Mahein nia Lian 21: Dezenvolvimentu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL)

Iha Mahein nia Lian 21 (.pdf), Fundasaun Mahein halo peskiza kle’an ba Dezenvolvementu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste.

Dezenvolvementu Polisia Timor-Leste, hanesan seitor barak seluk nebe’e iha dezenvolvementu nasional , no ne’e obstaklu maka’as los. Importante liu atu dezenvolve iha PNTL laran mak Polisia ne’e rasik.  Polisiamentu ne’e kompleksu , serbisu ne’ebe difisil, ne’ebe perzisa duni matenek diak nian iha lei ho prosedementus sira, no mos pesoal polisia ne’ebe iha  kapasidade naton . Alen de esforsu an atu hasae kapasidade ba autor nasional no mos internasional, hetok hetan ofisiais PNTL ne’ebe sei iha problema. Iha Mahein nia Lian 21, FM deteta tanba saida?.

Atu suporta kna’ar individual ofisiais Polisia sira nian, tenki persiza kapasita PNTL ho suporta ida ne’ebe adekuadu. Ofisiais Polisia persiza fatin ne’ebe uutuliza hodi halo serbisu ba, kareta ne’ebe persiza atu responde ba insedente no komputador ne’ebe persiza atu grava arkivu ba krime ne’ebe tama. Edefisiu/uma , ekipamentu no individual sira ne’ebe persiza fo suporta no sistema  administrasaun ne’ebe forte atu bele hamenus inkapasidade. Iha Mahein nia Lian 21, FM deskobre katak konstruksaun ba edefisiu  Polisia sidauk iha, kareta sira ne’ebe uza la tuir fatin los nian, no mos sistema administrasaun atu suporta PNTL fraku tebes.

PNTL nia mandatu atu hari’i lei no hare’e ba protesaun ne’ebe seguru ba povu Timor-Leste. Atu ezekuta kna’ar ne’e, delega sira ho kapasidade ne’ebe forte atu deteina ameasa ne’ebe iha potensial boot. Atu hetan lejitima ba kna’ar ne’e , PNTL tenki hatene sira nia kapasidade boot liu wainhira fo kna’ar boot ba sira. Maske nune’e FM deskobre nomeru PNTL atus ba atus ne’ebe mosu kada tinan-tinan no lori deit lubuk balun ba tribunal.

Ho Lei Organiku PNTL ne’ebe deklara katak hakbesik ba komunidade ne’e prefere liu ba modelu  polisiamentu ba PNTL, no PNTL kontinua hakbesik ba komunidade ho nomeru boot no uza  polisiamentu ida ne’ebe ho operasaun  militaristiku ba Ninja iha Bobonaro-Suai no operasaun ho naran 88 iha Baucau. FM husu tanba sa maka polisia husi distritus hat ne’e tenki halo operasaun ho intimidasaun lokal no naukten sira? FM husu tanba sa maka okontesemente ne’e mosu iha tinan 2010 maibe nusa maka halo fali responde iha tinan 2011? FM husu, agresivu no fo sai ba ema hotu ho meus diak konaba tipu operasaun ne’e katak fo ona solusaun ba problema hirak ne’ebe mosu?

FM argumentu tan katak  PNTL nia kna’ar ne’e halo lolos nian no hari’i forsa polisia ida ne’ebe efetivu. Polisia ida tenki iha mantein relasaun forte ho komunidade no responsivamentu imidiatu ba komunidade nia persiza. Kna’ar ida ne’e, la’os boot,  no operasaun ida ne’e karun atu atinje objetivu no mos benefisiu ba povu Timor-Leste.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu.

Nélson Belo,

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Tlp:         +670 737 4222


Press Release 

National Police of Timor Leste (PNTL) Development

 In Mahein nia Lian 21, Fundasaun Mahein has carried out in-depth research in to the state of police development in Timor Leste.

Developing the police in Timor Leste, like many other aspects of national development, is tremendously challenging. The most important thing to develop within the police is the police themselves. Policing is a complex, difficult task, which requires a good knowledge of law and procedure, as well as excellent interpersonal skills. Despite much effort to increase capacity by both national and international actors, many PNTL officers are still found wanting.  In Mahein nia Lian 21, FM finds out why.

In order to support the work of individual police officers, the PNTL needs to provide them with adequate support. Police officers need offices from which to work, cars with which to respond to incidents and computers with which to record crimes. Buildings, equipment and individuals need to be supported by strong administrative systems to ensure sustainability. In Mahein nia Lian 21, FM finds that police buildings are not being built, cars are in the wrong place and the administrative systems that support the police are weak.

