Mahein nia Lian 21: Dezenvolvimentu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL)

Iha Mahein nia Lian 21 (.pdf), Fundasaun Mahein halo peskiza kle’an ba Dezenvolvementu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste.

Dezenvolvementu Polisia Timor-Leste, hanesan seitor barak seluk nebe’e iha dezenvolvementu nasional , no ne’e obstaklu maka’as los. Importante liu atu dezenvolve iha PNTL laran mak Polisia ne’e rasik.  Polisiamentu ne’e kompleksu , serbisu ne’ebe difisil, ne’ebe perzisa duni matenek diak nian iha lei ho prosedementus sira, no mos pesoal polisia ne’ebe iha  kapasidade naton . Alen de esforsu an atu hasae kapasidade ba autor nasional no mos internasional, hetok hetan ofisiais PNTL ne’ebe sei iha problema. Iha Mahein nia Lian 21, FM deteta tanba saida?.

Atu suporta kna’ar individual ofisiais Polisia sira nian, tenki persiza kapasita PNTL ho suporta ida ne’ebe adekuadu. Ofisiais Polisia persiza fatin ne’ebe uutuliza hodi halo serbisu ba, kareta ne’ebe persiza atu responde ba insedente no komputador ne’ebe persiza atu grava arkivu ba krime ne’ebe tama. Edefisiu/uma , ekipamentu no individual sira ne’ebe persiza fo suporta no sistema  administrasaun ne’ebe forte atu bele hamenus inkapasidade. Iha Mahein nia Lian 21, FM deskobre katak konstruksaun ba edefisiu  Polisia sidauk iha, kareta sira ne’ebe uza la tuir fatin los nian, no mos sistema administrasaun atu suporta PNTL fraku tebes.

PNTL nia mandatu atu hari’i lei no hare’e ba protesaun ne’ebe seguru ba povu Timor-Leste. Atu ezekuta kna’ar ne’e, delega sira ho kapasidade ne’ebe forte atu deteina ameasa ne’ebe iha potensial boot. Atu hetan lejitima ba kna’ar ne’e , PNTL tenki hatene sira nia kapasidade boot liu wainhira fo kna’ar boot ba sira. Maske nune’e FM deskobre nomeru PNTL atus ba atus ne’ebe mosu kada tinan-tinan no lori deit lubuk balun ba tribunal.

Ho Lei Organiku PNTL ne’ebe deklara katak hakbesik ba komunidade ne’e prefere liu ba modelu  polisiamentu ba PNTL, no PNTL kontinua hakbesik ba komunidade ho nomeru boot no uza  polisiamentu ida ne’ebe ho operasaun  militaristiku ba Ninja iha Bobonaro-Suai no operasaun ho naran 88 iha Baucau. FM husu tanba sa maka polisia husi distritus hat ne’e tenki halo operasaun ho intimidasaun lokal no naukten sira? FM husu tanba sa maka okontesemente ne’e mosu iha tinan 2010 maibe nusa maka halo fali responde iha tinan 2011? FM husu, agresivu no fo sai ba ema hotu ho meus diak konaba tipu operasaun ne’e katak fo ona solusaun ba problema hirak ne’ebe mosu?

FM argumentu tan katak  PNTL nia kna’ar ne’e halo lolos nian no hari’i forsa polisia ida ne’ebe efetivu. Polisia ida tenki iha mantein relasaun forte ho komunidade no responsivamentu imidiatu ba komunidade nia persiza. Kna’ar ida ne’e, la’os boot,  no operasaun ida ne’e karun atu atinje objetivu no mos benefisiu ba povu Timor-Leste.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu.

Nélson Belo,

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Tlp:         +670 737 4222


Press Release 

National Police of Timor Leste (PNTL) Development

 In Mahein nia Lian 21, Fundasaun Mahein has carried out in-depth research in to the state of police development in Timor Leste.

Developing the police in Timor Leste, like many other aspects of national development, is tremendously challenging. The most important thing to develop within the police is the police themselves. Policing is a complex, difficult task, which requires a good knowledge of law and procedure, as well as excellent interpersonal skills. Despite much effort to increase capacity by both national and international actors, many PNTL officers are still found wanting.  In Mahein nia Lian 21, FM finds out why.

In order to support the work of individual police officers, the PNTL needs to provide them with adequate support. Police officers need offices from which to work, cars with which to respond to incidents and computers with which to record crimes. Buildings, equipment and individuals need to be supported by strong administrative systems to ensure sustainability. In Mahein nia Lian 21, FM finds that police buildings are not being built, cars are in the wrong place and the administrative systems that support the police are weak.

The PNTL is tasked with upholding the law and seeing to the protection and safety of the people of Timor Leste. In order to carry out this responsibility, they are entrusted with the power to arrest and to use potentially lethal force.  To legitimately hold this responsibility, the PNTL must ensure that they themselves are beyond reproach. However FM finds that of the hundreds of PNTL disciplinary cases every year, very few make it to court.

Despite the Police Organic Law stating that community engagement is the preferred policing model of the PNTL, the PNTL continue to engage in large scale and militaristic policing operations as seen with Operation Ninja in Bobonaro and the recent Operation 88 in Baucau. FM asks why the Police from four districts were required to deal with a local case of intimidation and theft? FM asks why an incident that occurred in 2010 requires a response in 2011? FM asks if aggressive and well-publicized police operations of this type are the best response to these problems?

FM argues that PNTL’s work would best directed at building an effective police force. A police force which maintains strong relations to the community and is responsive to their needs. This work, rather than large, expensive operations to chase ghosts, will be of most benefit to Timor Leste.

If you require further information on this then contact:

Nélson Belo,

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Tlp:         +670 737 4222

Mahein Nia Lian No. 17: Komunikadu Imprenza Veteranu sira iha Timor Leste Dezde Krize tinan 2006 nian

Mahein nia Lian iha edisaun  17 (pdf) sei deskuite konaba Veteranu.  Relatoriu ne katak, problema veteranu nian sira ne’e sei nunka bele mate se bainhira veteranu sira ida-idak no mós organizasaun veteranu nian sira la kontente ho prosesu ne’ebé mak trata ho veteranu sira. Durante tinan 24 nia laran Timoroan sira luta iha foho leten. Bainhira funu hotu tiha ema hirak ne’ebé halo funu ne’e sai veteranu ba funu nian.

Mahein Nia Lian ne’e mos sita katak, Governu koko makaas ona atu rezolve problema sira ne’ebé relasionadu ho reintegrasaun veteranu sira nian, hanesan hodi kria lejizlasaun ne’ebé fó asisténsia ba veteranu sira iha forma ba pensaun no mós fó medalla. Medida hirak-ne’e seidauk to’o maibé nu’udár pasu ida ne’ebé mak iha diresaun ne’ebé loos. Maibé lei sira ne’ebé mak governu kria tiha ona ne’e seidauk implementa loloos tanba sistema ida ne’ebé mak praga ho falta ida iha rekursus umanus nian, no mós kapasidade governasaun nian ne’ebé limitadu.

Objetivu prinsipál husi artigu ida ne’e nian mak atu fó pontu jerál ida kona-bá problema komplikadu sira ne’ebé relasionadu ho reintegrasaun ba veteranu hotu-hotu, bazeia ba entrevista ne’ebé hala’o ona ho atór xave sira ne’ebé mak reprezenta distritu 5 iha Timor-Leste.  Distritu hirak-ne’e mak, Liquica, Ermera, Manatuto, Baucau, no Dili. Mahein Nia Lian ne’e nia rohan inklui rekomendasaun diagnóstika sira atu ajuda hodi rezolve veteranu nia problema sira, tantu iha prazu badak no mós ba prazu naruk nian. Ida-ne’e lá’os prosesu ida ne’ebé lais ka fásil. Vontade ne’ebé makaas no mós konsisténsia sei sai nesesáriu ba melloramentu progresiva.

Iha relatoriu ne’e mos FM rekomenda ba governu atu formalmente rekoñese knaar husi labarik sira ne’ebé sai soldadu. Bazeia ba lei internasionál nian ne’e viola konvensaun internasionál nian katak Timor-Leste ratifika ida-ne’e, maibé iha Timor-Leste nia istória labarik sira iha nasaun ne’e mós kontribui iha maneira ida ne’ebé signifikativu, ne’e duni, rekoñesimentu ba labarik sira ne’ebé sai soldadu ne’e komplikadu, maibé nesesáriu.

