe iha kapital orsamentu ho matenek ne’ebe halo transaksaun ida ne’ebe ho level sofistikadu.  Krime Organizadu ne’e maka hanesan trafiku humanu, transaksaun electroniku ho ilegal, prostitusaun, fase orsan, fa’an droga, terorista sira, groupu nauk ten ne’ebe profesional, nauk motor iha Dili laran, asaltu ema no obriga ema fo siguransa no seluk-selut tan.

Tuir Fundasaun Mahein katak Krime Organizadu ne’e bain-bain halo operasaun iha fatin ne’ebe asesu boot benefisiu ekonomia. Orsanmentu Jeral Estadu Timor-leste ba tinan 2010 ne’e total  $ 837, 981,000, dolares de amerikanu no aumenta tan orsanmentu ratifikativu no orsanmentu pakote projektu dezemvolvementu. Montante orsanmentu ida ne’e boot tebes ne’e laiha monitorizasaun ida ne’ebe propriu, bele sai potensial boot atraku Krime Organizadu atu hetan lukru.  Hanesan ita hare ema bisnis nain boot ida naran Datuk Edward Ong, ema ida ne’ebe deklara nia an representa kompania “Asian Champ Investment Ltd,” halo klain Governu Timor-Leste atu impresta Fundus Petroleum liu $1 billion dollares de amerikanu atu transfere ba nia bankaria iha Banku Hong Kong no sei fo fila  to be transferred to a Hong Kong bank in return for an upfront 7.5% payout.[1]

Iha relatoriu ne’e FM halo identifika ona sindikatu nauk ten motor ne’ebe halo koperasaun diak  ho ema oknum governu nian ne’ebe suporta falsifika dokumentus/STNK no kria dokumentu ho capa falsu depois uza fali motor sira ne’e no fa’an fali ba distritu ho delier motor iha Dili.   40% motor nauk nian fa’an b aiha distritu no 60%  fa’an iha delie/agen  motor sira iha Dili.  Iha biban hanesan FM nia investigasaun ne’e mos hetan katak tranportasaun droga ilegal husi Indonezia tama mai Timor-Leste liu hosi rai ketan/ fronteira, no tula husi ro’o barikasa sira liu husi tasi nian.

Tamba ne;e mak FM rekomenda ba imigrasaun atu kontinua kontrola ba ema estranjeiru sira ne’ebe servisu ilegalmentu uza vistu turista.

FM mos rekomenda ba  PNTL atu halo cek point rutina ba kareta motor nia dokumentu orijinal  depois halo anuanciamentu ba publiku atu nune’e ema sira ne’ebe cente lakon motor bele ba cek iha estasaun PNTL.  .

Ikus liu FM mos rekomenda ba governu atu kria lei ida ne’ebe bele kombate fase orsan nian. Iha lei ida ne’e mos fo obrigasaun ba banku hotu-hotu atu hato’o relatoriu ba governu  konaba rekenin banku sira ne’ebe deskomfia halo transaksaun fase orsan.  Governu mos temki establese sistema siguransa integradu iha Banku hotu-hotu ne’ebe iha Timor-Leste nudar hanesan meus extra ida atu proteje husi hahalok fase orsan nian.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu.

Hetan relatoriu iha ne’e.

Nélson Belo,

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Tlp:    +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, October  28,  2010

Press Release

Organized Crime Operating in Timor Leste

Fundasaun Mahein’s Voice edition number 14 will discuss in depth about the actions of Organized Crime in Timor Leste.  The issue of Organized Crime has affected the safety of the public and many people do not know what the actions of Organized Crime are.  Organized Crimes are illegal activities (or crimes) committed by individuals and/or organizations with intelligence and with financial capital involving illegal transactions with a high level of sophistication. They include, among others, human trafficking, illegal electronic transactions, prostitution, money laundering, drug smuggling, Terrorism, controlling groups of professional thieves, stealing of vehicles in Dili, assault and most importantly, extortion rackets.