The PNTL is tasked with upholding the law and seeing to the protection and safety of the people of Timor Leste. In order to carry out this responsibility, they are entrusted with the power to arrest and to use potentially lethal force.  To legitimately hold this responsibility, the PNTL must ensure that they themselves are beyond reproach. However FM finds that of the hundreds of PNTL disciplinary cases every year, very few make it to court.

Despite the Police Organic Law stating that community engagement is the preferred policing model of the PNTL, the PNTL continue to engage in large scale and militaristic policing operations as seen with Operation Ninja in Bobonaro and the recent Operation 88 in Baucau. FM asks why the Police from four districts were required to deal with a local case of intimidation and theft? FM asks why an incident that occurred in 2010 requires a response in 2011? FM asks if aggressive and well-publicized police operations of this type are the best response to these problems?

FM argues that PNTL’s work would best directed at building an effective police force. A police force which maintains strong relations to the community and is responsive to their needs. This work, rather than large, expensive operations to chase ghosts, will be of most benefit to Timor Leste.

If you require further information on this then contact:

Nélson Belo,

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Tlp:         +670 737 4222

MAHEIN NIA LIAN NO.15: Komunikadu da imprenza: Rekrutamentu ba PNTL: Dalan Naruk ba Profesionalismu

Fundasaun Mahein, 14 Dezembru  2010

Fundasaun Mahein nia lian iha edisaun 15, koalia kle’an konaba rekrutamentu ba membru Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) iha fulan hirak liu ba. No, koalia mos konaba profesionalismu membru PNTL durante tinan Sanolu nia laran. Inklui mal administarsaun iha institusaun PNTL.

Liu husi FM nia monitorizasaun konsege deskobre katak mosu iregularidade barak iha prosesu promosaun deviza PNTL foin lalais ne’e. Iregularidades hanesan ema ne’ebe promove ba deviza Sarjentu to’o inspektur Xefi so ema ne’ebe durante ne’e asumi kargu ruma tuir Rezime Promosaun PNTL, maibe realidade hatudu oin seluk membrus ne’ebe la mensiona iha Regime Promosaun PNTL mos promove ba Diviza Sarjentu.

FM konsidera mosu iregularidades barak iha prosesu promosaun tanba membru PNTL balun nia kazu sei pendente hela iha tribunal maibe ikus mai hetan promosaun. FM hatene iregularidade hirak ne’e mosu tanba laiha kordensaun ne’ebe diak entre Komando Jeral PNTL no Sekertariu Estadu Siguransa (SES) tanba prosesu rekrutamentu no promosaun deviza ne’e involve direita husi Komando Jeral PNTL, maske dekreitu lei kareira ne’e fo kompetensia tomak ba SES.

Relatoriu FM ne’e mos identifika katak dezde establesementu instituisaun PNTL to’o agora, problema seriu ne’ebe PNTL sempre infrenta maka mal administrasaun no problema Jestaun em jeral hanesan instituisaun Estadu.  Nomos kestaun kompriensaun konaba lei rejimi kareira iha instituisaun PNTL mos sai preoukupasaun Komisaun Promosaun Diviza no membru PNTL tomak.Tanba ne’e persiza iha sosializasaun lei ne’ebe refere ba membru PNTL tomak iha Timor-Leste.

Relasiona ho kondisaun hirak iha leten,  FM hakarak rekomenda ba Komisaun Promosaun Diviza PNTL  atu bele involve entidades sosiedade sivil, igreja, grupus akademiku no intelektual sira hodi husu sira nia opiniaun sobre promosaun ba PNTL iha futuru oin mai. FM rekomenda mos Komando Geral PNTL atu bele introduz lei kona ba rezimi kareira, mekanizmu promosaun no kestaun tekniku seluk ba membrus sira para atu labele hamosu tan konfuzaun no lamentasaun  ho mekanizmu promosaun diviza.

FM mos rekomenda ba Komando Geral PNTL atu halo tuir mekanizmu promosaun diviza, katak membrus PNTL ne’ebe la eligivel tanba involve kazu krime, indisiplinadu no atus seluk tan, laiha razaun atu hetan promosaun to’o sira nia kazu rezolve iha tribunal ou atravez de mekanizmu seluk. FM mos rekomenda ba Komando Geral PNTL no Komisaun Promosaun Diviza PNTL atu tula responsabilidade ba membrus PNTL nia kabaas bazea ba esperensia, kapasidade de servisu, etiku no disiplinadu, la’os bazea ba relasaun emosional no relasaun familia.

Imi bele hetan relatoriu iha ne’e.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu.