FM rekomenda ba governu atu dezenvolve no implementa polítika ida kona-bá funerál estadu nian ba veteranu sira inklui:

1. Parada no serimónia Guarda Onra nian ba funerál

2. Harii Semitériu ida ba Veteranu Rezisténsia nian iha distritu hotu-hotu.

Sujere katak grupu ki’ik ida husi soldadu F-FDTL sira mak diriji guarda onra nian ba veteranu sira atu partisipa iha serimónia funerál iha semitériu sira.

FM rekomenda ba governu atu implementa esbosu lei nebe’e esiste tiha, atu atoriza tur fatin especial iha area balun ba Veteranu durante cerimonia feriadu Nasional.

FM rekomenda ba governu atu dezeña no distribui iha ninia despeja rasik Tais espesiál ida ba veteranu sira hotu ne’ebé mak sria bele hatais iha eventu sira ne’ebé espesiál.

Imi bele hetan relatoriu iha ne’e.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu.

Nélson Belo,

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Tlp:         +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 23 March  2011

Press release

Veterans in Timor-Leste since the Crisis of 2006.

In the Voice of Fundasaun Mahein, 17th Edition we will discuss the issue of Veterans. The report stated that, the problem of veterans will never die if the individual veterans and veterans’ organizations are not happy with the process that deals with veterans. During 24 years Timorese struggled in the mountains.   After the war those who fought became war veterans.

Mahein Nia Lian also quoted that the government has tried hard to overcome the issues related to the reintegration of veterans, such as creating legislation which provided assistance to Veterans in the form of pensions and awarding medals.  These measures are not enough but are a step in the right direction.  However, these laws the government created have not been implemented properly due to a system that is plagued by a lack of human resources, and limited governance capacity.

The main objective of this paper is to provide an overview of the complicated problems related to the reintegration of all veterans, based on interviews with key actors representing 5 districts in Timor Leste.  Those districts are Liquica, Ermera, Manatuto, Baucau, and Dili.  The end of Mahein Nia Lian  includes diagnostic recommendations to help solve the veterans’ issues, both in the short and long term.  It is not a fast or easy process.  Strong will and consistency will be necessary for progressive improvement

FM recommends that the government formally recognize the role of child solders. Based on international law it violates the international convention that Timor- Leste has ratified, but in Timorese history the children of the country contributed in a very significant way, therefore, the recognition of child solders is complicated, but it is necessary.

FM recommends that the government develop and implement a policy for on state funerals for veterans including:

1. Parade and Honour Guard ceremony for funerals

2. Build a Cemetery for Veterans of the Resistance in all the districts.

It is suggested that a small group of F-FDTL soldiers lead the honor guard for veterans to participate in funeral ceremonies in the cemeteries.

FM recommends that the government implement and enforce the existing law to allow for a special seating area for Veterans during National Holiday ceremonies.

FM recommends that the government design and distribute at its own expense a special Tais for veterans which they can wear on special occasions

For more information on this issue, please contact

Nélson Belo,

Director of Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Telp. +670 737 4222

Resposta hosi Fundasaun Mahein bá Relatóriu hosi Sekretáriu Jerál kona-bá UNMIT ho data 25 Janeiru 2011.

Komentariu Fundasaun Mahein 10 Janeiru 2011

Resposta hosi Fundasaun Mahein bá Relatóriu hosi Sekretáriu Jerál kona-bá Misaun Integrada Nasoens Unidas ho data 25 Janeiru 2011.

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) simu Sekretáriu Jerál-nia Relatóriu kona-bá Misaun Integrada Nasoens Unidas iha Timór-Leste ho data 25 Janeiru 2011.  Ami apresia ninian kandór espesialmente kona-bá asuntu-sira relasionadu ho justisa, direitus umanus, no estadu direitu. Ami enkorrajadu atu haree katak UNMIT hetook responsive bá nesesidade no preokupasaun oioin hosi ema Timorénse-sira no katak sentimentu nuudár na’in (ownership) iha prosesu reforma seguransa ne’e hetook aas.

Maiské nune’e ami fiar katak iha buat barak no nesesidade oioin tan mak presiza atu halo hodi nune’e bele eleva partisipasaun no sentimentu nuudár na’in kona-bá asuntu-sira relasionadu setór seguransa, asuntu-hirak ne’ebé krusiál bá Timór-Leste-nia futuru.

1. Língua

Iha ami-nia komentáriu iha-kraik ne’e, ami publika parágrafu relevante hosi Sekretáriu Jerál-nia relatóriu atu tulun fó naroman bá ami-nia maluk Timorense-sira.

Maiské membru lubuk ida hosi Konsellu Ministru mak bele lee iha lian Inglez, barak mak la-bele.  Nune’e-mós pesoál barak hosi Ministériu/Sekretariadu Defeza no Seguransa la-bele lee iha lian Inglez. Membru Parlamentu barak mak la-bele lee iha lian Inglez. Buat hanesan mós aplika bá komandante sira iha PNTL, F-FDTL no servisu oioin kona-bá seguransa nian.  Adisionálmente, maiória sosiedade sivíl Timorénse inkluzive grupu feto, monitor anti-korrupsaun, Provedoria de Dereitus Humanu no mídia Timorénse la-bele lee relatóriu ida-ne’e. Tan-ne’e, relatóriu hanesan ne’e mai hosi elite estreanjeira bá elite estranjeira sira ho absorsaun ho nível mínimu iha elite Timorénse nian.

ONU iha karta ida atu defende no promove ONU-nia Deklarasaun Universál Direitus Umanus no buat-barak hosi relatóriu ne’e relasiona ho asuntu ne’e no tópiku seluk oioin ne’ebé diretu no indiretu.

Relatóriu ida-ne’e aproximadamente uza liafuan to’o 9.800 ne’ebé tuir taxa merkadu iha Timór-Leste sei presiza aproximadamente $1.000 atu traduz.  Ho orsamentu anuál liu millaun 200 dólar amerikanu tintinan UNMIT iha pozisaun finanseiru di’ak atu traduz dokumentu hanesan ne’e ho fásil.  Karik nune’e nia sei :

1.  Indika katak nia sériu liu atu involve komunidade Timorénse ein jerál;

2.  Sei fornese asesu bá informasaun ne’ebé boot-liu; no

3.  Sei habiban debate dinámika ho nível ne’ebé boot-liu kona-bá situasaun iha Timór-Leste hosi ema Timorénse no bá ema Timorénse.

Iha FM-nia komentáriu iha-kraik ne’e, ami publika parágrafu relevante hosi Sekretáriu Jerál-nia relatóriu atu ilumina ami-nia maluk-sira Timorénse.

2. Sertifikasaun (Pará 62)

Fundasaun Mahein simu no iha preokupasaun hosi Sekretáriu Jerál relasiona ho sertifikasaun bá ofisiál polísia hamutuk na’in 52 ne’ebé hetan akuzasaun dixiplinária séria no kriminál. Ami fiar katak dezisaun ida-ne’e sériamente diminui esforsu atu harii servisu polisiál ida ne’ebé profisionál, dixiplinadu no apartidária iha Timór-Leste, estraga estadu direitu no sei hamihis konfiansa públiku iha polísia.

Parte Relevante hosi Relatóriu

62. Governu-nia desizaun atu finálmente sertifika ofisiál polísia na’in 52 ne’ebé hetan alegasaun dixiplinária sériu no kriminál ne’e sai hanesan preokupasaun ida no kontra espíritu akordu suplementár iha 2006 kona-bá polísiamentu. Maibé governu haktuir ona katak iha naran sirkumstánsia ida ofisiál-sira ne’e sei hetan ezensaun hosi prosedimentu kriminál no dixiplinár tuir-mai. Hanesan ha’u-nia reprezentante halo ona, ha’u husu autoridade Governu no judisiáriu atu hola medida hothotu ne’ebé nesesária atu garanti integridade hosi polísia nasionál. (Hosi SJ-nia Relatóriu)

3. Revizaun bá Setór Seguransa (Pará 30, 31)

Fundasaun Mahein simu redusaun iha énfaze hosi ONU kona-bá Revizaun bá Setór Seguransa. Hamutuk ho komentadór-sira seluk, FM fiar katak projetu ida-ne’e polítikamente la viável ona no katak ONU agora presiza fó-biban bá governu Timorénse atu lidera inisiativa oioin kona-bá setór seguransa.