According to Fundasaun Mahein Organized Crime mostly operates where there is access to a large amount of economic benefits.  Timor-Leste’s State Budget for 2010 is $ 837, 981,000, in addition to the ratification of money for development projects.  This increased spending, without proper oversight mechanisms can be seen by organized crime as a potential way to make a profit.  As we saw with the attempt by businessman Datuk Edward Ong, who claimed to be representing a company called “Asian Champ Investment Ltd,” to scam Timor-Leste’s Petroleum Fund by asking for over $1 billion dollars to be transferred to a Hong Kong bank in return for an upfront 7.5% payout.[2]

In this report FM has identified a syndicate of motorbike thieves who cooperate with some government authorities who assist with the falsification of motorbike documents and the creation of fake license plates, which are used before the motorbikes are re-sold in the districts and to local vehicle dealerships in Dili.  40% of these stolen motorbikes are resold in the districts and 60% are sold to the dealerships in Dili mentioned above.  More details are available in the full-length report.  FM’s research also found information about illegal drugs being transported from Indonesia into Timor-Leste through the land border and also on ships.

Therefore FM recommends the Immigration Office establishes checks of the foreigners who are working illegally using tourist visas for business.

FM also recommends to PNTL to establish routine checkpoints to check vehicle registration and impound those vehicles without proper original documents and announce to the public that those who have had vehicles stolen can come to the police station to see if their vehicle has been found.

FM also recommends that the government create a law to combat money laundering.  This law can force the banks to report suspicious bank transactions and accounts to the government as suspected money laundering locations.  The government should also set up integrated security systems inside the foreign banks that exist in Timor-Leste as an extra measure of protection against money laundering.

For more information on this issue, please contact

Nélson Belo,

Director of Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

tlp :  +670 737 4222

[1] La’o Hamutuk “Trying to Scam a Billion from the Petroleum Fund” 4 October 2010

[2] La’o Hamutuk “Trying to Scam a Billion from the Petroleum Fund” 4 October 2010

Komunikadu da Imprenza: Krime Organizadu iha Timor-Leste

Fundasaun Mahein 19 Agostu 2010

Komunikadu da Imprenza

Krime Organizadu iha Timor-Leste

Journal Semanal, Tempo Semanal iha loron 13 Agostu 2010, halo publikasaun konaba sidadaun Indonezia nain rua nebe’e involve iha kazu droga depois PNTL kaptura ona sira no agora daudaun iha prosesu investigasaun nia laran. Kazu ida ne’e indika  katak krime organizadu agora dadaun komesa akontese iha Timor-Leste.

Krime organizadu nudar aktividades ilegal  (ou krime) nebe komete husi ema ida-idak no/ou organizasaun nebe involde inteligensia no kapital financeiro nebe involve iha negosiasaun ilegal ho nivel sopistikado nebe a’as. Krime organizadu inklui, alem de buat seluk, maka hanesan trafiku humanu, aktividades krime nebe luan, negosiasaun elektroniku ilegais, prostituisaun, money laundring, hatama drogra, no terorismu, no grupu ilegal profesional nebe kontrolado, naok vehiklu, halo asaltu, obriga ema ho bisnis sira selu ba proteksaun siguransa, no buat seluk tan.

Krime organizadu normalmente akontese iha fatin hirak nebe bele garantia fo benefisiu material no mos vantagem financeiru. Orsamentu Geral Estadu Timor-Leste ba tinan 2010 hamutuk USD 837.981.000 aumenta tan ho pakote orsamentu ba projeitu desenvolvimentu hanesan Pakote Referendum no Pakote Desenvolvimentu Desantralizsaun. Orsamentu Estadu ne’ebe ho montante boot tebes sei kria potensia boot hodi bele atraku krime organizadu no bele halo Timor-Leste nudar fatin diak para krime organizadu bele buras. Hare husi osan barak ne’ebe sulin, bele aumenta krime organizadu iha Timor-Leste.