Nélson Belo,

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Tlp:     +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 14 December  2010

Press release

Recruitment for PNTL: A Long Way to Professionalism

This Voice of Mahein edition 15, emphasizes in depth the recruitment of PNTL members (PNTL) within the last few months. At the same time, FM focuses on the question of professionalism amongst the PNTL members during their ten years of existence, including the question of mal-administration within PNTL’s institution.

Through its monitoring programs, FM has discovered serious irregularities that have taken place during the process of rank promotion within the PNTL institution in 2010. The recent examples of irregularities are the people were promoted from the rank of Sergeant to Chief Inspector.  Officers are supposed to be promoted according to the laws of promotion for PNTL, but in the fact it appears that some officers who did not meet the criteria outlined in the promotion law for PNTL were also promoted to the higher ranks.

FM also identified that many of the irregularities in the promotion process were in regards officers who still had open cases still being heard in the courts, but were promoted anyway. FM recognizes that these irregularities came about because there is no proper coordination in place between the General Commander of PNTL and the Secretary of State for Security (SES). The recruitment process and promotion of rank have been the competence and with directed involvement of the General Commander of PNTL, even though the law for promotion gives full competence for these actions to the SES.

FM in this report also identifies that since its establishment, that with PNTL, until just recently, the major problem being faced was a lack of administration and their knowledge of the functions of state institutions in general. The other serious challenge has been their lack of understanding the laws of promotion which has become the major preoccupation for both the Commission of the Promotion of Rank as well as for most PNTL officers. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the PNTL to disseminate the laws regarding the promotion of police officers.

FM recommends that in the future the PNTL Rank Promotion Committee involves the civil society by asking the church, academic and intellectual groups their opinions regarding future promotions of PNTL officers.

FM recommends that the PNTL General Commander explain to the public the laws about promotion, the promotion system, and answer other technical questions for his officers, so there is no confusion from PNTL officers who are not satisfied with the current rank promotion system.

FM recommends that the General Commander of PNTL always be consistent with the rank promotion system, and communicate in a direct way, that PNTL members who are involved in crime or have discipline problems will not be eligible for promotion until their cases are resolved in the court.

FM recommends the General Commander of PNTL and the PNTL Rank Promotion Committee promote police officers to positions of responsibility based on their experience, work capacity, ethics, discipline, and not based on emotional or family connections.

You can download the report here.

For more information on this issue, please contact

Nélson Belo,

Director of Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

tlp :   +670 737 4222

Komunikadu Imprenza: Fundasaun Mahein Kongratula ba Servisu F-FDTL Komponente Naval ho PNTL (Unidade Maritima)

Fundasaun Mahein, 20 Outobru 2010

Komunikadu Imprenza

Fundasaun Mahein Kongratula ba Servisu F-FDTL Komponente Naval ho PNTL (Unidade Maritima).

Relasiona ho kordenasaun servisu  Joint Maritime Task Force (JMTF) ne’ebe kompostu husi Komponente Naval no Polisia Maritima, Segunda Feira (18/10), hodi kaptura peskador ilegal hamutuk 32 iha Tasi Lore-Iliomar-Distritu Lautem, maka Fundasaun Mahein iha biban ne’e hakarak hato’o parabens ba instituisaun rua tamba sira nia susesu. refere.

Direitur Ezekutivu Fundasaun Mahein, Nelson Belo afirma katak Governu no povu Timor Leste persiza fo parabens ba instituisaun F-FDTL no PNTL ne’ebe hahu ona kria kordenasaun ida ne’ebe efektivu hodi fo asegura ba soberania nasaun foun ida ne’e, liu-liu riku soin tasi Timor nian.

Nelson mos deklara katak kolaborasaun dahuluk husi instituisaun rua F-FDTL Komponete Naval ho  PNTL Maritima ne’ebe susecu hodi kaer peskador illegal husi Tailandia no Indonezia. Kordenasaun ida ne’e efektivu liu atu  hametin nafatin kordenasaun servisu iha futuru nian.

Tanba ne’e FM rekomenda ba Ministru Defesa ho Siguransa kontinua fo atensaun masimu ba instituisaun rua, profesionaliza hodi hasae kapasitasaun F-FDTL Komponente Naval ho PNTL Maritima atu halo kombate ba piskador, trafiku humanu , krimi organizadu iha tasi Timor.