Parte Relevante hosi Relatóriu

30. Hanesan nota ona iha ha’u-nia relatóriu uluk, Governu halo ona progresu notável iha dezenvolvimentu setór lejislativu ne’ebé integradu no enkuadramentu polítika bá setór seguransa (S/2010/522, pará. 29) no, durante prosesu ida-ne’e, responde ona bá buat barak hosi element-hirak ne’ebé identifika ona ante-projetu revizaun abranjénte bá setór seguransa. Maiské promulga ona lei oioin kona-bá seguransa nasionál, defeza nasionál no seguransa intérna iha Abríl 2010 (haree S/2010/522, pará. 29), sei presiza tan lejislasaun, regulamentu no polítika subsidiária oioin. Sekretáriu Estadu bá Seguranda indika ona iha audiénsia parlamentár 26 Novembru katak proposta orsamentu jerál estadu refere bá estabelesimentu mekanizmu no prosesu oioin ne’ebé relevante. Ante-projetu hosi polítika seguransa nasionál, ne’ebé sei kompleta lei oioin ne’ebé temi ona iha-leten no ho kombinasaun ho lei-hirak ne’e sei fornese enkuadramentu ida jerál  bá setór seguransa, foin lalais ne’e haruka fali bá Sekretariadu Estadu Seguransa atu halo revizaun hafoin hetan revizaun hosi Konsellu Ministru (haree S/2010/522, pará. 29).

31. Finalizasaun bá ante-projetu dokumentu kona-bá revizaun kompleta bá setór seguransa hetan ona atrazu. Foin lalais ne’e, Governu no Gabinete Prezidénsia revee dokumentu ne’e, iha konsulta ho UNMIT. Maiské haree bá susar atu finaliza dokumentu ne’e iha futuru ne’ebé besik, buat barak ho element-hirak ne’ebé idenfikadu ona iha ante-projetu hosi dokumentu ne’e hetan ona atuasaun, hanesan nota ona iha-leten (haree pará. 30), no, bainhira finaliza ona, nia sei sai hanesan dokumentu referénsia ida ne’ebé útil. (Hosi SJ-nia Relatóriu)

4. Transferénsia Responsabilidade Polísiamentu (Pará 55)

Maiské ami simu faktu katak governu Timorénse sei iha ownership konjunta hosi prosesu transferénsia, ami lamenta ho faktu katak UNMIT no governu la iha konkordánsia kona-bá reprezentasaun ne’ebé luan-liu kona-bá Komité Altu Nível bá Tranzisaun. Maiské ami simu katak governu ohin-loron ne’e eleitu ona ho lejítimu no justu, ami mós fiar katak asuntu-hirak hanesan-ne’e importante tebes bá paíz ida-ne’e, no tan-ne’e, tenke iha konkordánsia no konsénsu kona-bá transferénsia hosi komunidade-nia leet.

Ema barak hatene katak problema barak relasiona ho setór seguransa mosu tan governu Timorénse la halo konsulta ho ema barak no la hetan konsénsu ne’ebé boot molok halo desizaun ruma iha asuntu-sira importante tebes bá setór seguransa.  Fundasaun Mahein fiar katak nesesáriu atu tuka ho buat-hanesan ne’e.

Ami fiar katak Komité Altu Nível bá Tranzisaun presiza iha reprezentasaun ida ne’ebé boot, ne’ebé tenke inklui mós deputadu-sira hosi opozisaun no membru hosi grupu sosiedade sivíl, partikulármente grupu direitus umanus hanesan Asosiasaun HAK. Ho ida-ne’e mak prosesu transferénsia ne’e sei inkluzivu, responsivu liu no ultimamente lejítimu liu.

Parte Relevante hosi Relatóriu

55. Halo ona progresu iha prosesu tranzisaun. Hafoin hetan konkordánsia iha 17 Setembru atu harii mekanizmu ida ne’ebé hamutuk sai-na’in iha tranzisaun bá planeamentu no implementasaun ne’ebé grupu dinamizadora altu nível ida sei tau-matan (haree S/2010/522, pará. 66) no briefing hosi hau-nia Reprezentante Espesiál bá Konsellu Ministru iha 10 Novembru, Prezidente, iha 25 Novembru, konvoka enkontru trimesterál dahuluk hosi Komité Nível Altu bá Tranzisaun, ne’ebé Primeiru Ministru no reprezentante-sira Governu-nian atende, hamutuk ho Komandante F-FDTL no Komandante Jerál hosi polísia nasionál, nune’e mós hau-nia Reprezentante Espesiál, Vise Reprezentante Espesiál no ekipa jerénsia senior. Konkorda ona katak Komité Altu Nível ne’e sei gia prosesu no modalidade oioin hosi tranzisaun. Komité ne’e sei revee nesesidade oioin ne’ebé importante iha área hothotu hosi mandatu UNMIT-nia atu estabelese, hamutuk ho Governu no parte-involvida no parseiru relevante sira-seluk, suporta sa’ida mak sei mantein nafatin to’o UNMIT kompleta ninian mandatu, inkluindu nível pesoál no perfíl ne’ebé presiza. Komité ne’e mós sei foka atu garanti katak UNMIT-nia apóiu, ne’ebé sai hanesan nesesidade kontinuada ida depois mandatu finál hosi Misaun ne’e, tranfere iha maneira ida efetivu, no apropriadu, bá instituisaun oioin hosi Estadu, parseiru bilaterál no multilaterál,entidade oioin hosi Nasoens Unidas ne’ebé prezente iha paíz ne’e nune’e mós sosiedade sivíl.

5. UNPOL-nia papél iha futuru (Pará 23)

Iha enkontru Komité Nível Alta bá Tranzisaun iha 25 Novembru, PNTL (haree pará 23 hosi SJ-nia Relatóriu iha-kraik) hato’o jerálmente área-hirak ne’ebé nia presiza tebes tulun hosi UNPol molok transferénsia kompletu responsabilidade bá políamentu. Ami fiar katak ida-ne’e bele sai hanesan oportunidade ida bá UNPol atu estabelese relasaun ida foun, pozitivu liu ho PNTL, relasaun ida ne’ebé responde duni nesesidade ukun-rasik-an hosi PNTL. Atu harii relasaun foun ne’e, UNPol sei presiza atu hadi’ak prosesu oioin kona-bá selesaun no rekrutamentu; introduz di’ak-liu tan kursu pra-dezlokamentu, kursu oioin ne’ebé sei foka bá treinamentu, dezenvolvimentu kapasidade no kursu língua/kultura; hamutuk ho programa trainementu ne’ebé planea ho di’ak, relevante no sensível bá kultura; no polítika oioin ne’ebé koerente, fásil atu kumpriende relasionadu no dezenvolvimentu kapasidade no akompañamentu.

Molok tama bá eleisaun 2012, UNPol iha kazu balu tenke reduz ona ninian pesoál-sira, espesiálmente iha distritu-sira. Mudansa iha medida ne’e importante no nuudár reflesaun hosi mudansa iha misaun primária hosi forsa, nomeadamente hosi polísiamentu operasionál bá iha papél treinadór/konsultór.

Ezensaun bá mudansa ne’e mak Unidade Formadu Polísia (Formed Police Units – FPUs), ne’ebé presiza atu mantein nafatin bá tempu balu, tuir nesesidade polítika no situasaun seguransa.

Parte Relevante hosi Relatóriu

23. Iha enkontru Komité Nível Alta bá Tranzisaun hosi Governu no UNMIT, ne’ebé Prezidente konvoka, iha 25 Novembru, (haree parás. 55 no 56 iha-kraik), Komandante Jerál polísia nasionál hala’o aprezentasaun kona-bá planu dezenvolvimentu estratéjiku bá polísia bá tinan 2011-2012, hodi haktuir área maiór lima bá ninian dezenvolvimentu — lejislasaun, treinamentu, administrasaun, dixiplina no operasaun — nune’e mós rekomendasaun espesífika bá apóiu hosi UNMIT-nia polísia iha área ididak. Polísia UNMIT no polísia nasionál harii ona grupu traballu konjunta ida iha Setembru atu dezenvolve planu ida bá dezenvolvimentu kapasidade ho apóiu hosi UNMIT bá polísia nasionál bainhira polísia nasionál asumi hikas ninian responsabilidade primária polísiamentu-nian iha distritu hothotu no unidade oioin, agora sei foka área maiór lima ne’e. Esforsu-hirak ne’e, ne’ebé buka atu promove lideransa Timorénse, hein katak bele garanti konkordánsia mútua entre polísia nasionál no polísia UNMIT relasiona ho objetivu oioin hosi dezenvolvimentu kapasidade, modalidade oioin no konteúdu treinamentu-nian, ne’ebé sei sai krítiku bá rezultadu ida efetivu. Planu ne’e sei reflete iha troka nota, ne’ebé dadaunn ne’e sei negosia hela entre UNMIT no Governu no sei fó akordu foun ne’ebé, tuir konkordánsia mútua, sei diferénte hosi provizaun oioin ne’ebé relevante bá akordu suplementár 2006 kona-bá polísiamentu. Tuir akordu foun ne’e, transferénsia bá polísia nasionál sei marka inísiu hosi faze rekonstituisaun no tenke mosu depois sertifikasaun no rekonstituisaun no kapasidade kompleta, ne’ebé sei mosu iha faze rekonstituisaun-nia rohan.