Iha parte seluk, iha mos estimasaun katak laiha sistema seguransa ida ke integradu, depois foin dadaun maka estebelese mekanismu  border pass nebe lansa husi guvernu Indonezia no Timor-Leste, bele mos kontribui ba (no loke dalan ba) krime organizadu iha Timor-Leste.

Tuir Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nia observasaun katak krime organizadu nebe mosu iha Timor-Leste ho forma trafiku humanu, prostituisaun, no faan drogra. Krime hirak ne’e akontese tia ona no aumenta ba bebeik, desde aprovasaun de Orsamentu Geral de Estadu iha 2008 to’o agora.

Iha loron 8 Outubru 2008 Konselhu Ministru RDTL approva ona konaba dekreitu Lei kona ba Regulasaun Kompitisaun Sosial, Dekreitu Lei investementu privadu, Diploma presu kombustivel nian.  Iha Dekreitu Lei sira ne’e inklui regula/bandu transfere osan illegal, money laundrering, fa’an droga no seluk tan.

FM  fiar katak operasaun Krime Organizadu iha Timor-Leste bele fo amesa ba poder governu nian no mos ameasa ba seguransa publiku. Krime organizadu nebe la resolve, bele mos impata desenvolvimentu iha Timor-Leste. Tuir Fundasaun Mahein nian hanoin katak dekretu lei nebe guvernu Timor-Leste pasa tiha ona seidauk suficiente wainhira enfrenta ho krime organizadu nebe agora dadaun akontese iha Timor-Leste.

Tamba ne’e, Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda katak guvernu temke halo investigasaun ida Kle’an, halo audit ba kompanha nasional no internasional ne’ebe agora dadaun halao sira nia kna’ar iha Timor-Leste ne’ebe konsideira iha potensia involve iha trafiku humanu, negosiasaun ilegal no krime sira seluk nebe mensiona iha leten.  Inkuli mos trablahadores internasional sira nebe tama sai Timor-Leste, oinsa hare fila-fali kona ba sira nia servius, no mos sira nia organizasaun nia historia.

FM rekomenda ba guvernu presiza kria sistema siguransa integradu iha area rai ketan Timor-Leste ho Indonezia, prosesu estabelese sistema ida ne’e loas deit invovel  guarda froteira husi nasaun rau deit, maibe lideransa komunidade sira ne’ebe hela iha area rai ketan iha rai rua ne’e. Sistema ida mos kria fahe no transfere data konaba ema sira ne’ebe potensial duni deskonfia nudar agenti ba krime organizadu ne’ebe halo operasaun iha Timor-Leste no mos Indonezia. Ho meus sira ne’e hotu, guvernu hatene didiak lideransa komunidade ho guarda fronteira ne’ebe involve iha sistema integradu ne’e i laos fo suporta maximu ho salariu naton, maibe mos tenki iha mekanismu monitorin ida ne’ebe diak. Ho monitorin ne’e sei ajuda prevene Grupu Krime Organizadu sira husi hahalok korupsaun ka halo inflitrasaun iha sistema  atu nune’e sistema ne’e bele kontra hasoru aktividade ilegal hosi dalan ne’ebe asesu ba osan boot. Iha sorin seluk, FM rekomenda ba guvernu Timor-Leste atu identifika didiak ema sira ne’ebe uza Border Pass, ka Passaporte, atu bele hatene diak konaba sira nia dokumentus i bele satan krime organizadu sira seluk labele falsifika border pass, ka passaporte hodi tama sai Timor-Leste.