Direktor ne’e mos rekomenda ba Ministru Defesa ho Siguransa atu dezemvolve  hanesan infrasturtura no ekipamentus modernu ne’ebe sufisiente ba F-FDTL Naval ho PNTL Maritima atu nune’e Institusaun rua ne’e bele fo seguransa ba soberanu tasi Timor-Leste nain.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu

Nélson Belo, Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Telp: +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 20 October 2010

Press Release

Fundasaun Mahein Congratulates the Work of both the F-FDTL Naval Component and PNTL’s Maritime Unit.

In relation to the coordination on the Joint Maritime Task Force (JMTF) composed of    F-FDTL Naval Component and the Maritime Police, on Monday October 18, 2010 they arrested 32 illegal fisherman off the coast of Lori-Iliomar, Los Palos district therefore, Fundasaun Mahein will take this opportunity to give praise to both institutions for their success.

Executive Director of Fundasaun Mahein, Nelson Belo, affirms that the government of the people of Timor-Leste needs to congratulate both the F-FDTL and PNTL institutions which have utilized effective coordination to secure the sovereignty of this new nation, especially our resources in the Timor Sea.

Nelson also declares that the first collaboration between the F-FDTL Naval Unit and the Maritime police was successful as they apprehended illegal fishermen from Thailand and Indonesia.  This coordination is a positive step toward an effective working relationship in the future.

In this occasion FM recommends to the Minister of Defense and Security to pay maximum attention to both institutions through the professionalization and capacity building of the F-FDTL Naval component and the Maritime Police Unit to combat illegal fishing, human trafficking and organized crime on the sea.

FM also recommends to the Minister of Defense and Security to build a strong infrastructure and provide modern equipment to the Naval component and Maritime Police so they can secure the sovereign waters of Timor-Leste.

For more information on this issue, please contact

Nélson Belo, Director of Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

tlp +670 737 4222

MAHEIN NIA LIAN No. 6: Komunikadu da Imprenza, Grupu ho Kilat Ilegal iha Timor Leste (Tetun)

Fundasaun Mahein 7 Junhu 2010

Komunikadu da Imprenza

Grupu ho Kilat Ilegal iha Timor Leste

Fundasaun Mahein hanesan ONG nasional nebe halo monitorizasaun, peskiza ho advokasia ba seitor siguransa iha Timor Leste.

Iha fulan ne’e Fundasaun Mahein (FM), hasai relatoriu ida ba publiku ho nia titlu: “Kilat Ilegal ho Grupu Ilegal iha Timor Leste” relatoriu ne’e foka ba akontesementu Ninja, Grupu Ilegal ho Kilat Ilegal husi fulan Fevereiru 2010 to mai operasasaun PNTL iha distritu Bobonaro ho Suai. Iha relatoriu ida ne’e ami inklui mos rumores nebe despalha iha komunidade katak grupu illegal tiru malun ho COE (Comando Operasaun Especial) iha loron 16 Maiu 2010, iha distriu Ermera.

Hanesan ita hotu hatene katak Grupu illegal ho kilat laos buat ida ke foun iha historia Timor-Leste nian. Komesa iha 1975 wainhira Portugez husik hela Timor-Lesta, depois mai fali iha tempu okupasaun militar Indonezia to’o eventu konsulta popular iha 1999. Ikus liu maka krize politika-militar iha 2006. Eventu nebe maka akontese iha Ermera foin dadaun, hanesan kontinuasaun deit husi krize nebe maka akontese tiha ona iha pasadu.

Iha relatoriu ne’e mos FM fo sai katak isu grupu ho kilat ilegal ne’e laos issue bain-bain. Bazea ba dadus nebe maka FM kolekta, FM konklui katak iha duni problema instabilidade ida ke seriu iha rai laran. Maibe to’o oras ne’e dadaun seidauk iha instituisaun governu ida maka fo deklarasaun klaru kona ba grupu ne’e kompostu husi se se no kilat hira maka sira sei iha. Depois de Timor-Leste ukun rasik a’an instituisaun sira ne’e mos seidauk halo esforsu hodi halo rekolha kilat nebe sei namkari iha rai laran.

FM mos fo rekomendasaun balun, mak hanesan, husu  Ministru Defeza e Siguransa atu halo audit kilat iha armajem PNTL ho F-FDTL nian kada tinan tinan liu husi Parlementu Nasional Komisaun B konaba kilat hira mak sei lakon e hira mak iha armajem.

FM rekomenda katak preciza kria sistema informasaun ida ke integradu atu halo ko’ordinasaun ida ke  diak entre membrus PNTL iha distritu tomak, Quartel Geral PNTL iha Dili no Servisu Nasional da Inteligensia (SNI). Koordenasaun mos importante para PNTL atu hasai apelu ruma ba publiku tenke bazea ba dadus konkreta iha tereinu no realidade nebe akontese para atu la bele kria paniku iha povu nia le’et.