6. Alegasaun Violasaun Direitus Umanus hosi Forsa Seguransa (Pará 33)

Fundasaun Mahein preokupa ho alegasaun violasaun direitus umanus hosi forsa seguransa ne’ebé agregadu iha Sekretáriu Jerál-nia relatóriu. Hein katak NU sei koopera ho órgaun apropriadu oioin hosi Timorénse atu atinji justisa bá hirak ne’ebé involvidu. Sá-tan, Fundasaun Mahein mós konkorda ho komentáriu hosi Sekretáriu Jerál kona-bá nesesidade atu reforsa tan prosesu dixiplináriu iha F-FDTL no PNTL-nia laran, no mós nesesidade atu reforsa tan kontrolu sivíl bá instituisaun-hirak ne’e.

Parte Relevante hosi Relatóriu

33. Durante period revizaun ida-ne’e, UNMIT simu alegasaun hosi kazu violasaun direitus umanus hamutuk 18 ne’ebé membru hosi polísia nasionál no kazu haat ne’ebé F-FDTL halo.  Nota ona implementasaun ne’ebé aumentada hosi medida dixiplina interna bá forsa seguransa, partikulármente bá polísia.  Hadi’ak mekanizmu dixiplináriu bá polísia inklui dokumentasaun ne’ebé di’ak hosi prosesu keixa, atualizasaun bá baze-de-dadus atu rejista keixa-sira, no inisiasaun atu halo investigasaun bazea bá relatóriu hosi fonte-sira seluk ne’ebé vítima, no medida oioin kona-bá enforsamentu ne’ebé hetook forte atu garanti implementasaun hosi desizaun dixiplinária oioin. Maibé, polísia, prokuradoria no tribunal neneik atu responde kazu violasaun oioin, purezemplu, seidauk iha akuzasaun ne’ebé hala’o hasoru suspeitu ida ne’ebé involve iha insidénte28 Dezembru 2009, ne’ebé rezulta ema sivíl ida mate no hakanek ida-seluk tan (haree S/2010/85, pará. 9, no S/2010/522, pará. 31). Nune’e mós, seidauk halo akuzasaun hasoru asaltu maka’as ne’ebé membru F-FDTL halo hasoru ema sivíl ida iha 27 Agostu 2010.  Ida-ne’e rezulta ema ne’e mate (S/2010/522, pará. 31). Kona-bá ofisiál polísia ida ne’ebé alegadu iha kazu tiru iha 21 NOvembru 2009 (S/2010/522, pará. 31) ne’ebé rezulta ema sivíl ida hetn kanek todan iha Díli, ofisiál ne’e, ne’ebé akuzadu ho asalta fízika ne’ebé maka’as no neglijénjia iha Dezembru 2010, hetan libertasaun hosi Tribunal Distrital Díli iha 3 Janeiru 2011 tan falta evidénsia. Iha dezenvolvimentu pozitivu ida, investigasaun bá kazu alegasaun omisídiu ida ne’ebé ofisiál polísia ida halo hasoru ema sivíl ida iha 3 Juñu 2007 iha Distritu Viqueque, ne’ebé mak uluk taka ona tan falta evidénsia, hetan orden atu loke fali hosi Gabinete Prokuradoria Jerál no dadaun ne’e Tribunal Distrital Baucau mak sei revee hela.

7. Outreach (Pará 7, 10, 11)

Fundasaun Mahein senti ksolok atu nota esforsu oioin hosi UNMIT atu hakbesik-an bá órgaun polítika no sosiedade sivíl Timorénse atu fornese suporta bá diálogu no rekonsiliasaun.  Ami hein katak UNMIT sei kontinua halo esforsu-hirak ne’e no espada tan esforsu hirak ne’e atu inklui komunikasaun hosi ofisiál senior NU ho sosiedade sivíl no atór-sira seluk iha distritu hothotu.

Parte Relevante hosi Relatóriu

7. Ha’u-nia Reprezentante Espesiál kontinua ninian esforsu hosi hakarak di’ak liu-hosi enkontru regulár ho Prezidente Ramos-Horta; Primeiru Ministru; Prezidente Parlamentu, Fernando “Lasama” de Araújo; no Fretilin-nia Sekretáriu Jerál. Nia mós kontinua konvoka enkontru ho reprezentante hosi partidu polítika hothotu, inkluindu ho sira ne’ebé la hetan reprezentasaun parlamentár, nune’e mós ho reprezententa-sira feto hosi partidu polítika. Ha’u-nia Reprezentante Espesiál-nia Vise bá Apóia Governasaun, Dezenvolvimentu no Koordenasaun Umanitária kontinua halo enkontru regulár ho Vise Primeiru Ministru hodi diskute asuntu-hirak ne’ebé relasionadu ho responsabilidade no governasaun, seguransa alimentár, programa merenda eskolár no prevensaun risku dezastre.  Ha’u-nia Reprezentante Espesiál-nia Vise bá Apóiu Setór Seguransa no Estadu Direitu kontinua halo enkontru ho Sekretáriu Estadu bá Seguransa no Sekretáriu Estadu bá Defeza atu disktu asuntu polísiamentu no asuntu oioin ne’ebé relasionadu ho setór seguransa, ho foku partikulár bá akabamentu hosi prosesu sertifikasaun bá ofisiál-sira hosi polísia nasionál, prosesu asumi hikas responsabilidade polísiamentu hosi polísia nasionál ne’ebé hala’o nafatin, no medida oioin ne’ebé nesesária atu mantein seguransa no estabilidade durante períodu krusiál iha eleisaun 2012.

10. Ha’u-nia Reprezentante Espesiál organiza diskusaun meja-kabuar ida iha 24 Novembru ho reprezentante-sira feto hosi organizasaun sosiedade sivíl, ne’ebé hetan apóiu hosi Programa Nasoens Unidas bá Dezenvolvimentu (UNDP) no Fundu Dezenvolvimentu Nasoens Unidas bá Feto (UNIFEM, dadaun hola ona parte hanesan UN-Women), nuudár parte ida atividade komemorativa oioin ne’ebé marka désimu aniversáriu hosi rezolusaun Konsellu Seguransa númeru 1325 (2000) (haree S/2010/522, pará. 11). Enkontru ne’e simu promulgasaun hosi lei kontra violénsia doméstika no asaun relasionadu tuir-mai, inkluindu asaun bá ninian implementasaun, no reafirma importánsia hosi esforsu nafatin atu reforsa direitu feto atu hetan rai no atu hasa’e tan sira-nia partisipasaun iha prosesu polítika oioin. Ha’u-nia Reprezentante Espesiál mós fó ona briefing iha enkontru atu lansa relatóriu kona-bá prosesu cross-learning hosi Irlanda/Norte Irlanda, Timór-Leste no Libéria kona-bá rezolusaun 1325 (2000) iha 25 Outobru iha Nova Iorke, kulminasaun hosi inisiativa tinan-tolu hosi rai-hirak ne’e. Iha 9 Dezembru, Parlamentu Foinsa’e, ne’ebé Sekretáriu Estadu bá Juventude no Desportu inagura iha Agostu (haree S/2010/522, pará. 11), hala’o ninian sesaun dahuluk iha Díli, momentu ida ne’ebé Prezidente Parlamentu uza mós hodi hasoru malu ho delegadu-sira hamutuk na’in 130. Inisiativa hosi Sekretáriu Estadu ne’e kontinua hetan nafatin suporta hosi Fundu Nasoens Unidas bá Labarik-sira (UNICEF).

11. Ho apóiu hosi PNUD, Ministra Solidariedade Sosiál inagura, iha Loron Direitus Umanus iha 10 Dezembru, Departamentu Harii-dame no Koezaun Sosiál, hanesan parte ida hosi Dirasaun Nasionál bá Asisténsia Sosiál.  Departamentu-nia meta mak atu reforsa kapasidade prevensaun konflitu, harii-dame no koezaun sosiál iha nível nasionál no komunidade, promove partisipasaun feto iha inisiativa oioin atu harii-dame, no aborda prosesu dezenvolvimentu oioin ne’ebé sensível bá konflitu.