Ikus mai, FM rekomenda ba governu RDTL atu servisu hamutuk ho Banku internasional hanesan ANZ, Banku Mandiri, Bank Nacional Ultramarino ka banku seluk ne’ebe iha Timor-Leste hodi bele  kria sistema siguransa iha administrasaun banku nian, hodi labele fasilita ba Krime Organizadu sira  hodi halo pratika “money laundering”.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu

Nélson Belo,

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein

email: direktor.mahein[at] ,

tlp +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein 19 August 2010

Press Release

Organized Crime in Timor-Leste

Weekly News Paper, Tempo Semanal recently (August 13, 2010) wrote an article about the two Indonesian citizens arrested for selling illegal drugs in Timor-Leste. Both suspects are currently under judicial investigation. This case indicates that organized crime is presently operating in Timor-Leste.

Organized crimes are illegal activities (or crimes) committed by individuals and/or organizations with intelligence and with financial capital involving illegal transactions with a high level of sophistication. They include, among others, human trafficking, widespread criminal activities, illegal electronic transactions, prostitution, money laundering, drug smuggling, and terrorism, and controlling groups of professional thieves, stealing of vehicles, assault, extortion rackets, etc.

Organized crime normally occurs in places where their benefactors can secure lots of material and financial gains. In 2010 Timor-Leste’s State budget ratification amount was USD 837.981.000 million in addition to several different financial packages for development projects such as the Referendum and Desentralization Development packages. The large amount of the State budget has the potential to attract organized crime and hence may make Timor-Leste a breeding ground where organized crime can thrive. Seeing the large amount of cash flow, might increase organized crime in Timor-Leste.

On the other side, it is also estimated that the absence of an integrated security system, only recently established with the Border Pass scheme launched between the governments of Timor-Leste and Indonesia, may have contributed to (and paved the way) for  organized crimes in Timor-Leste.

According to  Fundasaun Mahein (FM), it is observed that many organized crimes have taken place in Timor-Leste in the form of human trafficking, prostitution, and drug-dealing. These crimes have occurred and gradually increased, since the approval of the 2008 State budget until this present.

In October 8, 2008- the RDTL Council of Ministers, approved a number of decree laws such as the Decree Law on Private Investment, Social Competition, and Diploma on the Pricing of Consumables.  All of these decree laws prohibit crimes such as the illegal transfer of money, drug-dealing, and money laundering.

FM  believes that the operation of organized crimes in Timor-Leste undermines goverment authority because of the threat it poses to public security.  The unsettled organized crime issue, will also hamper the development process in Timor-Leste. It is also the opinion of Fundasaun Mahein that the decree laws passed by Timor-Leste government remain insufficient in dealing with organized crime currently involved in Timor-Leste.

Therefore, it is at the recommendation of Fundasaun Mahein that the government conducts a thorough investigation, auditing all national and international companies operating in Timor-Leste which are believed to have potentially been involved in human trafficking, illegal transactions and other crimes as mentioned above. This also involves an oversight of the activities of foreign workers in Timor-Leste, conducting background-checks of the foreign workers travelling in to, and out of Timor-Leste as well as the background of the organizations with which they work.

FM also recommends the government creates an integrated system of security along the border between Timor-Leste and Indonesia; a process which involves not only the officials of the border control in both countries, but also the community leaders living along the frontiers of both countries. A system must be established to share and transfer data and information as to the potential suspects of organized crimes that might be operating in both countries. As part of this effort, the government should ensure that those involved, not only receive efficient support, and decent wages, but also have a proper oversight mechanism.  These actions will help prevent organized crime groups from corrupting and infiltrating the system meant to counteract their activities, by way of their access to large amounts of cash.  Furthermore, it is also recommended that the government of Timor-Leste carefully identify those using Border Passes and Passports, to ensure the credibility of their documents and prevent the entry of individuals with falsified documents in to, and out of Timor-Leste.

Finally, it is also at the recommendation of FM that the Timor-Leste government should work with international banks such as ANZ, Bank Mandiri, and Bank Nacional Ultramarino to create an administrative security system preventing the practice of money laundering by those involved in organized crime.

For further information please contact

Nélson Belo,

Director Fundasaun Mahein

email: direktor.mahein[at] ,

tlp +670 737 4222