FM mos rekomenda katak iha futuru governu tenke fo atensaun makas ba PNTL ba Unidade Polisia Komunitaria atu bele halo sira nia dever no hakbesik liu tan ba komunidade atu bele atende sira nia kazu hodi prevene violensia.

FM mos rekomenda katak iha operasaun saida deit PNTL tenki respeita propriedade komunidade nian, komesa husi ai horis to’o animal[1] nebe maka komunidade sira hakiak.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu Nélson Belo, Direktor Fundasaun Mahein, Atu hetan relatoriu Fundasaun Mahein Nia Lian ne bele asesu husi Web: ou tlp ba : +670 737 4222

Bele hetan relatorio iha ne’e.

Fundasaun Mahein 7 June 2010

Press Release

Illegal group and illegal weapons in Timor Leste

Fundasaun Mahein is a national NGO whose purpose is to monitor, conduct research, and advocate policy options for the Timorese security sector. This month Fundasaun Mahein (FM), is going to release a report to the public with the title: “Illegal weapons and illegal groups in Timor Leste.” This report will focus on Ninja activities, and the Illegal groups and illegal weapons incident which occurred during February 2010, up to the recent PNTL operations in the districts of Bobonaro and Suai.  This report will also talk about the escalation of rumors that were spread in the community about a confrontation and shootout between an illegal group and the COE (Especial Command Operation) of PNTL on May 16, 2010 in the district of Ermera.

We all know that illegal groups and illegal weapons are not new in the history of Timor Leste.  Many such groups and weapons are left over from when the Portuguese departed in 1975, with the proliferation continuing all throughout the Indonesian military occupation which lasted up to the time of the referendum in 1999.  During the political-military crisis of 2006 we saw again the deployment of illegal weapons to civilians.  We consider the recent Ermera situation, as a sad continuation of the past.

Based on the facts that Fundasaun Mahein has collected, we can conclude that there are serious problems of instability in the nation.  But, at the current time there are no relevant government institutions that have formally declared who belongs to these groups and how many weapons they possess.  After Timor Leste achieved independence, these institutions of government did not make much effort to collect all the illegal weapons still scattered around the country.

FM recommends to both Ministers of Defense and Security for them to order an annual audit of the weapons in the armories of both PNTL and F-FDTL.  This audit should be carried out through the National Parliament Commission B and should include a list of the missing weapons and the existing inventory of weapons in both armories.

Fundasaun Mahein also acknowledges that there is a need for more adequate communication among the security institutions, and recomends the establishment of an intergrated system of sharing information which enables better coordination between PNTL members in the districts, PNTL Headquaters in Dili, and the National Intelligence Service (SNI). This type of coordination is important so that when an annoucement is made by PNTL to the public, it has already been shared with and vetted by other relevant  security institutions, and is based on concrete data, so there is no confusion, and we avoid the possibility of a public panic.

Fundasun Mahein recommends that in the future the Government must give their full attention to PNTL, especialy PNTL’s Community Police Unit and make sure they comply with their duties and establish close links with the community in order to attend to their issues and prevent future conflicts.

FM also highly recommends that in their every day operations, PNTL show full respect to the private property of individuals in the community, including plantations and gardens to pet animals and livestock for which people are the owners and caretakers.

For further information regarding this report, please contact

Nelson Belo, Director, Fundasaun Mahein ,

tlp +670 737 4222

Download the English version here.


MAHEIN NIA LIAN No. 5, 12 Januari 2010


(National Security Politics in the Reform of the National Police)

Januari 2010

Antonio Freitas MA

Pada pemerintahan Konstitusional Pertama, politik negara dalam hal pengelolahan keamanan negara didasarkan pada filosofi keamanan yang seolah-olah memberi kewenangan penting kepada otoritas keamanan dalam negeri dengan unsur Kepolisian sebagai first line of security and defense pada hal secara konstitusional RDTL kita menganut separation of the national power.[2] Filosofi manajemen keamanan ini seolah-olah mengesampingkan manajemen pertahanan yang diemban oleh komponen militer yaitu Falintil-FDTL. Rivalitas pengelolahan keamanan nasional yang seharusnya diembang oleh dua komponen alat keamanan negara dihadapkan pada races of national power yang dilakukan oleh unsur pimpinan negara dalam hal pemerintahan konstitusional Pertama. Rivalitas kewenangan keamanan negara membuat tindakan komponen alat keamanan negara pada situasi dilemma, dimana kekuatan pimpinan politik hadir dengan melakukan arah disorientasi kepada unsur kedua komponen keamanan negara sehingga menimbulkan krisis berkepanjangan yang memberikan implikasi serius terhadap upaya pembangunan keamanan nasional.