Komunikadu Imprenza Se Mak iha Dereitu Liu Tuir Lei Bele Lori Kilat iha Timor-Leste?

Fundasaun Mahein, 25 Novembru 2010

Komunikadu Imprenza

Se Mak iha Dereitu Liu Tuir Lei Bele Lori Kilat iha Timor-Leste?

Istoria Timor-Leste nakonu ho torturasaun ou violensia tanba kilat nia hahalok. Golpe 1975, akontecementu 1999, 4 dezembru 2002, krizi 2006, ho 11 Febreiru 2008 kontinua nafatin sai sasin iha Timor-Leste nia istoria katak koalia konaba kilat sai problema boot.

Tuir regulamentu UNTAET/REG/2001/19, 21 Juli 2001, sita  katak antes ONU transfere poder soberanu ba Timor-Leste iha 2002, UN sosa ona pistol hamutuk 750 ba PNTL. Agora dadaun asesor legal UNMIT Andre Thorsen  iha nia aprezentasaun   power point versaun Tetun “Ema ida ne’ebe hetan lisensa bele uza kilat bainhira hala’o serbisu nudar investigador privadu ka guarda seguransa so bainhira nia hetan autorizasaun atu kaer kilat tuir lei ne’ebe vigora”. Tamba apresentasaun ne’e hakerek iha Tetun e FM konsidera Tetun ne’e Timor nia lian offisial tan ne’e saida mak hakerek iha lian ne’e nebe’e apresenta iha momentu neba los nia. Se Asesora ne’e nega, tamba sa maka presentasaun power point ne’e hakerek iha Tetun i mos uza bandeira nasional?

FM rezeita tebes ba steitmentu asesor UNMIT, publikasaun media Timor Post edisaun Kinta, (25/11) ne’ebe nega katak la koalia guarda siguransa privadu bele kaer kilat, ne’e hanesan lifuan ne’ebe lalos tanba iha aprezentasaun liu husi Power Point versaun Tetun “Second Roundtable Discussion on Private Security Council” semana kotuk iha ETDA-Komoro-Dili hatudu momos katak peritus UNMIT ne’e sujere ba governu atu kria lei hodi regula kompania seguransa sivil atu uza kilat no armas

Tuir Konstituisaun RDTL, artigu  146  alinea 1 to’o 3  no artigu 147 alinea 1 to’o 3 la koalia konaba ema sivil atu uza kilat ka armas, maibe ba instituisaun F-FDTL no PNTL deit mak bele uza kilat atu fo garantia soberania nasaun foun ida ne’e. Nune’e mos Lei Defeza Nasional iha artigu 4 alinea 1 ne’ebe  dehan katak  kompetensia militar ba Defeza Nasional sei kaer kilat, ho eskluzivu, husi F-FDTL, mak garante defeza militar ba RDTL, tuir no termus sira husi artigu 146, konsituisaun nian, maibe tau bandu ba asosiasaun armada sira no asosiasaun sira ho tipu militar, militarizada ka paramilitar

Ho ida ne’e, Fundasaun Mahein ne’ebe durante hala’o monitorizasaun no Peskiza ba seitor siguransa no defeza iha timor leste kondena maka’as proposta ka hanoin husi peritus UNMIT ne’ebe sujere ba governu no estadu Timor-Leste atu ema sivil uza kilat no armas.

Fundasaun Mahein mos fo nia posizaun konkorda ba steitmentu ne’ebe mai husi Prezidenti da Republika, Jose  Ramos Horta, Primeiru Ministru,  Xanana Gusmão inklui Segundu Komandante F-FDTL, Brigadeiru Jeneral Lere Anan Timor , Sekertairu Estadu Defeza, Julio Tomas Pinto ne’ebe la konkorda ho hanoin ka proposta husi peritus UNMIT nian.  FM kontente ho steimentu husi lideransa sira ne’e no FM  propoin ba governu atu kontinua halo debate publiku konaba asuntu kilat e husu governu atu hasai kilat boot  hanesan (riffle) husi PNTL no uza deit pistoal, e kilat boot sira ne’e tenki F-FDTL maka uza, I guarda siguransa privadu labele uza kilat.

FM rekomenda ba Guvernu Timor-Leste atu kria mekanismu dia ba institusaun F-FDTL ho PNTL atu manaija kilat ho diak hodi labele uza sala hodi viola lei ho ordem iha Timor-Leste.

Nélson Belo

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Tlp:  +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 25 November 2010

Press Release

Who Has the Right According to the Law of to carry Weapons in Timor Leste?

The history of Timor-Leste has been full of torture and violence because of weapons. Incidents such as in 1975 decolonization, 1999 referendum, 4 December 2002, 2006 crisis, and the 11 February 2008 attacks are evidence of events in Timor-Leste’s history where weapons caused big problems in this country.

According to regulation UNTAET/REG/2001/19, passed on 21 July 2001, before the UN transferred sovereignty power to Timor-Leste in 2002, the UN bought 750 pistols all together for PNTL. Recently the second “Roundtable Discussion on Private Security Companies” was held at ETDA in Comoro.  One of the presenters was a legal advisor for the UN Security Sector Unit.  According to the Tetun version of UN legal advisor Andre S. Thorsen’s PowerPoint presentation, “An individual who has license may use weapon when carries out work as private investigator or security guard when he/she gets authorization to carry weapon according to the law that is in effect”. As this presentation was written in Tetun, and the fact that FM considers Tetun as the official language of Timor, then what was written in Tetun, and presented at the discussion is considered to be an accurate representation of Mr. Thorsen’s words. If that advisor denies that these words were presented, then why was the PowerPoint presentation written in Tetun and why was the national flag used as the background?

FM rejects the accuracy of the statement by the UN adviser, in Timor Post’s Thursday (25/11) edition, where he denies that his presentation mentioned private security guards carrying weapons. His words are incorrect because his Tetun version PowerPoint presentation clearly showed that the UN apparatus suggested the government create a law allowing private security guards to use weapons and guns.

According to the Constitution of RDTL, Article 146 lines 1 through 3, and Article 147 lines 1 through 3, civilians are not allowed to use weapons or guns. Only the institutions of F-FDTL and PNTL are able to use weapons in order to guarantee the sovereignty of this new country. Similarly, the National Defense Law in the Article 4 line 2 that says it is the military’s competency for the National Defense to carry weapons, so that F-FDTL can provide military defense to RDTL, in accordance with the terms of Article 146 of the Constitution.  This article also prohibits any paramilitary associations or any other groups to be armed with guns.

Fundasaun Mahein’s monitoring and research regarding security and defense sector issues in Timor-Leste, strongly condemns the proposal or suggestion from the UN apparatus that the government and the state of Timor-Leste allow civilians to use weapons and arms.

Fundasaun Mahein is in agreement with statements from the President of the Republic Jose Ramos Horta, Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao, Second Commander of F-FDTL Brigadier General Lere Anan Timor, and Secretary of the State for Defense Julio Tomas Pinto, who all disagree with the idea or proposal from the UN apparatus regarding civilians and weapons. FM is very happy with the statements from the leaders and FM suggests the government continue to debate in public about the issue of weapons, and asks the government to take away heavy guns such as rifles from PNTL, and have them only use pistols. Heavy guns must be used by F-FDTL only, and private security guards cannot be allowed to use guns.

FM recommends the government create an effective mechanism for managing the weapons of the institutions of F-FDTL and PNTL in order to prevent inappropriate use and violations of the law and order in Timor-Leste.

For more information on this issue, please contact

Nélson Belo

Director of Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

tlp :  +670 737 4222

MAHEIN NIA LIAN NO. 13: Komunikadu da Imprenza: Kna’ar Falintil – Forsa Defesa Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) iha Faze Ukun Rasik A’an husi 2002 – 2010.

Fundasaun Mahein 28 Outubru 2010

Iha Fundasaun Mahein nia Lian edisaun no. 13 fokus ba iha Forças Armadas da Libertação Nacional de Timor-Leste (FALINTIL) hatudu ona nia didikasaun no komitmentu durante okupasaun Indonezia ne’ebe sai hanesan mos fundasaun ida ba F-FDTL sai Defesa Nasional ne’ebe iha prinsipiu neutraliadade iha sistema politik demokrasia Timor-Leste ninia. Mesmu F-FDTL nia abut husi partidu Fretilin ne’ebe nudar organizasaun hahoris naran Falintil, maibe transformasaun Falintil ba F-FDTL tenki iha prinsipiu imparsialidade atu garantia independesia no submete lolos nia a’an ba regras no leis iha rai Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste. Timor-Leste tama faze foun ona ho sistema forsa defesa nasional nebe sei buka lolos koloka kna’ar forsa defesa ninia atu labele iha konflitus politika siguransa iha rai laran. Premeira ves iha Timor-Leste nia istoria akontese instituisaun siguransa nasional hanesan F-FDTL no Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) sai hanesan hun ba konflitu no instabilidade iha tinan 2006.

Timor-Leste parese hatene katak laos selebrasaun mak sai hanesan objetivu fundamental ida ba instituisaun militar para tinan-tinan selebra nia aniversariu, maibe instituisaun militar ne’e persiza hare fila fali katak iha ona tinan walu (8) nia laran sai hanesan instituisaun formal militar ida iha nasaun demokratiku, persiza komesa hametin fundasaun disiplina no profesionalismu militar ba membru sira, ho objetivu katak militar tenki ho mentalidade atu defende interese povu laos interese institusionalidade (institusionalismu). Kestaun ne’e bele hare klean liu, tamba instituisaun laos atu representa grupu ou instituisaun maibe tenki halo sira nia kna’ar tuir konstituisaun haruka, “servisu militar halo tuir lei haruka.” Bazeia legal ne’e importante tebes ba membru militar sira wainhira sira halao servisu militar ninia no nee mos bele prevene politiku nain sira atu intervene ba organizasaun militar ninia. Leitura ida nee tenta atu examina kna’ar Forsa Defesa Timor-Leste liu husi loron nia asume responsabilidade hanesan forsa defeza nasional Timor-Leste iha 20 Maiu 2002 to’o 2010.

Wainhira asembleia nasional aprova konstituisaun no Timor-oan sira ofisialmente deklara Timor-Leste sai rai ida soberanu iha loron 20 Maiu 2002, iha tempu hanesan F-FDTL mos sai formalmente representa militar nasaun ida. Iha kapasidade profesionalismu no fasilidade ne’ebe limitadu teb-tebes, Timor-Leste konsege hahu instituisaun militar ida ne’ebe ho fiar ida katak sei lori interese nasional liu sasan hotu-hotu no garantia soberanu Timor-Leste. Iha FM nia relatoriu ne’e deskobre katak “dezenvolve forsa ida atu proteze Timor-oan husi ameasa liur, tulun azensia guvernu sira no hari’i ami nia rai.” Boa vontade husi Timor-Leste atu hari’i instituisaun militar hetan reasaun positivu husi komunidade internasional liu husi asistensia nasaun bar-barak. Liu husi kanal bilaterais husi Portugal, Australia, Estadu Unidos, Cina, Malaizia noTailandia liu husi treinamentu rai laran no liur, fo ikipamentu, hari’i fasilidade no treinamentu kona ba ajuda logistiku ninia.

Iha FM nia relatoriu ne’e mos deklara katak politikamente to’o ohin loron strutura liders F-FDTL sei domina husi eis membrus Falintil sira i maioria sira hotu foin mak apariende no hetan treinamentu profesional militar iha tempu badak idepois Timor-Leste hetan independensia. Nee mos sai obstaklu ida ba mediu prazu ninia atu dezenvolve lolos instituisaun militar ida ho independente no profesional tamba sei defisil ituan atu haketak Falinitl no F-FDTL.  Rees ispilika katak, “momentu transformasaun F-FDTL hanesan halo lalais liu, ne’e duni defisil ituan haketak F-FDTL husi nia abut Falintil, atu haketak sira bele hamosu interpertasaun negativu no bele interperta sala ba nia future dirasaun.” Husi kestaun nee bele dehan katak F-FDTL sidauk halao nia funsaun totalmente hanesan instituisaun militar profesional tamba emosionalmente no pisikoloziamente membrus eis Falintil sei defisil adapta no koloka sira nia a’an ba regras instituisaun militar. Istoria Falintil bele influenza hahalok no politika F-FDTL ninia iha kualker tempu.

Iha relatoriu ne’e mos FM rekomenda ba estadu no guvernu Timor-Leste iha area balun hakas a’an ona atu dezenvolve ninia instituisaun forsa armada sai hanesan militar profesional nebe hakruk a’an ba povu nia interese, espesialmente sivil mak kontrola institusaun militar ninia (Military under civilian control). Kestaun nee bele aplika iha Timor-Leste wainhira elementus hotu-hotu iha vontade politika atu kaer metin prinsipiu militar iha rai demokratiku. Timor-Leste persiza kria kondisaun ida par povu mak bele halo kontrolizasaun ba kna’ar militar ninia, liu-liu sosidade sivil bele iha kapasidade atu bele halo kontribuisaun no dezenvolvimentu atu kontrola lalaok militar. “Iha rai ida demokratika, sosidade sivil tenki bele hanoin halo nusa bele fo apoiu ideas par bele kontrola milita. Konaba aspeitu ida ne’e, estadu no guvernu nebe kaer pasta politika forsa defesa nia persiza mos involve sosidade sivil atu bele hatene klean liu kona ba politika defesa nia. Ministeriu Defesa hanesan parte sivil halo dadauk politika defesa nia, purtantu Timor-Leste bele dehan sivil mos hola parte ba prosesu hari’i funsionamentu F-FDTL.” Prosesu ne’e bele interperta katak sivil komesa iha parte ida kontrola lalaok militar nia liu husi alokasaun orsamentu halo politika atu hari’i no hametin instituisaun militar tuir regras demokrasia Timor-Leste ninia.

Instituisaun militar persiza hadia mentalidade membrus sira husi veteranu resistensia ba militar profesional no hanoin nasional ba kontekstu standar internasional. Membru sira persiza hasae sira nia matenek liu husi trainamentu no haruka sira bele iskola tan iha universidade konaba assuntus lei nian, justisa, direitus, saude buat seluk-seluk tan. Unversidade sira rai laran no liur mos bele servisu hamutuk ho instituisaun militar bele iha intreasaun enter estudante sira atraves husi siminariu, estaziu, peskiza, despotu, servisu sosial ho parte seluk-seluk tan. Instituisaun militar persiza loke a’an ba publiku para simu kritikas, sugestaun no intereasaun direitamente entre povu ho membru militar sira, nune sira bele hatene no habesik a’an ba instituisaun nee, loke mos debates ou siminariu bar-barak konaba kna’ar F-FDTL iha rai ida demokratiku.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu.

Hetan relatoriu iha ne’e.

Nélson Belo,

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Tlp: +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, October  28,  2010

Press Release

Falintil-Forca Defensa Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) in the Era of Independence, 2002 to 2010.

In the 13th Mahein’s Voice (Mahein Nia Lian No. 13 in English) focuses to Forças Armadas da Libertação Nacional de Timor-Leste (FALINTIL) showed its dedication and commitment during the Indonesian occupation and became the foundation for F-FDTL, a national defense force that has the principle of neutrality within the democratic political system of Timor Leste. Although F-FDTL’s roots come from the FRETILIN party  the organization that produced the name FALINTIL- the transformation of FALINTIL to F-FDTL must have the principle of impartiality, in order to guarantee independence and truly submit itself to the regulations and laws of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste. Timor Leste has entered a new phase  that searches for the right place and function of the defense force so that there is no conflict of security policy  in the country. For the first time in the history of Timor Leste, national security institutions such as F-FDTL and Timor Leste National Police (PNTL) became a major source of conflict and instability in 2006.

Timor Leste surely knows that celebrating their aniversary every year is not the fundamental objective of the military, but that the military institution needs to focus on how during eight years of becoming a formal military institution in a democratic country, they have continued to strengthen the foundation of discipline and military professionalism of their members, with a purpose of creating a military with a mentality of defending the interests of the people, not the interest of the institution (Institutionalism). An institution should not represent groups or institutions, but do its duty as the constitution requires. “Military duty is to follow the order of the Constitution”. This legal basis is very important for military members when they carry out their military duties as this can prevent politicians from intervening with military organisations. This article attempts to examine the role of F-FDTL since the day it acquired responsiblity as Timor Leste’s national defense force from 20 May 2002 until the present.