Entrega Hikas Responsabilidade ba Polísia Timor-Leste Nian

Asia Report N°180 / Crisis Group

3 December 2009

This executive summary and recommendations is also available in English, Portuguese and Indonesian.


Nasoens Unidas tenke entrega lalais kedas kontrolu formál ba iha polísia Timor-Leste. Prosesu prolongadu ida ne’ebé hahú iha fulan Maiu lori ona aproximasaun birokrátiku ida atu avalia kona-bá karik sira prontu ona atu toma konta, maibé realidade hatudu katak polísia Timor-Leste nian funsiona kleur ona iha sira nia komandu nia okos rasik. Hodi laiha akordu ida ba planu ruma hodi halo reforma ba nasaun ne’e nia polísia depois de krize iha tinan 2006 nian, ONU no governu sai ona nu’udár ekipa ida ne’ebé fraku ba iha dezenvolvimentu institusionál nian. Prosesu transferénsia ida ne’ebé lori tempu kleur liu bele estraga liután relasaun entre misaun polísia ONU nian ne’ebé boot liu terseiru iha mundu ho governu Timor-Leste, ne’ebé rekuza ona atu atua hanesan parseiru másimu ida hodi implementa reforma sira. ONU iha knaar kontinuadu ida ne’ebé atu hala’o hodi fornese prezensa konsultivu ida hodi fó apoiu ba polísia nia operasaun sira. Atu ida-ne’e bele la’o, governu tenke involve hamutuk ho misaun ONU nian no hetan akordu kona-bá forma husi parseria ida-ne’e. Atu hetan susesu ba mandatu foun ruma, sira presiza uza fulan balu ne’ebé sei restu hela molok ida atuál ne’e to’o iha nia rohan iha fulan Fevereiru 2010 hodi dezenvolve estrutura serbisu nian ida ne’ebé detalladu ba kooperasaun iha aban-bainrua nian ba polísia ne’ebé iha komandu lokál nia okos.

Timor-Leste sei presiza nafatin ONU no hakiduk pasu ida ba kotuk ne’e lahanesan ho sai sedu. Iha apoiu polítiku doméstika nian hodi halo kontinuasaun ida maski kontinjente polísia nian reduzidu, pelumenus to’o iha eleisaun nasionál sira ne’ebé planeadu ba tinan 2012. Kolokasaun internasionál nian ida ne’ebé konsiderável labele ona atu husik hodi funsiona maibé laiha konsensu ida ne’ebé klaru iha liman kona-bá tarefa ne’e. Mandatu foun ruma tenke limitadu, espesífiku no iha akordu. ONU bele fornese unidade sira ne’ebé subskreve seguransa no fó apoiu ba polísia Timor-Leste nian iha área sira tékniku nian hanesan investigasaun, akuzasaun (prosesu) no treinamentu. Hirak-ne’e sei identifikadu di’akliu hotu liuhusi revizaun independente ida ne’ebé komprensivu kona-bá kapasidade polísia nian, no kombinadu ho kontribuisaun bilaterál prinsipál sira, inklui husi Austrália no Portugál. Nu’udár ekivalente, Timor-Leste tenke rekoñese nesesidade atu hadi’a mekanizmu sira ba eskrutíniu no mós akuntabilidade nian. ONU no nia ajénsia sira tenke kontinua atu ajuda harii estrutura hirak-ne’e no iha meiu tempu ne’e halo monitorizasaun ba direitus umanus.

ONU foti ona aproximasaun teknokrátiku ida ba iha tarefa reforma polísia nian ida ne’ebé iha forma polítiku ne’ebé aas. Enviadu atu restaura orden depois de rebeliaun ida iha tinan 2006, polísia ONU nian ajuda ona hodi reforsa estabilidade iha rai-laran maibé monu uitoan bainhira sira koko atu reforma instituisaun ka hadi’a eskrutíniu. Sira lá’os estabelesidu atu promove mudansa sira prazu naruk nian sira hanesan ne’e no nunka hetan instrumentu sira atu halo nune’e. Polísia Timor-Leste nian nakfahe no mal-administradu, iha másimu, misaun ONU nian tau-sala ninia énfaze hodi fornese ofisiál fardadu atuis-ba-atus ba iha estasaun lokál sira iha rai-laran tomak. Nia haluha tiha knaar ne’ebé lideransa sivíl sira hala’o durante krize iha tinan 2006 nian no mós nesesidade atu restaura ministériu ne’ebé tau-matan ba polísia nu’udár parte husi solusaun ida ne’ebé dura. Mal-kolokasaun pesoál ba iha serbisu sira, rotasaun sira ne’ebé badak no mós falta iha familiaridade ho kondisaun lokál nian no mós língua sira limita tiha abilidade polísia internasionál nian sira atu sai nu’udár mestre no mós mentór sira ne’ebé di’ak. Laiha podér atu halo despedimentu ka fó kastigu ba ofisiál sira, misaun ne’e labele hadi’ak akuntabilidade. Governu rekuza atu aprova lei sira ne’ebé fó apoiu ba ONU nia knaar, haruka tun mensajen dezafiadór ida kona-bá laiha-kooperasaun nian liuhusi diviza polísia nian sira.