When the National Assembly approved the constitution and the East Timorese declared Timor Leste a sovereign nation-state on 20 May 2002,  the  F-FDTL also formally became the military representative of this country. With a very limited professional capacity and a lack of facilities, Timor Leste managed to form a military institution with the belief of considering the national interest over other things and guaranteeing the sovereignity of Timor Leste. In FM’s report also found that, “develop a force to protect the people of Timor Leste from outside threat, help the governmental agencies, and build our country”. The goodwill of Timor Leste in forming a military institution recieved positive feedback from the international community through the assistace of many countries – bilateral agreements with Portugal, Australia, the United States, China, Malaysia, and Thailand regarding both in-country training and training abroad, providing equipment, building facilities, and training about logistic assistance

In FM’s report said that, politically, the leadership structure of F-FDTL to this date is still dominated by the ex-members of FALINTIL and a majority of them learned and received professional military training for only a very short time after Timor Leste gained its independence. This is an obstacle to really developing a military institution that is independent and professional because it is  diffcult to separate FALINTIL and F-FDTL. Edward Rees explains that “the moment of F-FDTL transformation was too soon so it is quite difficult to separate F-FDTL from its root FALINTIL because separating them could cause negative interpretation and wrong interpretation to its future direction.” From this case, it could be said that F-FDTL has not achieved its function completely as a professional military institution because emotionally and psycologically members of ex FALINTIL have difficulty adapting and putting themselves under the regulations of the military institution. The history of FALINTIL has the ability to influence the behavior and politics of F-FDTL at any time.

In the report FM also recommends that, the State or governent of Timor Leste has forced their army institution in some ways to become a more professional military that bows to the interest of the people, especially by putting the military under civilian control. This case will be fully applied in Timor Leste when all the members have the political willingness to hold the military to the principles of a democratic country. Timor Leste needs to create a condition where its’ people can control the military. Civil society can contribute to the development of military activities. “In a democratic country, civil society should be able to think about how to give supportive ideas to control the military. Along these lines, the government that makes defence force policy also needs to involve civil society more, in order for them to know more about defense policy.The Ministry of Defense, as well as civil society, is making defence policy. It could be said that civilians can also take part in the process of development of F-FDTL in Timor Leste. This process could be interpreted as civilians begining to control military activity through budget allocation to make policies that build and strenghten the military institution according to the regulations of democratic Timor Leste.

The military institution needs to improve the mentality of its members, moving from that ofa resistance organization to that of a professional military, who think in the context of international standards. They need to increase their knowledge through training and also attend university where they can study law, justice, rights, health and other things. Universities in this country and abroad can also work together with the military institution to have an interaction between students.  This could involve seminars, research, sports, social services, and other components. The military institution needs to be open when receiving public criticisms and suggestions, and increase their direct interactions with the people so that they know and get close to the institution. Open debates and seminars about the role of F-FDTL in a democratic country are also useful in helping the public understand what F-FDTL actually does.

For more informasaun on this issue, please contact

To download the report in english click here.

Nélson Belo,

Director of Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

tlp :  +670 737 4222

Komunikadu da Imprenza: Ro’o F-FDTL Jaco-Betano nia Manutensaun Laklaru

Fundasaun Mahein 14 Junhu 2010

Komunikadu da Imprenza

Ro’o F-FDTL Jaco-Betano nia Manutensaun Laklaru

Iha loron 11 Junhu 2010, sai hanesan loron historiku ida ba Timor-Leste, komesa kapasita  F-FDTL Naval nian tamba  governu entrega ro’o patrulia rua nebe sosa husi Republika Popular Xina. Iha okasiaun ida ne’e FM hakarak hato’o parabens ba  F-FDTL korpu Naval  tamba iha ona ro’o patrolia rua para atu kontrola, area tasi nian, atu mantein dignidade no garantia zona ekonomia eksluzivu.

Iha cerimonia entrega ro’o rua neba, Prezidente da Republika Jose Ramor Horta deklara lolos katak manutensaun ba ro’o ne’e mos tama iha pakote ida. Maibe prezidente la esplika katak manutensaun nebe tama iha pakote ida nebe Governu Xina sei ofrese ne’e duransaun ba tinan hira.

FM nia preokupasaun konaba orsanmentu $ 29 miloens nebe sosa ro’o Jaco-Betano ne’e inklui ba pakote ida nebe Prezidente refere ne’e ka iha pakote ketak laiha esplikasaun klaru. FM mos hakarak hatene karik 29 milioens latama iha manutensaun ba ro’o Jaco-Betano, entaun governu sei foti osan tan hodi aloka ba manutensaun Jaco-Betano

FM nia prekupasaun seluk maka, kona ba kilat nebe tau iha ro’o Jaco-Betano nia leten nebe kompostu husi kilat boot 4 ba ro’o ida-ida ne’e katak laos ona ro’o patrolia nian, maibe bele kategoria ba ro’o funu nian ona. Kategoria ba ro’o funu katak sei kria tensaun siguransa iha regional  ho nasaun vizinus Indonezia ho Australia.

FM nia prekupasaun seluk tan, se laiha orsamentu ida ke klaru ba manutensaun ba ro ahi rua ne’e, karik governu iha ona planu atu foti fali orsamentu programa seluk, e  ida ne’e maka akontese, entaun iha possibilidade ba Governu  atu  abandona area importante seluk hanesan edukasaun, saude e agrikultura nebe maka ita konsidera nudar parte desemvolvimentu umanu.

Bazea ba prekupasaun hirak iha leten, FM rekomenda ba Ministeriu Defeza ho Seguransa atu bele esplika ho transparante kona ba orsamentu ba manutensaun nian kada tinan ho valor hira.

Premeiru Ministru nebe maka kaer pasta mos nudar Ministru Defeza ho Seguransa Xanana Gusmão iha nia deskursu esplika katak rasaun atu hola ro’o rua ne’e atu evita ema liur la bele naok tan ona  riku soin Timor nian nebe maka lakon desde tinan 2008.

FM rekomenda katak Ministerio Defeza ho Seguransa atu bele fo atensaun ba forsa (PNTL ho F-FDTL) nia progreso hanesan aranja meios servisu nian para sira bele fornese siguransa no mantain lei ho ordem ho diak no profesional

FM rekomenda atu Governo Timor Leste haforsa tan relasaun bilaterais ho nasaun vizinus sira (Australia ho Indonezia) para atu hare hamutuk kestaun seguransa iha tasi laran.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu

Nélson Belo, Direktor

Fundasaun Mahein , tlp +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein 14 June 2010

Press Release

Maintenance not clear for F-FDTL Patrol Boats Jaco and Betano

The 11th of June, 2010, was another historic day for Timor-Leste as 2 patrol boats purchased from the Peoples Republic of China were handed over signalling the beginning of capacity building for the F-FDTL Navy.  Fundasaun would like to congratulate the F-FDTL Navy as these boats will be patrolling the waters of Timor-Leste maintaining the dignity of the nation and guranteeing the exclusive economic zone of the country.

During the handover ceremony, President Jose Ramos-Horta stated that the maintenance for these boats would be carried out by the China as part of a package deal.  However, the President did not explain how long the duration of the previously mentioned maintenance service will be for.

FM is interested to know whether the maintenance for the boats Jaco and Betano is included in the $29 million budget, as the statement from the President was not clear on this issue. If the $29 million already allocated does not cover the maintenance, FM wants to know from which part of the government budget the money to pay for the maintennace of the Navy boats will come from.

Another issue FM is worried about is the existence of 4 heavy machine guns on each patrol boat, making these quite well armed warships compared to simple patrol boats.  If they are categorized as warships, then this may create regional security tension with the neighboring countries of Indonesia and Australia.

FM is also worried that if the government has not allocated enough funding for the maintenance, then money will have to be taken from other programs, causing them to abandon important areas such as education, health care, agriculture and other investemnets in human development.

Based on the worries mentioned above, FM would like to recommend to the Minister of Defense and Security that he clarify how much the government will be spending each year for the maintenance of the patrol boats.

FM reccomends to the Minister of Defense and Security to give close attention to the progression of the PNTL and F-FDTL institutions, and provide them with the essential services needed, to increase their professionalism and human development capacity so they can contribute positively to the stability of the country and uphold law and order.  Good salaries, health care, and quality training are all neccesary to maintain the professionalism of PNTL and F-FDTL.

FM further reccomends that the Government of Timor-Leste strengthen their bilateral relationships with their neighbors, especially Indonesia and Australia, to work together to help gurantee maritime security in the region.

For further information please contact

Nélson Belo, Director of Fundasaun Mahein

tlp +670 737 4222

MAHEIN NIA LIAN No. 6: Komunikadu da Imprenza, Grupu ho Kilat Ilegal iha Timor Leste (Tetun)

Fundasaun Mahein 7 Junhu 2010

Komunikadu da Imprenza

Grupu ho Kilat Ilegal iha Timor Leste

Fundasaun Mahein hanesan ONG nasional nebe halo monitorizasaun, peskiza ho advokasia ba seitor siguransa iha Timor Leste.

Iha fulan ne’e Fundasaun Mahein (FM), hasai relatoriu ida ba publiku ho nia titlu: “Kilat Ilegal ho Grupu Ilegal iha Timor Leste” relatoriu ne’e foka ba akontesementu Ninja, Grupu Ilegal ho Kilat Ilegal husi fulan Fevereiru 2010 to mai operasasaun PNTL iha distritu Bobonaro ho Suai. Iha relatoriu ida ne’e ami inklui mos rumores nebe despalha iha komunidade katak grupu illegal tiru malun ho COE (Comando Operasaun Especial) iha loron 16 Maiu 2010, iha distriu Ermera.

Hanesan ita hotu hatene katak Grupu illegal ho kilat laos buat ida ke foun iha historia Timor-Leste nian. Komesa iha 1975 wainhira Portugez husik hela Timor-Lesta, depois mai fali iha tempu okupasaun militar Indonezia to’o eventu konsulta popular iha 1999. Ikus liu maka krize politika-militar iha 2006. Eventu nebe maka akontese iha Ermera foin dadaun, hanesan kontinuasaun deit husi krize nebe maka akontese tiha ona iha pasadu.

Iha relatoriu ne’e mos FM fo sai katak isu grupu ho kilat ilegal ne’e laos issue bain-bain. Bazea ba dadus nebe maka FM kolekta, FM konklui katak iha duni problema instabilidade ida ke seriu iha rai laran. Maibe to’o oras ne’e dadaun seidauk iha instituisaun governu ida maka fo deklarasaun klaru kona ba grupu ne’e kompostu husi se se no kilat hira maka sira sei iha. Depois de Timor-Leste ukun rasik a’an instituisaun sira ne’e mos seidauk halo esforsu hodi halo rekolha kilat nebe sei namkari iha rai laran.

FM mos fo rekomendasaun balun, mak hanesan, husu  Ministru Defeza e Siguransa atu halo audit kilat iha armajem PNTL ho F-FDTL nian kada tinan tinan liu husi Parlementu Nasional Komisaun B konaba kilat hira mak sei lakon e hira mak iha armajem.

FM rekomenda katak preciza kria sistema informasaun ida ke integradu atu halo ko’ordinasaun ida ke  diak entre membrus PNTL iha distritu tomak, Quartel Geral PNTL iha Dili no Servisu Nasional da Inteligensia (SNI). Koordenasaun mos importante para PNTL atu hasai apelu ruma ba publiku tenke bazea ba dadus konkreta iha tereinu no realidade nebe akontese para atu la bele kria paniku iha povu nia le’et.

FM mos rekomenda katak iha futuru governu tenke fo atensaun makas ba PNTL ba Unidade Polisia Komunitaria atu bele halo sira nia dever no hakbesik liu tan ba komunidade atu bele atende sira nia kazu hodi prevene violensia.

FM mos rekomenda katak iha operasaun saida deit PNTL tenki respeita propriedade komunidade nian, komesa husi ai horis to’o animal[1] nebe maka komunidade sira hakiak.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu Nélson Belo, Direktor Fundasaun Mahein, Atu hetan relatoriu Fundasaun Mahein Nia Lian ne bele asesu husi Web: ou tlp ba : +670 737 4222

Bele hetan relatorio iha ne’e.

Fundasaun Mahein 7 June 2010

Press Release

Illegal group and illegal weapons in Timor Leste

Fundasaun Mahein is a national NGO whose purpose is to monitor, conduct research, and advocate policy options for the Timorese security sector. This month Fundasaun Mahein (FM), is going to release a report to the public with the title: “Illegal weapons and illegal groups in Timor Leste.” This report will focus on Ninja activities, and the Illegal groups and illegal weapons incident which occurred during February 2010, up to the recent PNTL operations in the districts of Bobonaro and Suai.  This report will also talk about the escalation of rumors that were spread in the community about a confrontation and shootout between an illegal group and the COE (Especial Command Operation) of PNTL on May 16, 2010 in the district of Ermera.

We all know that illegal groups and illegal weapons are not new in the history of Timor Leste.  Many such groups and weapons are left over from when the Portuguese departed in 1975, with the proliferation continuing all throughout the Indonesian military occupation which lasted up to the time of the referendum in 1999.  During the political-military crisis of 2006 we saw again the deployment of illegal weapons to civilians.  We consider the recent Ermera situation, as a sad continuation of the past.

Based on the facts that Fundasaun Mahein has collected, we can conclude that there are serious problems of instability in the nation.  But, at the current time there are no relevant government institutions that have formally declared who belongs to these groups and how many weapons they possess.  After Timor Leste achieved independence, these institutions of government did not make much effort to collect all the illegal weapons still scattered around the country.

FM recommends to both Ministers of Defense and Security for them to order an annual audit of the weapons in the armories of both PNTL and F-FDTL.  This audit should be carried out through the National Parliament Commission B and should include a list of the missing weapons and the existing inventory of weapons in both armories.

Fundasaun Mahein also acknowledges that there is a need for more adequate communication among the security institutions, and recomends the establishment of an intergrated system of sharing information which enables better coordination between PNTL members in the districts, PNTL Headquaters in Dili, and the National Intelligence Service (SNI). This type of coordination is important so that when an annoucement is made by PNTL to the public, it has already been shared with and vetted by other relevant  security institutions, and is based on concrete data, so there is no confusion, and we avoid the possibility of a public panic.

Fundasun Mahein recommends that in the future the Government must give their full attention to PNTL, especialy PNTL’s Community Police Unit and make sure they comply with their duties and establish close links with the community in order to attend to their issues and prevent future conflicts.

FM also highly recommends that in their every day operations, PNTL show full respect to the private property of individuals in the community, including plantations and gardens to pet animals and livestock for which people are the owners and caretakers.

For further information regarding this report, please contact

Nelson Belo, Director, Fundasaun Mahein ,

tlp +670 737 4222

Download the English version here.

F-FDTL would be deployed along TL-Indonesian borders

F-FDTL would be deployed along TL-Indonesian borders.

MAHEIN NIA LIAN No. 4, 22 Oktober 2009. “Perbatasan dan Keamanan Nasional di Timor-Leste”.

Fundasuan Mahein hakarak atu fo hatene katak ami nia “Mahein Nia Lian” No 4 “Perbatasan dan Keamanan Nasional di Timor-Leste” sei pronto ona.

Atu download click iha ne’e.


Sosiedade Sivil no Transformasaun Sektor Seguranza

Sosiedade Sivil no Transformasaun Sektor Seguranza iha Timor-Leste
English version below



Fundasaun Mahein “FM” (Dili, Timor-Leste), no apoio husi International Security Sector Advisory Team “ISSAT” (Geneva, Switzerland), sei loke Kolokiu Transformasaun Sektor Seguranza nian ba Sosiedade Sivil iha loron 13-15 Oktobru 2009.  Mais ou menus 16 ONG no organisasaun midia seluk tan sei tuir kololkiu ida ne’e.

FM iha misaun atu ajuda hodi aumenta lejitimidade no kapasidade sektór seguransa Timor nian liu husi pasrtisipasaun sidadaun nian iha dezenvolvimentu ba lejizlasaun, polítika no prosedimentu sira ne’ebé relevante. FM aktividade nian halo monitorisasaun, peskiza, no advokasia kona ba sektor seguranza.

Kolokiu ida ne’e hetan suporta husi Governu Irlandia no Norway.  FM sei hetan suporta  ba aktividade ba tinan rua husi Governu Australia, AusAID, iha tempu besik.

Atu hetan informasaun kle’an liu tan haruka email ba direktor.mahein[at[ (


Civil Society and Security Sector Transformation in Timor-Leste.


Fundasaun Mahein “FM” (Dili, Timor-Leste), supported by the International Security Sector Advisory Team “ISSAT” (Geneva, Switzerland), will host a training workshop for Civil Society on Security Sector Transformation between 13-15 October 2009.  Approximately 16 national NGOs and other organisations will attend.

FM’s mission is to assist in increasing the legitimacy and capacity of the Timorese security sector through citizen participation in the development of relevant legislation, policies and procedures. FM’s activities include monitoring, research and advocacy regarding the security sector.

The workshop is funded by the Governments of Ireland and Norway.  FM is expected to receive a sizeable contribution to conduct activities for two years from the Australian Government, AusAID, in one month.

For more information email direktor.mahein[at] (