Ho auzénsia husi estratejia konjunta ida, reforma estruturál nian sai limitadu. Governu nomeia komandante ida ne’ebé lá’os husi diviza sira polísia nian, ne’ebé enfrakesa esforsu sira atu profesionaliza servisu ne’e. Nia promove ona modelu paramilitár ida ba polísia nian, ne’ebé redúz liña sira entre militár no mós polísia. Atensaun inklinadu ba iha unidade espesiál sira ne’ebé armadu ho di’ak sei la hadi’ak asesu ba justisa, no ambiguidade mak nia kria perigu hodi kuda fini sira ba konflitu ho forsas armadas (ezérsitu) iha tempu aban-bainrua nian. Líder Timor-Leste nian sira hatene di’akliu duké ema ruma husi rai-liur kona-bá konsekuénsia fatál sira husi fallansu institusionál nian. Atu evita ida-ne’e, Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão, asua’in independénsia nian ida, agora lidera ministériu konjunta ida ba defeza no seguransa nian. Solusaun polítika nian sira ne’ebé lalais bazeia ba personalidade sira bele halo polísia no forsas armada haketak malu iha prazu badak nia laran, maibé sira aumenta uitoan ba iha solusaun sira ne’ebé dura liu iha ne’ebé mak respeita ba estadu de direitu nian bele fornese.

Ba komunidade internasionál nian, luta kona-bá komandu polísia nian entre ONU ho nia estadu membru nian ida-ne’e kontein lisaun barak. Redusaun ne’ebé neineik ba númeru elementu polísia ONU nian iha Timor-Leste sei la sai hanesan estratejia sai-fatin (saída) ne’ebé prudente. Misaun ne’e seidauk hetan susesu ida no mós fallansu ida. Labele atu forma konsensu kona-bá estratejia dezenvolvimentu polísia nian ida ba prazu naruk nian, nia husik hela instituisaun nasionál polísia nian ida ne’ebé fraku. Misaun ne’e nia eransa ne’ebé dura liu bele hetan iha ninia lisaun sira ne’ebé mak nia bele hanorin ba Konsellu Seguransa atu labele habelar liu-resik ninia mandatu sira. ONU tenke hanoin didi’ak kona-bá atu hakat tama no foti kontrolu ba iha servisu polísia lokál nian ida, partikularmente, hanesan iha kazu Timor-Leste nian, bainhira iha parte boot husi ida-ne’e sei funsiona nafatin. Reforma sira ne’ebé kompleksu ba iha instituisaun sira estadu nian ne’e sei labele halo bainhira laiha konsentimentu polítika husi ema sira ne’ebé mak involvidu diretamente.


Ba Governu Timor-Leste nian:

1.  Foti pasu sira hodi apoia rezolusaun rápidu, bainhira posível, ba iha kazu pendente barabarak  kona-bá sertifikasaun polísia nian, inklui aprova lejizlasaun ruma ne’ebé nesesáriu, no mós asegura katak pesoál sira ne’ebé mak iha konviksaun kriminál pendente ka iha aban-bainrua nian ne’e sei hasai tiha husi Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste nian (PNTL).

2.  Dezenvolve  kapasidade eskrutíniu independente nian ida ne’ebé forte ba polísia, karik liuhusi halo revizaun ba funsaun disiplinár internu sira polísia nian hodi halo ninia operasaun sira kompletamente transparent no públiku ka, se karik nesesáriu, dezenvolve orgaun provedoria ketak ida polísia.

3.  Implementa estrutura diviza foun polísia nian ne’ebé propoin hodi hadi’ak profisionalizmu no hamenus poténsia ba manipulasaun polítika ba iha servisu polísia nian.

4.  Evita militarizasaun polísia nian no demarka klaramente iha lei no mós polítika nia laran kona-bá polísia no forsas armada (ezérsitu) nia knaar nune’e mós kondisaun no prosedimentu sira ne’ebé mak militár sira bele fó tulun ba autoridade sivíl sira iha seguransa internu ka iha situasaun sira seluk.

Ba Misaun Integradu Nasoens Unidas nian iha Timor-Leste (UNMIT) no mós Governu Timor-Leste nian:

5.  Asegura katak responsibilidade ezekutivu sira polísia nian ne’e entrega lalais kedas ba iha polisia Timor-Leste nian, hodi esplika klaramente pasu sira hodi entrega autoridade formal ba iha PNTL, mantein prezensa konsultivu no apoiu limitadu ida ba polísia ONU nian iha área operasionál sira ne’ebé governu identifika ona katak prioridade.

6.  Orienta hikas mandatu sira ba misaun sira iha aban-bainrua nian hodi mantein prezensa konsultivu limitadu ida ba polísia ONU nian iha área sira ne’ebé governu identifika ona katak prioridade no mós reforsa antes seguransa molok ba eleisaun sira iha tinan 2012, no klarifika kondisaun sira ne’ebé nesesáriu molok halo retira totál ba iha kontinjente polísia internasionál nian iha aban-bainrua.

7.  Foka misaun aban-bainrua nian, esforsu bilaterál sira no mós governu nia programa sira hodi rezolve nesesidade formasaun nian, falta iha ekipamentu nian, no rezolve prosesu administrativu ezistente sira ne’ebé identifika ona iha avaliasaun konjunta sira husi nível nasionál ba to’o iha sub-distritu nian.

8.  Komete revizaun ida ne’ebé kompletamente independente kona-bá kapasidade polisia nian iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé sei dezempeña molok halo retira finál ba kontinjente polísia ONU nian.

Ba Konsellu Seguransa ONU nian:

9.  Estabelese meta sira ne’ebé realístiku ba iha estensaun mandatu ba UNMIT nian iha aban-bainrua  no mós rekoñese kapasidade limitadu husi polísia ONU nian atu hala’o knaar dezenvolvimentu ezistente ho sira nia omólogu sira iha Timor-Leste.

Ba Doadór Bilaterál sira, inklui Austrália no Portugál:

10.  Apoia revizaun independente ida ba iha kapasidade polísia nian ne’ebé estabelese espesialmente husi Governu Timor-Leste no mós UNMIT, no komete atu halo ligasaun entre esforsu dezenvovimentu sira aban-bainrua nian ho nesesidade sira ne’ebé identifika ona iha revizaun nia laran tuir estrutura serbisu komún ida.

11.  Insiste ba estratejia kapasitasaun prazu nian ida ne’ebé ho konsentrasaun atu harii valór sira institusionál nian kona-bá estadu de direitu, profisionalizmu no direitus umanus.

Ba ONU nia Repartisaun ba Operasaun Manutensaun Pás nian (UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations):

12.  Halo ezersísiu kompletu ida husi lisaun sira ne’ebé aprende kona-bá UNMIT nia mandatu ezekutivu polísia nian, knaar dezenvolvimentu polísia ONU nian, no mós revizaun sektór seguransa nian ne’ebé la kompletu hodi bele informa misaun sira iha aban-bainrua nian.

Dili/Bruxelas, 3 Dezembru 2009

TEMPO SEMANAL: Crisis Group Slams UNMIT and UNPOL performance in Timor-Leste

TEMPO SEMANAL: Crisis Group Slams UNMIT and UNPOL performance in Timor-Leste.

Kona Ba PNTL Halo Arbiru ho Kilat.

Foin daduak Deputado David Ximenes koalia makas kona ba PNTL ho sira nia aktividade arbiru deit no kilat. Intervista husi TEMPO SEMANAL.

International Crisis Group – 180 Handing Back Responsibility to PNTL

International Crisis Group – 180 Handing Back Responsibility to Timor-Leste’s P.

Planu ho Orsamento Geral 2010 ba MDS, FALINTIL, ho PNTL.

2010 Security Plans

2010 Defence Plans

Dokumentu ida ne’e Matrix Prioridade Nasional ba Ministeriu Defeze ho Seguranza, FALINTL-FDTL ho PNTL.

2010 Draft National Priorities Matrix.pdf

Dokumentu ida ne’e “factsheet” kona ba orsamento geral proposta ba Ministeriu Defeze ho Seguranza, FALINTL-FDTL ho PNTL.

2010 Budget Defence & Security.pdf

Disculpa sira halo dokumentu sira iha lian Ingles deit.